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Unused Power Files

I was going through the game files, and I found this. Anybody know what it could be for?


Best Answer


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    The Teacher was supposed to launch as the first DLC Killer in Dead by Daylight, but the Devs ended up choosing the Nurse and abandoned the idea.

    His power would have been called Detention, and one of his perks Underperform. His release would have also contained a new item called Trapple. None of the effects of the power, perk and item are known to date.

    The Icons for the three aforementioned things can still be found in the game files along with some unused Add-ons.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    It's an interesting concept from before DBD got all it's DLC licensed and non-licensed Killers, makes you wonder what it would be like if they went through with "The Teacher" idea....

    Maybe we'll see it used elsewhere in the future, but now it's just an age old memory.