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General Discussions

Dear surviving Mainobjective rushers, NOED is absl. fine. Here is the reason why ! thx @Not_Queen



  • Member Posts: 1,415

    you can say what you want dude but all i see the last times are Noed complain Treads. This Perk is fine and i told you Survivors are to lazy to do bones. If you want to do brainless genrush do it np, but then dont complain about a totemperk like this. This is absl. absurd

  • Member Posts: 287

    I hope you’re joking and didn’t got baited on that Lmao.

  • Member Posts: 3,014
    • If the killer has no luck in hooking many survivors before the doors are activated, then the survivors should have been able to cleanse totems without feeling pressure, thus, not giving the NOED edge to the killer. It's on them if it activates.
    • If survivors allow the killer to get a 4K with NOED in the end game, I would argue that survivors made mistakes during their end game plays or didn't prepare for the potential NOED activation.

    This argument fails because if the killer camps one survivor, it creates pressure on the others to do generators, because if they don't -- they turn a 4v1 game into a 3v1 game. They can get one hook, do nothing else, and then survivors have to do gens immediately if they want to get out. They can't stop and do totems, because as soon as they do it's giving the killer free time to camp. And survivors can play very well, but ultimately they still have to open the exit gates. Of which there are only two, and often very close together. Meaning the killer can easily guard both of them before survivors can get them open. The game is literally designed to make sure the killer will eventually catch up to the survivor. NoED rewards lazy play. If the Devs don't understand that, it's really no wonder why the game is in the state its in.

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