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Dear surviving Mainobjective rushers, NOED is absl. fine. Here is the reason why ! thx @Not_Queen

Member Posts: 1,415


this is the perfect answer: thank you Queen

"As it was mentioned in the thread by different people, NOED isn't rewarding poor gameplay from Killers:

  • Killer has to play the trial with only 3 perks before the doors are activated.
  • The perk can be fully deactivated by survivors
  • If the killer has no luck in hooking many survivors before the doors are activated, then the survivors should have been able to cleanse totems without feeling pressure, thus, not giving the NOED edge to the killer. It's on them if it activates.
  • If survivors allow the killer to get a 4K with NOED in the end game, I would argue that survivors made mistakes during their end game plays or didn't prepare for the potential NOED activation.

Finally, if you don't want to play NOED, it's your prerogative. In my opinion, building a build that is strong in end game isn't rewarding failure, it is using perks for their intended purposes. The purpose of NOED is to give a killer a burst of strength in end game. Since it's effectively strong, survivors have the power to deactivate it, if they focus secondary objectives.

The killer players choosing to play NOED are banking on a burst of strength at the end for the downside of playing with 3 perks the rest of the game and having a chance to have their perk deactivated. It's a high risk, high reward scenario."

Do bones.

;or like i say: DEAL WITH IT !



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  • Member Posts: 1,415

    yes because, NotQueen bring it on the point and im tired to read everytime the noed complain treads

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Why did you use a bad perk as an example?

    You can literally just say DS or BT and have your comparison.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    Needs to justify to themselves how and why they use NOED.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    They aren’t justifying themselves, they’re using a BHVR reply to do it. If you wish to disregard this that’s fine BUT then no more quoting BHVR posts that support your side either.

    So run either a map or Detective Hunch and make sure you keep track of how many are left? Bonus, those are both useful even if the killer isn’t running NOED so you don’t have to worry you’re using a perk to counter something that may not be there.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    for me Noed is a must have atm. its 50/50

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Its only a crutch if the survivors handicap themselves by not doing bones. 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    Or, as it was plainly stated. It's fine. It's an endgame build. Maybe people apply pressure early game and get one or two easy hooks PLANNING for the endgame.

    Just because you think killers should go tryhard from the start and after 5 gens give up, doesnt make it the only way to play.

    Dont run BBQ. Dont run enduring or franklins or bamboozle. They all inhibit your ability to improve by handing you aura reading, less stuns, less items, and short loops. All things that you should just git gud at. Right?

    See why the "NoED is a crutch it makes you worse" sounds stupid? Because EVERY perk does that. They pick up slack in areas you're not good at. That's the ######### point.

    Unless you want everyone to go perkless.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    None of what I say implies any of that but alright. The lack of effort or control is the problem with the perk, but you can go ahead and interpret my comment as killers should give up once the endgame starts I suppose. lmao

  • Member Posts: 78

    every second chance perk survivors have are crutches and i bet you use multiple of them.

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    Did I say just killers? No I took what you said and responded.

    "You'll inhibit your ability to improve by using it" was a pretty clear statement.

    Considering noed is an endgame perk, and you aay mistakes early cost the game, it sounds like you very kuch believe the game is over when the gens are.

    Endgame strats work.

    You dont "lean on endgame after making mistakes" if you're planning on an endgame build from the beginning.

    Also, since you really want to paint that killer vs survivor #########, survivors perks do the same thing.

    Adrenaline, sprint burts, dead hard, lithe all help in chases when you may have failed.

    DS when you fail to not get caught.

    BT when you fail to make a safe unhook.

    Alert when you fail to gather information about the killer.

    And it goes on and on. Because as I said, which you COMPLETELY IGNORED (likely because it throws off your whole 'you dont get better if you use noed') was that ALL PERKS are designed to either slightly change mechanics (self care, deliverance, etc) or help you in areas where you could do the same thing without a perk.

    So by your argument of "using it inhibits your improvement" applies to 90% of perks in game. Not just noed.

    But feel free to ignore my main point, again, and try to start the side vs side ######### w me even though I play both. 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    I would definitely put NOED in the crutch perk category. But, to be fair I don't see problems with it. It is entirely counter able.

  • Member Posts: 227

    No complaints here. In my opinion, it's better to have the one shot down at the end of the game, rather than at the beginning. That's what I really hate. Being downed instantly at the start of the game.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    It's okay to play with a crutch perk. You gotta do what you gotta do.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t have an issue with need.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited March 2020

    "NOED doesn't reward killers for playing poorly, it rewards killers for survivors laziness."

    The hard Facts:

    There are 5 totems in each map, and each totem takes 12 seconds to cleanse making the total cleansing time for 1 survivor 60 seconds of the match. What's more, the totems reward 1k-1.5k in BP for cleansing, the majority of maps make their whereabouts easy to spot, survivors have multiple perks and tools that will reveal totem locations/incentivize them to cleanse totems, and there are 4 survivors that can cleanse a totem at any given time making the hunt for totems much less time consuming than the max possible 60 seconds.

    So with all of this working against NOED, why does it ever get a chance to activate in so many games that survivor mains come to the forums almost daily to blast the devs with complaints about it?

    Answer: Survivors are too lazy to be bothered with "Doing Bones."

    They'd rather focus on the core objective instead of taking a few seconds off of it to prevent a killers perk that has the potential to wipe them all out in the last 2 minutes of the game. It's so easy to prevent, and yet its still public enemy No.1 to all survivors because of how effective it is when it gets to activate, and in truth, if it activates they only have themselves to blame. The average Trial lasts for 10 mins, and they can't afford to spend 12-24 seconds each to ensure a stronger chance of escaping? I'm not really sorry to say this but, survivors... you reap what you sow. The only time NOED was Ever a "Crutch" was when it wasn't a Hex Perk and thus uncounterable at all back in 2016-mid 2017.

    So Survivors, Please stop coming to the forums all butt-hurt and demanding nerfs to NOED because you and your team were just too damn lazy.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Not counting killers who camp since the start of the match (which in my experience are the main users of NOED), in which case there's no time to cleanse totems.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Its a crutch, saying otherwise is objectively wrong, comparing BT or DS to Noed is also incorrect as both are designed against tunneling and camping. As to "just do bones 4head" i never said anything about not doing them. I play both sides at red and never have needed Noed to compensate for anything.

    also its interesting how quick killers are to defend Noed yet cry out for changes to evil survivor perks like BT, DS etc. but if I'm on the other side im an "entitled lazy survivor main" kinda interesting to see.

    *a perk that activates at the endgame and is used to make up for a killer who didn't stop gen progress*

    *a perk that activates because a survivor was camped/tunneled*


  • Member Posts: 949

    I don't think you of all people should be criticizing someone else's experience. After all the killer nerfs and complaints you make.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes, NOED is fine, and so is "genrushing". Are there still survivors that complain about this? If so, you can ignore them, just like everyone can ignore every killer that thinks, genrushing is toxic.

  • Member Posts: 351

    From where I stand noed gets used to make sure that if a couple survivors last long enough to get the last gen done then they get to join their dead friends.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    Noed, DS and so on .... an endless discuss i think.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    It still CAN reward you for literally afk’ing.

    Nobody is saying that there is no counter just that it can directly reward killers for literally doing nothing. You don’t even have to hook anyone or pressure a gen to get it to proc.

  • Member Posts: 198

    If the killer is afk'ing, you have time to do totems.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    The only change I want to NOED is a renaming to NOEFRED when equipped by FREDDY.

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    Not gonna lie, I am going to go back to find Not_Queens response just so I can screenshot it and paste it in every "Nerf NOED" thread. Myself would rather the dev's work on balancing broken over powered aspects of the game, not focus on nerfing weak - useless perks that only work against the most unskilled survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Worst "arguments" in a long time and absolutely nothing that justify the arguments given since ages.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    arguments there and there, opinions there and there. Its an endless discuss. Fact is DO BONES and if not deal with Noed. Simply

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    The statement "If the killer has no luck in hooking many survivors before the doors are activated" refutes the assumption that ""NOED isn't rewarding for bad gameplay".

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    So are half a dozen survivor perks. Its just amusing one side gets the complaints more for the perks. Every few days it's either a DS or NoeD thread.

  • Member Posts: 1,241
    edited April 2020

    NOED always was an indicator that the killer is bad. Or...the killer "has no luck". Lol. What a joke.

    Imagine going into the game knowing that you're going to loose and hoping for extra speed and one shot down because you're bad. Pathetic mentality.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Yeah and noed picks up the area the killer is not good at.

    It's called the whole game!

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Exactly my friend. Her own post screams killer is playing poorly.

    Just have to Hope there was some totem hidden so well the survivors didn't find it, and maybe I can get a kill!

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Well, the perks you talked about are trash and need buffs.

  • Member Posts: 94

    I think y'all are just brain dead by repeating topics a million times. Accept the perks that the survivors and killers have and STFU

  • Member Posts: 476

    NOED's been in the game since launch. No one really gives a damn about it anymore. It's what it is. I hate facing NOED when I play survivor. Makes the end game pretty snoozer. But I don't rage about it either. Killer mains and Survivor mains can agree about one thing. If you use NOED then you're not very good at playing killer and need a perk to save you all of the time. No one's going to respect you. So if you're okay with that then run it. No one cares.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    Y'all should start bringing maps

    It's so funny to see the killer DC when they hit someone and notice NOED isn't active :)

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    You know what...if it is a crutch perk....who cares?

    Are people on either side honestly going to say they don't go out into their games with perks that are going to help them?

    I really, really don't get this fascination of picking apart every aspect of this game because it happens to give an advantage to the opposite side. Honestly this game has become less about playing the actual gameplay and more about playing whack-a-mole with the other sides perks, trying to see who can get what nerfed if they complain about it long enough.

    "Noed gives killers a one shot they don't deserve nerf it!"

    "DS gives invisibility(?) nerf it!"

    "Infectious fright is unfair!"

    "Ubreakable is unfair!"

    Just play the damn game, these things are counterable. They might be hard to counter but that's the damn point! The game isn't here for players to try and cater it around themselves. I don't deny there might be some things for the devs to look at, but every cry for a nerf that i see, rarely comes with a fair and balanced alternative, it's always "I don't like it, so make it better for me!"

    The state of the game and the community right now, is such that I have to come onto the forums to make sure that things like We'll make it, or Kindred aren't up on the chopping board next because people have suddenly decided it's their turn to be called 'unfair'.

    Perks give advantages, that is their purpose. Every perk has a counter, whether it is to your liking or not, NOED has a counter, even AFTER it is activated. Don't want to get punished by it at endgame. Leave the gates, find the totem and then you stand a better part. NOED has only ever been a crutch perk if people let it. If you are last left alive and you get hit with NOED, that sucks, been there before. But if NOED activates when there are still 4 of you up.....well the killer can't run in 3-4 opposite directions. Find the damn totem. And before the age old argument of "But some totems are hard to find", there are literally perks and item for it. And to those who say "Why should I waste a perk/item slot?" don't you just don't get to whine because you didn't want to use it.

    End of rant, flame away if you must but I'll stick to my opinion. People need to play the game and stop looking for ways to cater the other sides mechanics/perks/addons/items, to their own liking.

  • Member Posts: 1,415

    well, i dont care what any wannable pro streamer say or other. Fact is Noed is absl. fine and not a overpowered perk. I can´t understand why people complain about a Totemperk like this. We have Myers e3, Billys Chainsaw, Ghostface one hit, clownonehit, huntress onehit, Bubbas Chainsaw and many like this. THE SURVIVOR ARE to LAZY to clear Totems !

  • Member Posts: 597

    So is Ds, Borrowed Time, Adrenline, Balanced landing, Old Ruin, Pop. At tut his point devs should remove perks in general so people stop crying about nerf this perk.

  • Member Posts: 287

    This is just common can’t trick us main objective rushers into thinking rationally. NoED punishes me for holding down M1 all game like a pro thus it’s OP and takes no skill plz nerf.

  • Member Posts: 704

    no offense but noed is nowhere near as a crutch perk as survivor ds,dead hard,borrowed time unbreakable

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