Deathslinger: players exploiting to avoid harpoon hits

philomela Member Posts: 34

Survivors are sprinting in weird ways in order to fool the hit detection and make you miss most shots you take against them. It seems like wiggling side to side rapidly basically gives them invulnerability from being hit in either position or in the middle of those positions where you're most likely to be aiming. The only reliable way to hit these exploiters is to wait until they make a turn for a gap and shoot for them whilst hoping they don't also rapidly wiggle whilst turning.

Note that this goes beyond 'mind games' and fainting left and right as you expect them to do, and is all good and part of the game. This is just exploiting, clear as day.

This is nothing new of course, survivors have been abusing this stuff for a long time, but it mattered a lot less with Huntress since her hatchet is very generous and seems to hit in an AOE, and obviously doesn't matter every much if you're most M1 killers let alone Billy or Bubba.

It's pretty sickening when you're constantly getting into chases with these survivors and making good shots but they just matrix them due to hitbox and hit detection. It makes a mockery of a fun killer who already has a lot of built-in downsides (like being able to break the chain fast against any object). Having bullets pass through survivors is not one of them!


  1. Have a survivor exploiting hit detection by wiggling rapidly whilst sprinting in a straight line.
  2. Try hit the survivor by aiming either on them or leading them slightly. You won't be able to hit them. Your hook will just sail through them.
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Not a bug · Last Updated

This is not an exploit. Moving side to side whilst running forward to avoid a hit, is one of the ways a survivor can dodge a hit.

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