Why do people suddenly find Freddy "boring"?



  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    I had a match vs freddy yesterday. He went into the game with ruin, pgtw, thana, dying light, the rope and shackles. It was nothing but boring. Idk anyone who wants to play such games.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865
    edited March 2020

    who the hell finds him "boring??" i consider him "hard mode." i rarely escape freddys- whether i'm playing with pros, potatoes, or my favorite survivors: PROtatoes, it's death all the same.

    the only boring killers in this game are the ones who farm.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    huntress is a strong killer, but is she boring? not at all, one of the most fun killers to go against (other than wonky hitboxes sometimes

    same for billy. extremely strong, takes skill, and fun to go against.

    idk, maybe these killers are classified as “boring” because, just maaybe, theyre boring to go against?

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Low skill, high reward. No strategic trap placements like the Hag or Trapper, the dream snares are massive. No skilled movement, just plop a snare at a loop and watch the survivor either drop the pallet immediately or die trying to loop it. No skill in patrolling or stall, just fake a generator teleport as you're checking a different one to fake the survivors out and make them leave when you're not even nearby. Plus no terror radius, so no borrowed time for when he's camping. It's even worse with double slowdown addons and pop, that makes me want to tear my hair out. There isn't even any interaction from him when you're falling asleep, he just puts you to sleep by existing. You could be on the opposite side of the map and you'd still be going to sleep, and then you'd have to fail a skillcheck or run to the other side of the map to wake yourself up, which is just annoying. I wish you could wake up by completing a gen or something.

  • Cameronyte
    Cameronyte Member Posts: 1

    I think he is boring for a multitude of reasons. To start off, as someone has mentioned before, everyone tends to run the same perks and addons on him. The second I see the clocks on the Survivor Hotbar and realize its Freddy, I typically know most of his perks already (BBQ&C, Pop Goes, and either Discordance or some other gen perk for the third with a paintbrush for an addon. Typically I find the “guessing” counter play such Doctor’s and Freddy’s fake pallets, EVERYTHING about Spirit, and so on so boring. Even as a survivor if you make the right call, it just never feels satisfying because all you did was guess correctly. You didn’t actually outplay the killer. Also, I understand he is licensed so they cant do much with his skins but he is such a boring killer to look at design wise and it doesnt help how he doesnt have a single cosmetic. The only thing about his power that is truly unique to him is the ability to lay down snares. Demo already teleports (and can do it wherever might I add) and Doctor already had fake pallets. Hes very boring to play to (but this isn’t anything new since Im not a fan of trap killers anyways). Hes honestly my second least favorite killer and I end up sighing out of boredom a lot when I discover the killer is Freddy when I play survivor. (He is perfectly balanced, so I hope people dont get the impression that I think he is OP I just think he is super boring in my opinion)

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    He's a killer with no skill ceiling and basically everything a killer needs to perform well all in one package. Snares force pallets and gurantee hits and due to his terror radius mechanic you can't see him outside 20 meters. It may not seem like an important thing since "just listen to the heartbeat lol" but there's a lot of situations where if I can see the killer is doing something else a little bit away then I can make better decisions.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2020

    I wouldn't call it "suddenly". I've heard a good amount of people call him "boring" since the rework (and quite a bit before the rework, but that's besides the point).

    Personally I don't find him too boring to play against, nor do I find Plague boring to go against. I think part of it is that I actually go for the side objectives (Alarm clock / cleansing fountain) as soon as they're available. Maybe it's not efficient, maybe even detrimental. But I found it complete bullshit when people would stay Broken the entire round vs Plague or stay asleep vs Freddy just because he doesn't have any of the gen/heal slowing addons (that everyone conveniently seems to DC against). Play in to the intended mechanics and you'll probably have a bit more fun.

    Aside from that little rant, I can kinda understand how Freddy comes off as very "binary" in chases. However, they don't seem to make the same arguments against other strictly M1 killers such as Wraith. Why? Because with Freddy they know that there's a very good chance that they will lose.

    Post edited by HP150 on
  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I don't find Freddy too boring to play against IF he isn't using paintbrush or jump rope. Thing is most Freddy's will use one or both in all their games along with PoP, Thana, DL etc. All that causes is a very, very, very boring game.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But thats because he has slowdown mechanics, that actually all killers need, but dont have.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    I'm wondering which Killer survivors find it funny to go against. I'm guessing every single one they can bully with ease.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    survivor mains honestly do not want anything other than an m1 killer, anything that presents a challenge is "boring"

  • ironiron
    ironiron Member Posts: 101
    edited June 2020

    Running in circles around pallets is boring, brainless, and not fun. Please nerf.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    As a survivor main, my only issue with him is that his passive sleep cannot be countered in any way. You can dodge or get in a locker when the Doctor uses his shocks, you can dodge the Huntress's hatches and the Plague's vomit, but you will always fall asleep when Freddy is your killer. It is impossible to avoid, regardless of your skill and decisions.

    On a side note, it's sad that "boring" was co-opted by certain elements in the survivor community as a thinly-veiled nerf request, because real complaints like mine are now ignored.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Hit the nail on the head here. BHVR made a statement during a couple of their changes/nerfs that they did it because the old way was unfun for survivors. Now instead of saying something is OP people call it boring hoping that brings the nerf without sounding like they’re afraid of losing

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The only unfair and "boring" thing about freddy is his uncounterable passive sleep timer.Doesn't matter how often you wake yourself up,you will still fall asleep without freddy having to do anything for it.It just feels really cheap and unfair on the survivor side.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Since apparently people aren't allowed to complain about spirit since her "fix" that fixed nothing so they've moved onto Freddy.

    I mean, sound bugs make it a lot nice right now, but still.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Exactly,his passive sleep timer is the only thing that is unfair about freddy.

    You can only delay it for some time but will still fall asleep without freddy having to do anything for it.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I mean without that half of his powers would be useless, and besides being asleep doesn’t do anything other than making snares affect you . unless he has the minor slowdown addons.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Being asleep also negates Borrowed Time.

    Other than that his passive sleep timer is mostly ok but i think it should pause as soon as a chase starts,then it would reward players for staying awake without making freddy too weak.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The BT thing never bothered me, similar to BT agajnst Pyramid. Unless they camp, and I admit they do sometimes, it’s just about making good saves.

    Too many people, and I’m not saying this is you, but too many people have come to rely on BT instead of picking a good time to save.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2020

    I was a Freddy main at one time, had a twitch channel dedicated to it, only played him and was against all the Freddy changes, played him at rank 1 without noed or ruin in the old days. This is what happens when devs "rework" killers, I wish he was the way he was and I dont play him anymore. Hell, I use to play old Freddy perkless, you had to "work" to get that rank 1...

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Because "boring/unfun" is the new buzzword to get a killer nerfed.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I just mentioned BT because that is being countered while being asleep.It's not too bad and more of minor problem.

    His passive sleep timer is way stronger and less counterable

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Same.I loved playing old freddy.It felt much more fun to play him.

    Also Coulrophobia on old freddy was that sweet middle finger to over altruistic survivors.I miss him :(

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I don't mind spirit or freddy, but I feel like doctor should be reworked. Once someone gets good with him, its impossible to have fun. And spirit is too easy. Shes the first killer I bought and I could get really easy downs with her. All you really need with her is a good headset.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Maybe because he can do everything.

  • BlueYoshi1492
    BlueYoshi1492 Member Posts: 14

    He has a longer range of hit box than other killers in the game. His pointy fingers seem to give him extendo arms and still hits me when I vault anything. His dream snares are annoying and unfun to play against him in general. Being oblivious causes a lot of issues. Can’t predict where he is. He just M1’s you and then stops chase so you have to waste time healing when you could work on a gen. Not to mention gen slowdown build on Freddy is insane. Adding that to him just makes it unfun. Ruin / Undying / Freddy = GG

    I just quit when I get him because what’s the point

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Plague and Legions power are also dictated by the survivors. Freddy doesn't have to worry about survivors commanding his power since it'll happen regardless.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I've literally been complaining since the day his rework was released. It was evident from Day 1 that he was OP af having every. single. ability in the game at his disposal. No terror radius basically, best mobility in the game, strongest anti-loop in the game, slow down. It was insane that he actually got past the PTB. He should have never been released in that state.

    As for your actual post...

    1) Waking up isn't optimal. You have to run across the map wasting valuable time that could be spent on bones or gens. You're going to fall asleep in like 10 seconds so its not even worth it. By the time you do all that Freddy has also probobly downed someone else because he has zero skill being the most basic anti-loop killer to ever exist in DbD so if you did bother to wake up the 10% you managed to get on the gen will be popped or regressed by ruin once he BBQs to you.

    2) That's a nice sentiment, but a good Freddy knows exactly where to place his snares within seconds of you getting to a loop. And as there's no punishment for placing snares in chase he's still following you while placing said snares. With the introduction of massive dead zones and fewer pallets to maps it's not beneficial to just leave the area against a Freddy because it won't take him long to catch up. Should you get too far, he'll just teleport to the gen you'Re closest to and find you anyway.

    3) I don't really have an argument for this because that's survivor 101. This point is fine.

    My issue with Freddy is that he does everything with literally zero risk and zero skillcap. He's brainless and unhealthy for the game. His counterplay is honestly a joke and he is in need of a massive rework or some really hard nerfs. Killers in DbD should have a specific focus that they excel at. For example: If you're anti-loop, then your mobility shouldn't be as strong as a high mobility killer. It doesn't mean you shouldn't have anything to help in your kit, but my god a killer that has such strong anti-loop potential should not be able to teleport across the map faster than Blight, for example. It's actually dumb.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Are you just here necroing every old Freddy thread or... what?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    It's the survivor way. Any killer they feel challenges them is suddenly 'boring' and 'broken.' The top killers go through this every few months. Nurse, Spirit, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Freddy. Heck, even Doc and Hag make appearances. I still laugh when Plague was thrown on the chopping block last year.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    He does NOT have a longer lunge range. People only think this because Freddy is very short compared to the majority of killers. Clown also has a slow just like Freddy, yet people don't whine about Clown's slow. You quitting if you get a Freddy is proof that a lot of survivors don't want any challenge while playing, and you also show how uninformed most survivor mains are by thinking Freddy has a longer lunge than any other killer. A quick google search could've clarified that you were wrong thinking that BTW.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    (As a guy who played and liked older Freddy)

    His kits is overloaded..However, in the same note he not really a threat as much as a M1 killer with a bunch of debuffs..So, basically the doctor without having to actually aim the spark attack which goes off over time...The one defining thing new freddy can do is teleport to gens now..But, basically that is to make him more "viable" in higher level play.

    On top of the that pallets and snares basically do the samething..But,you gonna run pallets because once again..He is basically a M1 Killer with debuffs so you just want survivors to mistakenly end the chase faster.

    He is not really scary since when he sees someone he is gonna bum rush them because he can afford to...Since his add-ons outside of a handful are slowdowns.

    Before the rework..people where scared when they got put to sleep..Because, even If they escape Freddy he could find them and no amount of hook blocking could save them since Freddy could phase thou wake survivors..However the older one needing tuning do to having his own set of problems..But he was scary. Now however, everyone will be thrown into dream world no matter what. so people just "Deal" with his debuff...Since honestly running to go find a clock is pointless cause unlike the Pig (who this idea got jacked from) He will not kill you..just debuff you. Instead It is easier to have someone wake you or fail a skill check or..just deal with the debuff since you can't really remove It as much as "Delay" It.

    The teleporting is honestly one of the only reasons he is seen in high level play cause that is the fastest way to make a Killer "good" is map control via basically being anywhere at anytime..But, the hag actually spokes people when a trap goes off cause It can be in the dumbest spot and It catches surviors off gaurd...The nurse can teleport as well But you hear a scream and in the worst case a slap to your head..Oni,Billy and Blight all dash around the maps like mad lads so seeing them hover by makes you have to be mindful of them.

    Freddy has limited teleporting and unless you use a add-on It is telegraphed as hell and It is more of a "Ofcrouse" eyeroll. Because, he really can go to a genny whenever he wants unless It is repaired. Funny enough,I think him using lockers to teleport would be more freddy like then just teleporting to a objective But that s just me. Because, the fact It is right on top of the survior's objective kind of goes with the all "doing everything in their power o make Freddy viable" thing..Since,even If the survivors run he will just kick the gen so his time as not wasted.

    Pallets and blood pools are basically their because he is in fact a m1 killer and these may as well be his real power. Because, he sets them up for his chases..Which is really how freddy gets kills..Just, running after people and hoping they fall for a bloodpool or a pallet. This is actually the main reason he is boring..He is just a chase killer with 100 different things in his belt to make sure he always has a chase to do and will usually win It.

    Basically, just because he is hard to beat..Does not make him fun. because, in truth..he has uninteresting counter play and his "Skill" boils down to just spam pallets everywhere then chase and teleport sometimes..I should know I still play the new freddy when I got to do some boring quest for him...I usually If not always get all four people dead before the 3rd gen..without even camping.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    why do people revive topics FROM A YEAR AGO?. why.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    A Couple points.

    1. First off waking up is optimal because it takes away so much of his power. Alarm clocks are not the only way to do that but i will say that if there was something to be reworked i think its in the alarm clock mechanic which i will address later.

    2. You dont fall asleep in 10 seconds unless he hits you, C'mon now give your head a shake.

    3. The trick against freddy is when you break to a new area you have to watch him if he starts his teleport you need to change direction he cant switch targets on a whim, he has to stop teleporting to switch gens and he will have a cooldown before he can try again.

    4. For entities sake wake up before you go for the unhook if you have borrowed time, if your on a gen and freddy is in a chase just fail a skill check and wake up he's gonna be too busy to teleport there while he's chasing someone anyways.

    Freddy is very beatable but there are a few tweaks they could make to appease both sides that i think would be pretty fair.

    1. Passive sleep timer should be put on pause while in chase, this is how the timer works on reverse bear traps, this would do 2 things. One it further incentivises staying awake, which is a good idea anyways. It also weakens freddys anti loop as he cant start a chase and have the survivor fall asleep before getting hit and have to deal with snares. As long as you are awake you dont have to deal with snares until he hits you.

    2. A slow down to 3.8 or 4.0 while placing snares would be more than fair in my opinion.

    3. Alarm clocks as they are aren't great, what i think would work well is one of 2 changes. Either keep the extra 30 seconds of immunity and let people wake up at any alarm clock, or keep it to 1 specific alarm clock but bump up the immunity to 45 or 60 seconds to compensate for the extra running time.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    There are 2 things I dislike about freddy 1 yes I can wake up but it dosent matter because he hits me and I'm asleep again

    2 his snares have no penalty I'm not asking for anything crazy maybe just a slow down if you have all your traps down already or longer time to place and can't cancel if you have all snares down other than that I like him

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Y'know, I was just about to ask once I noticed it was both him.

  • Casanova09
    Casanova09 Member Posts: 64

    Passively going to sleep with no counter play and the constant slow downs just makes him boring and a snooze fest.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Just go to a clock and wake up every 60 seconds 4head

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    He was next on the list after Billy, Moris, and then Undying.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    He's not boring. He's strong.

    Well, If you're talking playing against imo.

    I feel he's kinda boring to play, as little of his power makes me really think or come up with cool tricks.

    For playing against, if they say he's boring then it's just more of the case of

    "Too strong, I can't win, let's say it's boring because the devs said they want to make things fun"

  • Tinker
    Tinker Member Posts: 94

    It's like the Spirit... you play this killer first time, and you are GOOD, very good. My first round with Freddy (I had no perks or addons, on Rank 4) was a 4k. The Matchmaking was also okay, one red rank and 3 purple ranks. And that's not good, thats not a good gameplay design, its boring. :/

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    I don't like the dream world. it's ugly, sounds are annoying and survivor falls asleep very quickly over and over again. Waking up takes a lot of time. Ruin + Freddy is tedious because he can chase players off the gens effectively. That's why I don't like to face him.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Take this from a former freddy main, he really isnt that fun to verse or play i find his play style so boring you barely have to think. Its like hag in that regard, just slap on some good gen defence and off you go

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    People find all killers boring to verse. However, you will find far fewer "clown is boring" or "demo is boring" threads than you will find "spirit is boring" or "freddy is boring" threads. The stronger the killer, the more frequent they are boring, there is a correlation to this.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Actually many people find clown boring as his gameplay consists of run to pallet, pre-drop pallet, wait for wallet to break, repeat. His counter is to hold M1, boring. None of the fun mindgames.

    Compare that to, say, Demo, whose gameplay consists of lots of fun mindgames, his Shred possibly being used at any given time so you have to be prepare for it, needing to perfectly time the pallet stun less he shreds it and you lose a lot of distance. The only complaints I have with Demo is that his Shred hotbox is very wonky since dedicated servers, and he's not that strong of a killer so not many people play him. It's significantly more fun to face a Demo than a Clown ever will be.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Freddy definitely has a longer lunge. It's evident when compared to Legion who is even smaller than Freddy. And Legion's weapon is even shorter than Freddy's. Also people don't complain about Clown because even though he's anti-loop he can't teleport across the map immediately after downing someone allowing himself to instantly down someone again (Like Freddy).

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    He is boring because he honestly takes like 0 skill. Every one of his powers is something extremely easy and extremely strong. He has insane map pressure, without having to do anything. He has extremely good anti-loop powers, without having to do anything. He is like a jack of all trades, master of none, except he literally is a master at all. I rarely play him even though I used to be a strong Freddy main before his rework, and when I do occasionally play him again, I just get a 4k easy peasy, how is that fun?