Add your one buff for a lower tier item/addon/killer that will make it usefull/them useful.

Doing this to get the devs attention of much wanted additions to the game/things that would make killers/survivors with their addons and items much more playable, in the form of small numbers and/or tweaks for the most part. Not wishing to talk nerfs at all. just purely buffs to the game. Could be perks, but im wanting to mostly focus on addons, items and killers.

As an example.

Add an extra carryable trap at base without giving or taking additional traps from the trapper. With the new reset traps change that is coming to base, this will allow him greater manuverability with his traps and is a much asked for change.

Wraith being competely hidden outside of 32m whilst in stealth similar to freddy. Seeing him coming as a shimmer outside of this distance really hinders his playstyle and can alert you to him even on large open maps where he's supposed to shine within his stealth. Could even tie an addon to this, making him invisible outside of 32m when out of stealth as well. giving his "break"/"vault" addons the ability to persist out of stealth for a few secs would also be amazing.

Huntress being given 1% movement speed for every lack of hatchet under 5. This will take her up to 115% movement speed if she's out of hatchets, and allow her to not be forced to abandon chase if she runs out midchase allowing her to greater keep pressure on survivors

Could add more lower tier versiosn of items to survivors. Not really interested in bogging up bloodwebs, but its odd how theres not a brown/yellow/purple map, or a brown/yellow key. Could be made functionally different or identical, but the map and the key are two items that don't follow the item/addon standard of having two iri, 4-5 rare, 5 green etc etc, and i feel Items should be made with a similar approach to killer addons.

Adding a base firecraker of some kind with some addons. Perhaps allow those addons to allow it to be thrown similar to diversion or maybe even aimed.

I want to hear your guys buffs for things across the game. Not aiming for anything op, just things to cover weaknesses and to allow greater playability and diversity for both sides.


  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    For Deathslinger, make it so that a survivor blocking the chain doesn't make the chain break faster. You can still body block, but at least Deathslinger will have a chance to still get a hit. Also making the chain a bit stronger would be nice, or hell, just make him 115%.

    For Clown, make the reload gradual. Instead of one 5 second reload, make it so that you get 1 bottle per second. Also, up the base bottle count to 5, and get rid of the ridiculous slowdown he gets when he throws a bottle.

    I really like the idea of your Wraith and Huntress changes. Doesn't seem like it would make them OP, and would even help Huntress with pressure on larger maps, making the choice to have no hatchets for more map pressure.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I wouldn't really call this is a massive buff but it's something that bothers me. Sick survivors should spread the sickness regardless if they are broken or not. Currently if your not broken the sickness isn't spread between interactables or other survivors. This forces you to break survivors in order to spread the sickness which early game can maybe take sometime.

    Also if a survivor is in a locker and you vomit on it then any survivor in it should become immediately sick. Ino they become sick after leaving the locker but I don't think it is very fair.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244


    An Ultra-Rare add-on: All 10 traps are placed in random locations across the map at the start of the match.


    An Ultra-Rare add-on: When blinking, you lose your red stain and the particle effect (The stream particle when blinking).


    An Ultra-Rare add-on: When cloaking/uncloaking, you lose the "wooshing" sound effect.


    An Ultra-Rare add-on: The Huntress now has the ability to throw 2 hatchets at a time. (Press secondary button to add/remove a hatchet)

    An Ultra-Rare add-on: The Huntress is now the only person to hear her humming.

    The Pig:

    An Ultra-Rare add-on: The Pig's Dash range is doubled, she also can cancel this ability at will. (Press secondary power button)

    Tell me what you think. Too overpowered/underpowered?

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    Huntress hatchets should be hit scan.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Increase the movement speed of all killers.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    The Clown should have a tier system for survivors, similar to Doc's, the survivors can actually get intoxicated/drunk. For example, Level 1: Has a chance for the action button to be nullified. Level 2: Survivors have a chance to stumble. Level 3: Survivors controls are reversed. Intoxication decreases over 2 minutes.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Longer interupt and a bit more blurred vision sounds fair tbh.

    Honestly 115% speed sounds completely fair imo, and breaking the chain slower with a survivor does, though i feel completely negating it is a bit too much. expecially since the killers still dragging the second survivor towards himself, so thats technically two survivors in very close proximity, but so long as he gets the hit on one of them i say its fair!

    Tbh i agree. passive sickness should happpen before fully sick, mostly because it gives a free potential period of time before their even sick which is odd. The locker thing i don't feel is to huge a deal though, as your likely to either pull them out, or leave them to dstrike which will break them anyways.

    Wraith already has that as an addon.. one to negate the bell and one to negate the red light, and both fully make him silent with only the woosh, remaining by which point your already attacking the survivor so no real point. All other addons seem quite op, with a few of these killers already having ultra rares. Fun ideas but not really the point of the post, since it was more about leveling out lower tier items/killers and pushing them into a better position :P

    Lies. blashphemy. traitor!!!!

    Why and how? please do explain. as a movement speed buff to all killers would make looping very easy, and kind of break the game without massive changes to other things.

    This.... genuinely sounds like a beyond fun idea!!!! reversed controls seem like a bit much, but at the same time, it would make him incredibly good in chase. paired with the blurred vision etc would be fun if a lil unfair feeling. Would need to be heavily moderated changtes, and the action nullified what exactly do you mean by that? totally agree with the tier up system for intoxication though. would lead to him having a form of map pressure due to intoxicated survivors having a tougher time on gens etc.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Plague gets a 4 meter reduced TR per survivor fully infected and broken.

    Makes ignoring her sickness more dangerous without adding "non fun" mechanics like gen slow down.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Would make for a good change... 4 per survivor might be a bit much as a 16m terror radius where everyone is instadown would force people to cleanse, and then having essentially limitless corrupt purge is also a problem.. Maybe 2m per survivor or make it a 8m but only affect said survivor? (ie infected survivors have a 24m terror radius they can hear, which can be reduced by monitor and abuse etc.) Not knocking the idea though! its a very fun, powerful change, that would act as a minor buff to the plague. hell i already run tinkerer on plague to rid me of my terror radius and sneak on people unsuspectingly.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That change would work as well.

    I don't particularly see more Corrupt Purge as a bad idea because I also want almost all her addons that improve her Corrupt Purge changed to adding sicknesses (status effects) to being fully infected. This puts a hard cap on her Corrupt Purge so it can't be made any better as we already think it's quite strong and shifts more of that power into her Vile Purge to change game play up in how you play or what perks you run depending which sickness addons you are using. IE like one that gives Blindness, Hemorrhage, Exhausted etc. There would be grey, yellow, green and purple ones depending which status effect as some are clearly much better than others.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Give keys a base function without addons, like maps. Nothing big, maybe like teammate's auras within a 12-20 meter range, and then maybe the skeleton key doing everything like the rainbow map. Also add a purple map like how the keys have one for consistency.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    For example, you press the button to hit a skillcheck. This effect would nullify that action once. It applies the same with vaulting, throwing down pallets, and even running.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Besides, the Ultra-Rare add-ons are supposed to be pretty powerful, and creative, the Hag's might be a little too powerful.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Fix dedicated servers:

    -Huntress can't throw hatchets through everything

    -M1s will always connect properly

    -Won't get randomly stuck in animations for 30s+ anymore

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Torn Bookmark: Remove the drawback.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2020

    Want to preface this with a nerf actually... Keys no longer instantly open the hatch. Instead the survivor must channel an action for 8 seconds (like doing a totem). Now the buff... Broken Key can open the hatch if you are the last survivor.

    Killer perk buff.. killers no longer disturb crows when using Spies From The Shadows.

    Survivor perk buff... sabotaging a hook within 16m of the killer when they are carrying a survivor will count for Mettle Of Man stacks.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
    edited March 2020

    Clown can pour a second chemical on generators, using 1 Afterpiece Tonic. This is a chemical that reacts violently to minor slip ups or work on the generator.

    If the Survivors make a good skill while the chemical is poured on the generator, the generator will burst into flames, granting the Clown a notification and preventing the survivors from interacting with it for five seconds.

    If the Survivors make a great skill check while the chemical is active on the generator, the generator will remain untouched but will keep the status until a good or missed skill check is made.

    If the Survivors miss a skill check, the generator will burst into flames, preventing them from interacting with it for ten seconds with flames spewing out of it, and increasing its regression by an additional 5% alongside the standard miss check penalty.

    This grants the Clown some much-needed gen pressure that he simply doesn't have.

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    Plague should see the aura of infected objects, such as gens or bones

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Clown, his bottles by default apply the exhausted effect for 10 seconds.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Trapper now starts with all traps.

    oh look, a much more viable killer! :o

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Blindness: In addition to its already-existing effects, it now also removes all HUD elements.

    (All Survivor Health icons, the Generator counter, all Status Effects, all Auras, your Perks, your Item, your remaining Item charges, Add-ons on your Item, interaction prompts, and others i can't think of right now.)

  • ImmersedPootisBird
    ImmersedPootisBird Member Posts: 30

    One of the huntress ultra rares you mentioned here reminded me of an ultra rare I thought of with very similar effects. It was called the old antler, and it gave the huntress an obsession, preventing all but the huntress and the obsession from hearing the lullaby, and giving the obsession oblivious.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Sounds fun!

    And now trapper just keeps placing traps at every loop he encounters a survivor in, or still wasting time just doing it at random unexpected loops. needs more changes then just this ':) not saying its a bad change but it goes against how he's meant to be played, and doesn't fix his actual issues haha.

    So long as it doesn't interfere with perks and suddenly reveal survivors doing those objects i am ALL ABSOLUTELY FOR THIS CHANGE GIVE THIS GUY A MEDAL.

    I'm also down for this!

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Give Bubba a run button but make his m1 only break and injure.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    For Leatherface, when revving his chainsaw, he no longer slows down as much, when revving he moves at 105% speed, and when fully charged he moves at 100% speed, also his chainsaw swings are faster (current yellow addon by default)

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    I'll cheat w/ three changes for Ghostie:

    • the range of which downed and hooked survivors can reveal Ghostie is reduced by 50%
    • hitting survivors who aren't fully marked reduces it's progression partially
    • reduced Night Shroud Recharge by 10 seconds


    • allow Blinks to recharge while charging


    • can grab traps from lockers (in turn max amount of traps increased to 10)

    Small Game:

    • remove cooldown (essentially, make it Spill Chill for totems)
  • Skybox
    Skybox Member Posts: 11


    Demo: Rat liver -> Base,

    Wraith: Yellow windstorm -> Base

    Bubba: Chainsaw acceleration increased

    Trapper: 1 extra trap in hand at the beginning of a trial


    No Mither: It takes 3 hooks to kill you. Easier to down, harder to kill off

    Mindbreaker: Works at any gen progression and the exhaustion lasts for 8 seconds at least.

    Cruel Limits: Instead, all remaining generators are blocked for 20-30 seconds. (Blocked gens cant regress, as normal)

    Surge: Works on ANY down, grab, chainsaw, shred, anything. No cooldown.

    Predator: Within 5 meters, survivors who are not moving are highlighted by killer instinct, even in lockers. (Bye bye blendettes)

    Zanshin tactics / Dance with me: No cooldown.

    Steve's perks are so wonky Idek how I would buff them at all.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Vigo's Shroud:

    You spawn as far away as possible from the killer. The generator's aura nearest to you is obscured from the killer until the killer discovers the generator.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    That sound pretty fun, and it also follows up on his lore, I did here someone make a suggestion where he works similar to doctor, both sound really good. Either way he needs a rework so he can add more map pressure

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    @Peanits hey Peanits I think you should here what these guys are offering

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    I agree with the second two changes for ghosty, but the first one seems a bit much and could make it incredibly easy to camp (which is something the devs don't want, nor do i)

    Blink recharge whilst charging? Depends. if it occurs after the first blink then yes, but if the first blink is consumed, and then is already recharging when you first charge your blink, and then put on recharge addons that could effectively give you a third blink which im not ok with haha.

    I agree with all those killer changes - except wraith should be green windstorm ;) and bubba should be speed not acceleration (as he accelerates near instantly anyways)

    I'd be ok with that no mither change if it didn't already give you infinite pickups on your own. 3 hooks to kill would make it beyond meta imo but it deffinately deserves something in a similar vein. something to balance its survivablity.

    Unsure of the cruel limits change, but i do think a perk like that would be very nice. Not sure if 20-30s is op tho, as thats with every gen buying you atleast 80/120 full seconds of time where gens aren't being done. But deffinately a good idea.

    I think you mixed up dance with me and windows of opportunity, as windows is the survivor zanshins. Dance with me is no scratch marks out of a vault which if with no cooldown would be MEGA OP :P

    Honestly this is a golden change! exactly the kind of thing i wanted.