This game is turning unplayable for console on Both sides.


I am not a Killer main, I play both sides survivor and Killer, Honestly as a Solo Player, because I like to play alone mostly. I can see how Higher ranks are mostly SWF which already is a disadvantage against killers. Don't change perks that already were doing fine on BOTH SIDES. Stop trying to "balance" the game when honestly it's going to survivors side mostly. There are minimal Killers and Survivors that play the game with skills, most are playing the game trolling, exploiting and making the game unbearable for many players. Sometimes you have to wait more than 20 minutes to play survivor, now Killer you play fast, because not many people want to play Killer and when they do they just quit and stop playing the game, check the forums, read the comments of many Killer mains giving up on the game. But survivors keep growing because it's fun to troll Killers and troll with game mechanics that give a lot of advantage to survivors. I have been playing since Legion Chapter came out, It was my first chapter and I loved the game, slowly I kept seeing people DC, Bad manners, Exploits and more on both sides Killing my love for the game And I know a lot of players are feeling the same. We say we quit and we come back thinking it would change but no it keeps getting worse and worse. I know it's all about sales, money and revenue at the end not about opinions but damn... Also I know my opinion doesn't matter but I do love the game a lot and I wish it would be playable on both sides and seeing the reports on exploits, trolling and more REALLY WORK.

Survivors we hate Facecamping and tunneling, well if Killers keep getting trolled on and destroyed how do you think they will play? Already biased towards regular good sport players.

Killers if you are playing against a good sport team of survivors don't facecamp don't exploit and play the game how it should be.

Also the damn match making... How in hell are you putting Yellow, Green, Purple ranks with red ranks? The truth Killers are not playing enough to get a lot of options for RANK 1, I know this doesn't happen often on PC but on consoles it's painful on both sides.

If you wanted to focus on PC just let the game be on PC don't bring the game also to consoles just to milk money of it and leave it to it's luck. I play on PC and Consoles and Honestly PC quality on players is on a whole other level. But on consoles it's just trolls all the time and long wait times for a match.

This game started with a great idea 4 survivors with no communication only skills/perks against One Killer with his perks and strategy. We can't say the same now, now it's only cries for nerfs, buffs, Trolls, Exploits and money milking...

I am really sad that my love for the game is dying as I know many are feeling the same, and because of this toxic community they don't dare to say it.

As i read in a comment remember the game is played against humans not OP Bots on both sides...

P.S. I post this respectfully and with no hate against no one just a sincere opinion about the game that I love and slowly see it dying for good sport players and nice people of the community...

Have a great day everyone!🤨