Sole Survivor not gaining any tokens

PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

I know it's been already reported for many times but im not sure if it gets acknowledged with the new bug report system.


If a teammate dies while you have the perk "Sole Survivor" equipped, you dont get any tokens.


When a teammate dies you don't get any tokens for your perk "Soul Survivor". I can't tell if it's a visual bug or if the perk isn't working at all.

Occurs in both public and private matches.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Equip Sole Survivor
  2. Sole Survivor doesn't gain any tokens when a teammate dies.

Occurs on:

PC, but i have seen many playersl from console reporting this in generaly discussions too.

8 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated

This issue has been reproduced - the perk does not show that it is working, but it is working functionally (The killer does not see survivor auras, and the distance at which the killer does not see survivor aura increases with each dead survivor).


  • Frency
    Frency Member Posts: 6

    There's also the following issue:


    "Sole Survivor" doesn't turn on when the Killer tries to read my aura.


    The perk "Sole Survivor" doesn't turn on when the Killer tries to read my aura and the conditions are met for "Sole Survivor" to trigger. I know he can't see me but I do not know when he tries to look at me or not, because the icon doesn't turn on.

    Occurs in public matches. No infos on private ones because I don't play them.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1)Equip the perk "Sole Survivor" and "Object of Obsession".

    2)Let all your team mates die, so to trigger "Sole Survivor"'s max activation distance.

    3)Let the Killer look at you OUTSIDE his / her / its terror radius.

    4)"Object of Obsession" will turn on, but "Sole Survivor" won't.

    Occurs on:


    Consoles: I do not know because I play on PC only.

  • Frency
    Frency Member Posts: 6

    About adding a video of the issue occurring: unfortunately, I personally cannot record a video. I hope the others will be able to.

    I just want to share a personal thought, for what's worth...

    With all due respect, I think we users are already doing you a favour by looking and reporting personally the bugs and issue this game (unfortunately, but understandably) has. Technically it's up to the developer team to look into these bugs and fix them. Now, I can understand a bug can be unseen for any possible reason, because even the best companies can't detect immediately a bug (even if they fix almost them all). Now, if I, by scrupulously following the guidelines you gave us, report a bug and I even tell you how to reproduce it, forgive my frankness, why couldn't you just enter the game, test it, aknowledge it and fix it? All it takes is creating a private lobby and repeating the steps I listed. Is there a reason that explains why you can't do that? I cannot record and I don't even have friends to test this with. Couldn't you test it? It literally would take five minutes, if not less. I truly don't understand. So, basically, if nobody posts a video of this event occurring, you're not even going to check it? I hope not. I truly don't know what to say.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61
    edited April 2020

    Litterally ^ Yeah, if this ######### isn't hard to fix, get off your lazy goddamn asses and ######### fix it already

  • Frency
    Frency Member Posts: 6

    The issue has been solved. Thank you.