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How would you feel about Springtrap in DBD?

Semimatic Member Posts: 162
edited March 2020 in Ask the Community

I made a reddit post analyzing if Springtrap is a possible, licensed killer approved by the community. I came to the conclusion that he is if he is executed well after seeing decent character concepts with widely positive response if he was added.

So, first read the entire post and answer this question: How would you feel if Springtrap was added to DBD? Under what conditions would you be fine with it? Do you feel like Springtrap could make a gruesome, generally scary killer?

Here is a full concept I made of him awhile back as well:

It received loads of positive attention on the Subreddit and is linked to in the post if you want to check out people's responses.


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited March 2020


    The write up for this concept was good, I liked the presentation and overall ideas that were brought to the table. You did a good job with what you were given, and that's something to be proud of.

    But here's my opinion on why I'm not into a fnaf chapter

    As the title suggests, I can't get behind anything Fnaf related for several reasons. I know it's just my personal opinion on the matter, which might not matter of anyone who's REALLY into the idea of having a Fnaf chapter.

    The general concept of the story itself isn't really scary to me, personally, it's mostly sad than scary when I went back to review it. I could just be desensitized to the horror Fnaf brings, but I never really thought it was scary in the first place either, it was just a neat concept when it first came out and than slowly started to target more towards a T for Teen category.

    I'm not saying that the game is for babies, but I just don't personally find the idea of animatronics to be scary and/or disturbing. They mostly come off to me as weird looking, and that's about it. The story itself is sad since to follows... well... the story it follows, which is all i'll say, but i'm not really focusing on the story itself, more-so the horror aspect the game gives off.

    My main issue with the games is that I don't find jumpscares to be inherently scary at the core of it all. It's in my opinion the laziest way to get a reaction out a view/player. They're easily produced and used constantly, and that's something I just don't find scary in-general. The idea of a animatronic in real life or a corpse piloting a battered suit might be scary to some people, but to me personally it isn't at all.

    my problem with the main power itself

    It's a good focus on what Fnaf is about, but the power itself is... odd. The idea of the "Petrified State" is a good take on what Fnaf's main "scare factor" follows, but I don't see why that would petrify characters that have been playing against the biggest horror icons to date

    Characters like Dwight, Claudette, Jake, Meg, etc have been facing against mass murders, dream demons, disfigured creators, grotesque monsters, and other such things for literally years. While the power itself is a good take on the overall concept that Fnaf follows, it just doesn't come off to me as something that would petrify these characters that have seen it all.

    Why would a corpse in a suit scare someone like Claudette who's faced against literal cannibals, murderers, demons, and monsters... the power isn't the issue, it's just the overall concept of being petrified all of a sudden that is. I just don't see why these characters would be scared of something that's... arguably tame to someone like Michael Myers, The Hag (who eats people), or The Demogorgon.

    also, about the Survivor themselves

    The Survivor, at least from what I've "seen", hasn't shown their face ever... so... I doubt a faceless Survivor would make it in the roster. A Survivor needs a face, they can't just be a concept that just exists for the sake of relativity and symmetry to past Chapters. GhostFace still doesn't have a Survivor with their chapter, so why does Fnaf need one?


    I'm not bashing on the community that Fnaf has, the overall concept, or just in-general what Fnaf is. I just personally don't think it's scary at all, and it's something that I personally wouldn't be into if DBD released it.

    The only thing I know about Fnaf is the first two games when Fnaf wasn't targeted to a T for Teen audience, and some story that suddenly makes it way into my recommendations on youtube over the years. That's it, I don't play any of the other games, I never played the 2nd game (just saw a video or two and than moved on), and i'm not a supporter for the genre or the game in-general.

    While the overall power concept, perks, and other such things follow well with what the game is about... I just can't get behind it still, even if it was written up so well as shown above. I guess you could say that i'm not into Fnaf, maybe because of my age or because I've seen a lot worse, but at the end of the day it's my opinion on the subject, whether others agree or not is up to them.

    Also, I might not know 100% or even 50% of the story, I probably only know the basic concept from and outside view, but I don't think it's changed from it's overall theme that much. You can of course correct me if i'm wrong, but I still don't think my opinion would change if I knew EVERYTHING.


    Fnaf isn't scary to me personally, so I can't really get behind anything Fnaf related as a result.

    That isn't to say the write up or the concept you gave was terrible, it was actually pretty well made! The power you suggested and the overall perks fit well with what Fnafs "Scare factor" is about. I just don't find jumpscares or the story about Fnaf to be scary or disturbing, it's mostly sad than scary to me personally.

    I'm also not a supporter for the game and don't know 100% or even 50% of the story, I'm just going off of the basics and past experience with the first game when it was a huge trend at the time. With all that being said, and my personal feelings about the game itself, the overall presentation was still pretty well made for what you were given. My opinion isn't saying that the concept of a Fnaf chapter is bad, it's just my personal view on how I would react to it.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    When I saw the title I thought you actually meant a spring trap. I instantly imagined a survivor being ragdolled to the other side of the map lol.

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162


    Sadly the concept shown is severely outdated. I'm suggesting FNaF now rather than in the past due to the much mature tone and increase of quality the games have. Thanks for the feedback though, means a ton!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't personally know if the current Fnaf is more mature or not, for all I know it could follow the same story or general concept that... the story is about. Unless you told me the entire new story or whatever Fnaf follows currently, than my opinion will still stay the same. Even if you did that, it might stay the same anyways, Idk.

    All I know is, i'm just not into what Fnaf offers.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    N O.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,056

    I'd actually be down for Springtrap as a potential killer. I even had my own version, calling him "The Mascot" and having a power revolve around sticking large mascot heads on survivors similar to the Pig's reverse bear traps.

    Who the survivor would be isn't too impossible. In the lore it's implied that almost all the faceless main characters are, in fact, Michael Afton, the son of the man in the Springtrap suit, on a crusade to end his father's madness. So right there you've got your Survivor.

    The biggest downside, to me, is the difference in tone. Five Nights at Freddy's is centered around jump scares and, certain builds aside, that's not really how Dead by Daylight operates. That's why another idea I'd had for a power was something involving the lockers. Though I do like the idea of incorporating the animatronics' jump scare scream into the power.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640


    This is like bringing slenderman into the game

    It's a boring game with a gif of a robot going your direction and a loud noise

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited March 2020

    I guess that's one way to look at it.

    Personally, I think there's a reason why other horror games are not IN DBD as a DLC. This could stem from licensing issues and other such reasons. While i'm not behind the idea of a Fnaf chapter at all, I can still give the concept a read and see how they did on it. It gives people constructive feedback, even if they're not behind it.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I like the idea of bringing him in, he could easily fit within the realm and undead are not a new phenomena here, the only thing I'd be reserved about is that people would be extra toxic about this. A power that stuns the killer if they miss is a bit too weak. Nurse doesn't suffer from that drawback just because her power can teleport through walls. His... doesn't exactly do that.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It resembles a ranged Killer for the most part, but more-so towards the Deathslinger.

    Why? Because every missed shot from the Deathslinger requires you to reload afterwards, the same goes for this, every missed use of the power goes into a "passive state", except this one seems a bit more harsh than a reload gun reloading.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited March 2020

    Basically, The Redeemer takes about 2.75 seconds to reload (Source: DBD Wiki), and the cool-down above is 3 seconds... so it's essentially the same thing. They can even add cool-down reduction add-ons like how Deathslinger has reload speed add-ons.