A more groovy Legion Rework. Or slap it on a new killer and call it a day.

Rather than having an active ability I thought the legions power should be more, human focused, passive, less punishing to both himself, and the survivors. His power will make use of in game mechanics, namely Bloodlust, it will be as follows:
New Base stats:
115% | 4.6 m/s
Alternate Terror Radius
12 Metres
Terror Radius
32 metres base
Feral Frenzy is no longer an active ability, but a passive one that activates while gaining Bloodlust in a chase
Outside of a chase The legions terror radius is reduced to 12 meters and The Red Stain is removed, otherwise it is 32 metres, Add Ons can modify this further, Perks can stack with these Add Ons.
During a chase The Legion gains Bloodlust considerably faster than other killers, Bloodlust activates Feral Frenzy
During Feral Frenzy The Legion can: Vault Pallets, but not break them.
The Legion vaults both Pallets and Windows at increased speed (0.9 seconds).
Survivors' Scratch Marks are hidden from The Legion's view while in Bloodlust.
Power Gauge: The Legions Power gauge is replaced by a Bloodlust Timer, gaining Bloodlust much faster than other killers at:
I 5 seconds +0.3
II 10 seconds +0.6
III 20 seconds +1.2
The Legion Does Not lose Bloodlust when performing the following interactions:
Hitting a Survivor.
Breaking a Pallet.
The Legion loses all Bloodlust when performing the following interactions:
Being stunned by a Pallet.
Missing a basic attack.
Add Ons!
Starting with Ultra Rare!:
Iridescent Button: A glass-like button moulded from The Fog that captures The Legion's likeness. The surface is warm and reverberating with The Entity's power.
During Feral Frenzy:
The Legion's Terror Radius affects the entire Map.
Any Pallets you vault are immediately broken.
This effect lasts until Bloodlust is removed.
"The youth consumed by the iridescent glass magnifies and widens the reach of The Entity." Not much to change really, fun Add On.
Fuming Mix Tape: Dark beats, violent shreds and unfathomable vocals from another world fill the mind with a vibrating sixth sense.
While in Bloodlust, the Repair Progression of Generators can be determined by the intensity of their Auras. Not too useful, but can help in location still.
Very Rare Add Ons!:
Cold Dirt: A handful of dirt collected from the janitor's final resting place. It is unnaturally cold.
Slightly decreases time required to gain of Bloodlust. By like, 1 second, so 4, 8, and 16 respectively, very good shiet. May or may not stack.
Filthy Blade: This blade is stained with foul spots of blood and grime that make injuries particularly difficult to mend.
Hitting a survivor while in Bloodlust Tier 3 applies Deep Wounds Status Effect. Gotta keep the Deep Wounds somehow amiright?
Frank's Mix Tape:Never go on a kill mission without your tunes. A track list of massive distortions and loud percussion that stabs at your eardrums.
While not in a chase Killer Instinct reveals injured survivors locations within a 24 metre range. "Killer Man" - Elite Tauren Chieftan.
Stab Wounds Study: A printed medical article stolen from Ormond's public library, vulgarising a study on lesions and stab wounds.
Hits during Bloodlust tier 3 apply Broken Status Effect for 60 seconds. "Groovy" - Frank's Dad probably
Rare Add Ons!:
Joey's Mix Tape: A mix of bangin' tracks and slammin' beats for chillaxin' when life's a #########.
Considerably decreases Terror Radius while not in a chase, and moderately increases Terror Radius while in a chase. Like... 4 metres. Stacks.
Nasty Blade: This blade is stained with unsanitary spots of grime that make injuries particularly difficult to mend.
Survivors hit while in Bloodlust Tier 2 suffer considerably from Mangled Status Effect until fully healed.
Stolen Sketch Book: A sketch book with imaginative and evocative, if not slightly bizarre sketches.
Moderately increases Bloodlust duration after leaving chase. Like... 3 seconds...
The Legion Pin: A handmade button with the face of The Legion. To use exclusively on intimidation dares.
Survivors that enter Lockers have their location revealed by Killer Instinct until they leave the locker.
Uncommon Add Ons!:
Defaced Smiley Pin: A once friendly looking, bright yellow button of a defaced smiley. A signature icon of The Legion.
Survivors hit while in Feral Frenzy reveal their auras when healing within a 28 metre range for 60 seconds. "I would see you smile again" - Théoden, King of Rohan.
Etched Ruler: A wooden ruler deeply etched with the names of enemies.
Allows The Legion to see Scratchmarks while in Feral Frenzy, The Legion cannot go past Bloodlust Tier 1.
Julie's Mix Tape: A dark and depressing mix tape made out from mainly power ballads and gloomy melodies.
Slightly increase Bloodlust duration after leaving chase. 1.5 seconds...
Mural Sketch: A rough sketch of The Legion mural torn from a notebook.
Considerably increase Terror Radius while in chase. Do with that what you will.
Never-Sleep Pills: Highly caffeinated tablets to make you extra sharp for exams or draining activities.
Slightly reduce time required to gain Bloodlust, slightly increase Feral Frenzy movement speed bonus. Cannot Tier past Bloodlust 1
Common Add Ons!:
Friendship Bracelet: A wide grey and red braided rope bracelet. The inscription "F. J. S. J." can be seen, crudely written in bold black ink.
Slightly reduces Terror Radius outside of a chase, slightly increases Terror Radius while in a chase. 2 metres. Stacks.
Mischief List: A list of mischievous missions to accomplish, memento of brighter days.
Moderately increases Terror Radius outside of a chase, Considerably increases Terror Radius while in a chase. Stacks.
Scratched Ruler: A wooden ruler deeply scratched with hash marks.
The Legion can see the auras of survivors who search chests within a 32 metre range. The Legion cannot go past Bloodlust Tier 1. "Kek!" - Dat Boi.
Smiley Face Pin: A friendly looking, bright yellow button used as a sarcastic statement.
Slightly decreases time required to break pallets during Feral Frenzy in Bloodlust Tier 2. "What can men do against such reckless hate?" - Théoden, King of Rohan.
Blood lust is too finicky to tie to a power
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I think it would be a groovy way to integrate Bloodlust into the game a bit more, simple and ez me thinks, gain bloodlust, and Legion can do the thing, but without all the constant mending funky weirdness. The reduced Terror Radius and lack of Redstain outside a chase would help in the early game, set up those spooks namsaiyan. Kinda like using dark devotion on him, I've only seen 2 Legions with it, but when they come up with no Terror Radius they look like a survivor at first, super fun to go against in that way. The lack of an actual active ability, and the use of Bloodlust in this particular way would give an edge to what is at the end of the day, just an m1 killer.
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That doesn’t change that blood lust doesn’t really work right now
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No discussion? Thought? Straight up no? Even if Bloodlust wasn't bugged and non consistent?
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Unfortunately, the devs keep saying they want to remove bloodlust entirely, so tying a power to it seems pretty unlikely.
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I have discussed this issue many times and I am tired of discussing it. Legion is not strong and is one of the easiest killers to defeat, this much!
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Blood lust is a dated band aid mechanic used to fix literal infinites.
The game should move away from blood lust as a mechanic, not towards it.
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Bloodlust rewards the killer for spending too long in a chase.
But it rewards them too little too late. That's why Beast of Prey is such a bad perk.
A killer entirely centralized around Bloodlust? That still sounds so low tier, I would almost call it a nerf. It relies on factors outside the player's control. That's the opposite of what you want for a playable character.
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With current Bloodlust maybe, but then again, theres also no reason why a survivor, or a loop for that matter, should be strong enough to make a chase last so long in the first place. Then again with the change he'd only need chase for 5 seconds to gain most benefits, most chases last about 30 seconds.
Maybe if we made Legion walk at survivor speed 56.5% with no terror radius, crouch like one with ctrl, sprint like one with the feral frenzy and gaining a terror radius while doing so, or in chase, lets say sprinting at 105%, Tier 1 Myers speed, while keeping the ability to vault windows and pallets, he could be strong, and scary. Now that I think about it, that sounds way better. I like it more actually. Legion would also get the ability to T-bag, That'd put em in Pig and Ghost Face Tier.