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What's the devs' official stance on GeForce NOW?

I know you "can" play DBD through it, but are you allowed to do so without repercussions? Will I risk a ban if I choose to play it through GFN or is it 100% fine?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    I don't see why not, Geforce doesn't really add anything that would give you an advantage anyways... maybe some lighting and graphical enhancement I guess?

    I personally don't know, and I haven't see anything from BHVR saying it's allowed or not, but from an outside perspective I don't see why you wouldn't be able to play through it?

  • ViciousRaptor
    ViciousRaptor Member Posts: 18

    I know a few developers have had their games pulled off the GFN platform as they were not even aware it was the case. On top of that, some might consider playing through it some form of proxying, hence my concerns about the whole thing

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I'm not entirely aware of what proxying is, but as said before it hasn't really been brought up as something that's ok or not in any dev stream that I'VE seen, so that's why it's not really known as far as i'm concerned.

    It's also a really rare question, since I rarely see anyone really talking about playing through GFN on DBD, but I also haven't seen anything about it being "not ok" to the devs either so...?

    I don't see WHY it wouldn't be ok either, as the option itself isn't really adding or taking away anything from a major stand-point... so it's an unknown answer that only a Mod or Dev can give you.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @FireHazard The absolute biggest impact Nvidia's GForce filters can have on a game like Dead by Daylight is they can make the game brighter. Here is a screenshot from a test I did ages ago on "How bright can I make DBD with Gforce?"

    Don't play with this though, does a number on the eyes.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's not anything drastic though, you can easily change the lighting on your monitor from just the settings alone.

    When i'm talking BIG impact, I mean something that could give you a big advantage in-game. While yes, this is somewhat of an advantage... it isn't really anything that's noteworthy or bannable, since anyone can change their brightness settings.

    Gforce doesn't really offer anything game breaking anyways. I mean, why would it? It's just to enhance your graphics, maybe stabilize from frame-rate, etc. I'm not entirely vested in Nvidia Gforces settings, but I don't see any signs to this being an issue. If it was an issue, it would've been mentioned on the Game Rules page.