Match crash with new killer (Deathslinger)

MikeyHog Member Posts: 1

I was being chased by the Deathslinger, and he shot me from the hill obstacle while I was on the ground. Very soon after, the match ended and it was shown he disconnected. I asked him afterwards and he claims he didn't DC. Could the disconnect be from the Deathslinger shooting someone from a different elevation?

(I play on xbox)

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Need more info · Last Updated

Thanks for your report, if your game crashed please make sure to get your logs. What are the steps? 1. When you crash/hang/disconnect close the game (do not re-open your game) 2. (here it explains how to get your logs) Thanks!


  • Emhyr
    Emhyr Member Posts: 72

    It's crashing on every killer, even if i play survivor i ahve this bug 1/2 games