Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Mori change suggestions

Ebony - be able to kill all survivors when they have been hooked twice. During their 2nd phase, they cannot give up (they don't get sacrificed if they don't struggle. If they don't struggle, no BP, they cannot be saved, and struggle bar does goes down faster too). When their 2nd phase has ended, sacrifice does not happen. When they're in their 3rd phase, the killer is able to unhook survivors. Perks like DS do not activate with this action because the survivor isn't being rescued. If the last survivor in the match has not been hooked, they get exposed and be able to mori them.

Ivory and yellow - similar to the above except be able to kill 1 survivor, as their respective conditions.

The focus of this is so that killers would be able to get more BP in chase and sacrifice categories, and experience for survivors to do gens and/or chase. Also for dailies or archive challenges, guaranteed kills instead of suicide (when the survivor doesn't even try and don't want to get mori'd, so they leave the match as soon as possible without the disconnect penalty).


  • Member Posts: 634

    This is feels unnecessarily convoluted, and by the sounds of it, really bad, if not completely and utterly pointless

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