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Survivors Have No Grunting Audio Effect When Injured

Williamz Member Posts: 143


The survivor has no grunting audio effect when injured. No perks related.


When the survivor is injured they give off no sound cue of them being injured.

It is unnecessary to know if the survivor has the perk "Iron Will" equipped as you will see in the video evidence that I have "Stridor" equipped which should increase the volume back up to 50% from 0%. Yet still unable to hear survivors in the video evidence.

If you are not familiar with the Perk "Iron Will" it reduces 100% volume to injured sounds."Stridor" Increases the sound of injured survivors by 50% and breathing sound to 25%. It should now become 50% injured volume but nothing can be heard in the video evidence.

Regardless of these perks I have still seen a scenario of a survivor (Dwight) against Demogorgon where he has no "Iron Will" and has become completely silent while injured. So it is not a bug related to these perks. The bug is somewhere in the default audio settings.

The bug has happened to Dwight, Meg and Claudette. The original Legacy characters could possibly all have this issue. Further investigation may be needed.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Install and launch build 3.5.0. (currently unknown in 3.6.0)

Please refer to the high quality video evidence of this bug. There are three scenarios in which this happens.

Please equip yourself with adequate headphones for optimal debugging. :)

Occurs on:

All platforms


YouTube video of experiencing the issue.


16 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • Williamz
    Williamz Member Posts: 143

    Is possible for a dev to comment on this post? It's been a little while now and I'm wondering the current status of this as this bug is still present in the game.

  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17

    I see that this Bug has been "Acknowledged" but I would just like to add to it. This has been driving me crazy for months now and today has finally pushed me over the edge with 3 back to back games having all 4 survivors affected by this bug; I even fully restarted my PS4 after each game in an attempt to fix it before I played again! As Williamz asked above, I too would love to see a comment on this. Even if it's just a "hey, we're aware of it and trying to fix it. Please be patient." type of thing. I normally only experience this bug on 1-2 survivors every game or every other game but all 4 of them for 3 games in a row was a first.


    The survivor has no grunting audio effect when injured in full health state, injured, or dying state. No perks related on either side.


    When the survivor simply exists in the game they give off no sound cue of even being in the same plane of existence game.

    This is happening to me with Trapper, Wraith, HIllbilly, Nurse, Hag, Doctor, Huntress, Clown and Spirit. It is most easily noticed on Spirit.

    In the 3 games that just finally drove me to create an account to add to this post I was running Stridor in only 1 of my builds; I played Hillbilly, Hag and then Spirit finally with Stridor. Not any one of the 12 survivors in those games were running any of the following perks: Balanced Landing, Calm Spirit, Iron Will, No Mither, Off the Record, Pharmacy, Quick & Quiet, Red Herring, or Technician. PRO TIP: These are the only survivor perks that have any influence on audio in any way shape or form and Red Herring probably doesn't belong but I included it on my list anyway.

    I wrote down the survivors from each game and their perks. ALL of these survivors were silent from the beginning of the game: 2x Dwights, 1x Meg, 2x Claudettes, 2x Neas, 1x Bill, 1x Feng, 1x Yui, 1x Jeff, and 1x Quentin. None of them wore Legacy Cosmetics because I'm on PS4 but some of them were prestige. I will list all of their perks as well if that information is requested but since they were using none of the above listed ones I don't think that information should be necessary.

    I did not experience any lag during any of the 3 matches if that matters. None of the survivors were lagging either... at least for the survivors I messaged and that messaged me back (7 out of 12).

    One survivor disconnected for some unknown reason in the 2nd game.

    These are the maps that were played on: Red Forest - Mother's Dwelling, Gideon Meat Plant - The Game, Grave of Glenvale - Dead Dawg Saloon.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Install and launch build 3.6.2 on PS4

    2. Create a lobby as any of the above listed killers (or probably any killer but I can't test them all)

    2a. Time of day was around late afternoon (MST)

    3. Proceed to any map and locate any Survivor

    4. Be disappointed that once again the Survivor is not making any sound

    4a. Put Survivor into Injured State with Basic Attack & then be disappointed that once again they make no sound

    4b. Put Survivor fully into dying state with Basic Attack and well... you get the idea

    Special note: It actually doesn't matter if you change the survivor's health state with a Basic Attack or an Ability from what I've been experiencing.

    5. Question your reality and wonder if this is happening for a reason

    Occurs on:

    PS4 as far as I am aware (I don't play DbD on the other platforms)


    The video evidence posted above is identical to my problem except it happens regardless of survivor health state for me. I'm afraid if I were to start recording and uploading all the instances of this happening to me I would have a YouTube video longer than Titanic anyways.


    This has been going on most notably since January for me. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling DbD. I have tried a new PS4. I have tried an older PS4. I have tried a PS4 Pro. I have tried various settings both on the PS4 and in DbD such as the headphones option on/off. I have tried my wireless headset, my surround speakers, earbuds plugged into my controller. I have tried playing DbD with an alternate account to see if t was strictly tied to my main account. I have full on tried playing DbD in a different house with a different internet provider in a different city on a different PS4 with a friends account. Again, I know this bug has been "Acknowledged" so my post here is probably just a huge waste of time but this bug has been so unbelievably frustrating and today was just too much.

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    This bug appeared in September last year, with the release of the Demo. How long can developers not fix bugs with sound? This is ridiculous. The same bug when the survivors on earth do not make a sound. It ruined my games many many times. I saw a lot of posts about this problem, but developers still do not fix bugs that directly affect the gameplay and destroy it.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Because this is not the basement bug or the DS bug.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Just to add on to this issue (which is still ongoing as of today), earlier I had a related but opposite bug: I was playing Kate, got healed by a survivor, and then proceeded to heal them. However the entire time I was healing them Kate was whimpering and crying like she was still injured. I’d been fully healed and the portrait on the bottom left had changed so it was definitely bugged somehow. Once I finished healing them it went away.

    I’ve also noticed that survivors cry like they’re injured while waking each other up from Freddy’s dream state, even if they’re full health. Not sure if this is related or a separate issue.

  • Washu_YouAreAGenius
    Washu_YouAreAGenius Member Posts: 17

    Finally got a chance to play some Dead by Daylight and did some survivor and killer games.

    This bug is still going on and is painfully noticeable on Spirit.

    I just want to add: There doesn't seem to be any trigger that I can find which applies this bug to a survivor. I recorded 8 of my killer matches and played them back to try to figure out this puzzle. Over half of the survivors I encountered gave off absolutely no sounds of breathing in all 8 games regardless of what perks I was using or they were using... I decided to ask some players to help me in a Kill Your Friends game to test this nonsense and it happened there as well.

    Steps to Reproduce (part 2, from just me anyway):

    1. Install and launch build 3.7.2 (0.1.0 patches since I last reported on this) on PS4

    2. Create a lobby as Spirit, Clown, Shape, or Trapper (all I could convince randoms to help me test)

    2a. Time of day was around late evening (MST)

    ((NOTE)) This was done in Kill Your Friends -- No Perks were used on Killer or any Survivor

    [Survivors tested]: Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Nea, Ace, Bill, Feng, David, Kate, Jane and Zarina

    [Survivors affected]: Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Ace, Bill, Feng, Jane, Zarina IN JUST 4 GAMES OF TESTING WITH KYF!!!

    3. Proceed to any map and locate any Survivor

    4. Be disappointed that once again the Survivor is not making any sound

    4a. Put Survivor into Injured State with Basic Attack & then be disappointed that once again they make no sound

    4b. Put Survivor fully into dying state with Basic Attack and well... you get the idea but just to be clear --> be infuriated that the DYING STATE survivor makes absolutely no sound whatsoever

    ((NOTE)) It still doesn't matter whether the killer uses their Power or a Basic Attack (lunge or no lunge) and I mean come on... They don't make any sound when you first encounter them! The killer doesn't even need to interact with the survivor for them to be dead silent.

    Fun bonus: I convinced one of the survivors I asked to help me test this to do one last KYF with just them and myself except they were the killer (Trapper) and I was the survivor (Jane). They also experienced this bug and were beyond flabbergasted that I was 100% serious when I told them I couldn't hear most survivors. Both myself and the player that helped me had heard that Jane is supposed to be one of the loudest survivors in the game and regardless of health state he couldn't hear my PERK-LESS Jane.

    Fix identified: I finally found a fix for this problem for anyone encountering it on any platform! Go to Options, Settings, Audio, Adjust Main Volume to 0%, Adjust Menu Music to 0%, Ignore the Headphones check box, Save and close your Options Menu. Find some way to play some music that you enjoy any way you can while you play Dead by Daylight. /sarcasm but solid suggestion just the same

  • Williamz
    Williamz Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2020

    I do agree that over the past couple of months it actually effects more than just the legacy characters now. I've had this happen to many characters. This is for sure a strange bug. I'd legit be interested what caused it just out of curiosity.