Why do people suddenly find Freddy "boring"?



  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    No one says demo is boring. Boring killers are called boring because their power doesn’t give the survivor options in chase. It’s why Clown who isn’t strong at all gets called boring. Countering him amounts to “run to pallet. Drop pallet. Run away.” Demo doesn’t remove the survivor agency from chase. You can play around loops. Same with Blight who is one of the strongest killers. Freddy does a very similar thing to Clown while you’re asleep, stopping you from being able to play around loops, but he also has a cross map teleport and free slowdown add-ons that can stack with slowdown perks. Forever Freddy is a thing.

    A majority of killers that get called boring often follow that formula. I’m sure you’d see more posts about Hag being boring if people cared to play her.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346
    edited February 2021

    Took 10 months for someone to tell you that you’ll be asleep more than awake while playing against Freddy?

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,234

    Just slap the Dream Projection from New Freddy onto the Old one and I'll be happy tbh.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Another excellent contribution!

    I believe further put downs and generalizations will really hammer home your superiority :3

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    People that are like "just wake up and negate him his power lol" do know that waking up against Freddy is probably one of the most annoying things to do in the entire game, right?

    • Go to one of his clocks, which will always be literally on the opposite side of the map because it's been programmed so that it spawns as far from you as possible. Waste a lot of time going there and coming back to whichever place you were before. Be asleep again in 90 secs. Not at all efficient, might as well stay asleep wherever you are instead.
    • Miss a skill check, hence revealing your position to him and losing progress on whichever gen you're on. Epic gamer moment! And he even has an add-on that denies this.
    • Have someone else wake you up, which requires that one person to be awake (fair) but will take longer and longer each time this action is repeated. So it becomes an inconvenient thing to do sooner than later.
    • Let Freddy hook you. I mean, duh.

    Not to mention that all the stuff mentioned above will be undone within 60 secs (90 if you wake up in one of the clocks, but those are located so far from you that the extra time amounts to pretty much nothing) or if Freddy finds you and hits you. Boom! Asleep again. That whole trip to the clock, missed skill check, or finger-snapping from your fellow teammate is gone and wasted.

    "Don't get hit then" hey! You're so right! Too bad I will fall asleep again in 60 secs anyway, no matter if I get hit or not.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    lmao "forum gamers" got to you. Point was that you will fall asleep against Freddy and there's nothing that can be done about it.

    "He's like the NOED of killers - You can negate his lullaby and snares/pallets (leaving him with just a slow cooldown TP if everyone stays awake), but why bother when you can just launch a nerf campaign?"

    You said he's like NOED and that his power can be negated by just waking up. You can't constantly wake up and you aren't going to be such a god gamer that you wake up at the perfect time and negate his snares often. You're right tho. Simply don't ever get hit by the Freddy and constantly find teammates that are awake or wake up with clocks. It's just that easy.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Suddenly?? lol

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693


    You got 'em!

    And this was even before Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer Freddy was a thing!

    Admittedly, though, all those 60s Pops were really tearing up the game back then.

    But yeah, you roasted that post from a year ago! Absolutely destroyed!

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    well gee whizz it's certainly my fault they put a year old post on the front of the forums and that you had an objectively bad opinion a year ago lmao

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    They want him nerfed and "boring" is the new stupid buzzword to get a killer nerfed, that's why.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Everyone was excited to see freddy rework because he was a bigger joke than clown but as time passed people realized how easy it was to play him and how little draw back there was to spamming snares on top of if you were to run across the map to wake up and lose half your gen progress because ruin you can't see him and if you get hit your asleep again giving no reason to wake up

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Survivors morph into potatoes vs Freddy

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    It's honestly more trouble to try and stay awake than it's worth. While you might lose terror radius in the dream world, you can't see him fully until he's 16-32 meters away. Sure his Terror Radius might go off but you really shouldn't be running away from a generator until you know he's coming for you. So you have two choices, have no vision but be able to tell when he's getting closer via audio cues, or have an ever-present lullaby to signify when he's in range and be able to see him from across the map.

    I'd rather be asleep in the dream world and see him across the map coming to me, than to be awake and not be able to see him until it's too late. Being awake seems like more a detriment in general. And that's the sad thing about his passive powers, is that they actively prod you into wasting your own time and it doesn't even negate a little bit of his powers. You'd think being in the dream state was a massive debuff but all it does is make you Oblivious, which isn't even that horrible when facing a Freddy since you gain so much vision in his dream world. It affects only Stake Out and Diversion, both pretty uncommon.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
    edited July 2021

    I've went from super excited to really bored of him and the more I went up against him and played against him, the more I knew it.

    I miss OG Freddy, they should have just buffed his power and added a gimmick or two, but the reason why I find him so boring is that he's just a complete M1 killer.

    That's all.

    Same with Wraith, but Wraith is at least cartoonishly fast and can go invisible to shake things up. While Freddy is just... teleport and snares that do very little or whacky pallets that survivors will catch on to or are blocked off on some maps like Coldwind.

    Yeah, he has a teleport, which is really meant to stop gen progression. Not even in the fun way like Pig's. He just feels... weird.

    He went from this "Where is he?" Omnipotent killer to a constant m1 killer who has crazy slowdowns and the ability to just say no to some gens.

    He feels boring now... someone is hooked, and he teleports to a gen you're working on with thanks to Barbecue and Chili or Thrilling Tremors. Spooks you off the gen and there goes 25% of it because he had pop goes the weasel.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    This thread and many others prove what is already known: New Freddy is boring, uninteresting and unhealthy for the game.

    He must get his old power back, preferably the on-release version.

    It is the right thing to do. For the sake of Old Freddy mains, for the sake of the game, and for the entire community in general.

    Take notes, devs! It is not too late.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Would you buy Nightmare Chapter 2 with him old powers.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    You are seriously asking me if I would pay to get Old Freddy back?

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I would have the same amount of dedication when Candyman or Jason comes out. I'm more towards Candyman though. That movie changed my views haha

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    Well, to each their own :)

    The 2010 Remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street is quite possibly my all-time favorite movie, so I know where you are coming from.

    Besides, I've already payed for Old Freddy anyway, back when I bought the DLC together with the base game in 2018. I wouldn't mind doing it again.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Old Freddy was just way more compelling and offered something WAY different for the survivors to deal with, and a legitimate, critical reason to wake up as often as possible.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601
  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    edited July 2021

    Wasn't old Freddy kind of boring too? I didn't get to play against him very much and when I did, I enjoyed it purely because nine times out of ten, facing Freddy meant an easy win. Keep in mind that I was new at the time so the 'excitement' of escaping instantly made said match 'fun' for me, even if the match in question wasn't particularly engaging. As such, I can't actually comment on whether old Freddy was engaging to face or what. Nonetheless, after evaluating his old kit, I don't quite understand why many people are adamant to see old Freddy return. Please do correct me if I'm wrong but if I remember correctly, Old Freddy's whole thing was that he had wall hacks on asleep Survivors and ridiculously high slowdown (-50% according to the wiki) on asleep Survivors, with the caveat that he had to manually put them to sleep.

    Once he was actually in chase, he was just a basic Killer though right? I honestly don't understand how old Freddy was any better from a 'fun' standpoint. Both old and new Freddy are basic killers once in chase (Newer Freddy does have snares but their usefulness was lessened thanks to the recent nerf).

    To be honest, having to go out of my way to find someone else to wake up or alternatively, fail a skill check, sounds very annoying to me. Especially since it would've been imperative to escape the dream to avoid the immense penalty to action speed while asleep. If old Freddy was brought back today, with people now understanding the game more as well as old Freddy's potential, I could genuinely see him being considered as 'unfun' or 'boring' to face. He mightn't necessarily win, but he could potentially slow games to a crawl if the Killer is good. I don't like new Freddy, but I don't really see how old Freddy would be any better from a 'fun' perspective. Whenever I see people ask for Old Freddy back, it often seems to stem predominantly from nostalgia. Nonetheless, I'd be happy to be proven wrong if you have the time. I know from my times on the forums that you're a Freddy connoisseur so perhaps you could help me understand?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    A Freddy connoisseur? You flatter me, my friend :)

    This topic is mostly based on personal opinions, so it is a little bit difficult for me to prove you wrong because of how subjective it actually is, but I can try to explain to you my point of view.

    There are several reasons that, in my opinion, made Old Freddy the most fun killer to go against. The most important being his unmatched uniqueness. As @TheClownIsKing pointed out, he offered something completely different from the survivors to deal with. As he approached, you didn't hear the overwhelming sound of the Terror Radius, you heard a macabre lullaby, which thanks to its non-directional effect instantly made you wonder where he was.

    And suddenly, you were being pulled into the Dream World. You could see him, and he could see you. Alternatively (post initial-nerf), you only saw him temporarily, as he faded in and out of existence. And so more questions where raised, as you began to wonder where exactly he would be once the Transitions ends, or if he is going to commit to you or not.

    And finally, you are in the Dream World, which is completely different from any other trials. Here is where you are truly vulnerable, and not only to his attacks. His abilities, such as the aura reading and the slowdown were never burdens to me, they were a testament to his power. This is Freddy's world, not yours, and you have to escape. Having to find a teammate or miss a skill check are not annoyances, they are your way out.

    While chases played normally against him, not every single killer needs a chase power, that would just be boring and generic. As Otz himself stated: "Freddy started as a pretty unique character that had very different strengths than the other cast". His strengths lied elsewhere, and that was so damn good!

    Last not but least, Old Freddy (post-nerf) lasted from November of 2017 to July of 2019. Many people knew how to play him efficiently and had a good understanding of the game, so I don't think this would change.

    Personally, I would prefer if he returned with a few changes, such as the slowdown reduced to 40% or Dream Projection being incorporated into his kit. But, even if he returned the exact same way, it still is a much better option than Mr. Generic Power that we currently have.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293
    edited July 2021

    Yeah they can

    bad survivors can’t

    when you arnt asleep you can bully him just as much as the others.

    play swf and keep waking each other up then see if your “you can’t bully him”

    statement stands up

    You are confusing strong with boring.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    It sure is :)

    Truth be told, I would do anything to have my old main back.

  • Ashreave
    Ashreave Member Posts: 139

    I mean not to be mean or anything but compared to his original movie counterpart DBD Freddie IS boring, I read a fanfic where the writer did a trial with OG Nightmare on Elmstreet Freddie against Laurie Strode and nothing can really compare to him taunting Laurie using her dead friends from the first Halloween movie while trying to come onto her as a badly enacted version of her old flame. Like Freddy will always be boring because his canonical powers far exceed what can actually be done in the scope of a DBD trial. He's also more predictable than he used to be, I found it harder to understand his mechanics in the old days, now I find him easier to read. Him and Wraith swapped places in that regard.

  • Snickey
    Snickey Member Posts: 1

    I find it funny that I had to go through 2 whole pages to find someone who had my sentiment on the situation and its at the very bottom.

    I get that freddy can never truly achieve his full potential, I think its part of why we wouldn’t get certain killers at all because their spirit and what makes them fun or interesting won’t carry over well in translation.

    But for some reason when I look at him in particular I get greedy with him for some reason despite him having MORE technically speaking than some others. And I just start to feel like he doesn’t land as well as he should, but I can’t quite put my finger on why, Is it because I just preferred the vibe his pre-rework version gave off? Is it because I like his canon power a bit **too much** and so my expectations are just set too high endlessly?

    citation needed.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    edited July 2021

    I'm sorry for my super late response. I hadn't forgotten your reply! I got back into playing Trapper and I also have a bit of an issue with procrastination. The new save draft feature for comments is very handy in case of the internet going out or whatnot but unfortunately, it did make it even easier to procrastinate, my apologies.

    To be honest, I truly despise the pseudo-stealth that current Freddy has when a Survivor is asleep so I'm already somewhat sold on the idea of old Freddy's return. Old Freddy did have the pseudo-stealth as well but it was reversed. As a Survivor, I'd much prefer for him to be stealthy when I'm less vulnerable, over now where he's stealthy when a Survivor is at their most vulnerable (asleep). Something worth noting is that a Killer being unique does NOT necessarily mean that their inclusion is healthy for the game. A great example I think is the Nurse. Nurse's inclusion at the time of her release made sense. Back then the balance of power was heavily in the Survivor's favour. Survivors had insta heals, double pallets, actual infinites etc. However, nowadays, I feel that she is extremely outdated and harms the game overall. She is frustrating to play as and is awful to play against if the Nurse player is good.

    Something also worth noting is that Old Freddy would probably be considerably stronger in todays version of Dead by Daylight. Insta heals and old mettle of man would've really hurt him I imagine, especially since the Survivors already got a pseudo-third health state by being put to sleep. They're gone now though. Many maps have also been made a little bit more fair (Some were made worse or stayed the same but that's kinda beside the point). So overall, Old Freddy would probably fare much better in 'modern' DBD, for better or for worse. Another thing that I think is important to mention is that if Old Freddy were to return with current Freddy's gen teleport mechanic then I feel that could be extremely oppressive, especially if the wake up clocks weren't present (Although even if they were, it wouldn't help much as the clocks spawn as far away as possible, by the Devs' design).

    Let's imagine a scenario here. You're playing solo que on as balanced a map as possible. I.e. the map isn't littered with safe tiles (like the game) but it isn't just one huge deadzone either (like shelter woods). Ok, so in this scenario: Freddy puts you to sleep, he then pulls off a cute little mindgame and hits you, after which he drops chase because maybe you're a decent looper or you're at a strong tile. You don't have a med-kit and you don't know where your teammates are so you run around trying to find a gen. However, when you round a corner you see the blood effects coming off a gen and suddenly, Freddy pops out and hits you before you can make it to a tile. He of course, knew exactly where you were running because of the aura reading on asleep Survivors (Whilst outside his terror radius). In said scenario, maybe this is just me, but that'd feel quite cheap. I couldn't have possibly known that he was going to pop out of that gen as the global sound cue doesn't indicate where he is going to teleport. However, this mightn't be an issue if they use certain aspects of Old Freddy after his nerf (Mainly the one where there's a 10 second delay after leaving the terror radius in which an asleep Survivor's aura is not revealed). There would need to be a very careful balance between how easy or difficult it is to escape the dream. Make it too easy and then Freddy would be a joke, make it too hard and he would be an absolute Nightmare to face.

    Bringing back Old Freddy could potentially mean the return of Forever Freddy (especially if he returns with current Freddy's gen teleport) and that is something that I'm sure we'd all want to avoid. Overall, to be entirely truthful, I'm not necessarily sold on the idea that Old Freddy would be healthier for the game. I think his reintroduction could bring more negatives than positives. However, I wouldn't be opposed to the Devs testing the waters a little and maybe bringing back Old Freddy in a PTB or two. If there's no immediate problems then perhaps I'd change my mind. If I've made any silly mistakes in my points then feel free to correct me. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my previous comment and I hope you have a nice day.