Buff Deathslinger

He's interesting, yeah, but VERY slow. Even Legion seems better, because he can apply at least some pressure.

Chasing one survivor even if you land all the shots perfectly takes too much time. Not only he himself is slow, making high wall loops very strong against him, but his power is not that good as it seems:

Hitbox of the spear looks somewhat balanced for FPS gamer, so you don't miss or don't hit all the time. But hitting people from far away does NOT reward you, even punish you for this, because reeling speed is too slow and chain is too fragile, so you are wasting time for risky play. Coin doesn't make this better - what seem like long range hits don't allow me to oneshot people if I somehow manage to reel them in and hit.

So what do I suggest?

1) Make coin's effect a part of the power's mechanic


Make coin work from 12 meters.

Why so? There are almost no places where you can land a long range direct hit and successfully reel someone in for hit. Coin is too weak for very rare addon.

2) Make Deep Wound mechanic not useless, perhaps by making it ticking down outside killer's radius no matter what, so it's actually dangerous (also buffing poor Legion 😘)

3) Give him 4.9 m/s speed.

Please discuss.


  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I know what you mean, but I don't think the pink add-on should be base, though it could use a buff. His reeling speed should be faster at longer ranges, and he should also have some control over the Survivors' movement, such as moving your camera either left or right to pull the Survivor away from cover.

    Deep Wounds are fine the way they are because they're not designed to down people on their own. A lot of people still don't see that, although it would be cool. I could see Deathslinger taking away portions of the timer when Survivors break free, so that you'll at least get rewarded somehow for hitting your shots, even if it takes four hits with the spear.

    4.9 m/s is way too fast. The average speed is 4.6 m/s, if that's what you meant. I wouldn't mind having him move at that speed, but then Huntress should also have that.

  • TheOneElric
    TheOneElric Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2020

    Honestly I'd be happy if they would just increase the range on his gun a little. 20 or 22 metres, maybe even 24.

    Regardless, yes on the coin suggestions, the others would be a bit OP in my opinion.

    Deep wounds would be nice if you had a way of taking away from the timer, yeah. There should be SOME consequence on applying deep wound on a deep wound lol.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I think buffing Deathslinger will be a very tough cookie. The thing with him is that a good Deathslinger will be all but unbeatable in a chase without a map full of LoS blockers like Hawkins or Gideon’s, but no matter how good his chase is, that doesn’t fix the fact that Deathslinger’s map pressure is only beaten in how terrible it is by Myers’s early game.

    What is the solution?

    Well, higher range might help since he can spear Survivors off gens from a better range, but if Survivors are doing gens when they see a cowboy with a gun headed their way, that’s them being dinguses. Besides, if the Survivor is on the side of the gen that he can’t shoot, well... he can’t shoot them.

    A lot of people are saying that Deathslinger should be 115, but I don’t think “115” and “ranged Killer” should ever go in the same sentence. His gun would need some SERIOUS nerfing to compensate for that, and I don’t think anyone wants that. However, being 115 would definitely help him not only in the map pressure department, but also in the “any claustrophobic map effectively makes me a 110 M1 Killer” department.

    As it stands, I think the best option would be a compromise with the 115-speed crowd: We buff the range on his gun, but we give it a few tweaks that pull back it’s absolutely monstrous chase potential—a quarter-second ADS instead of an eigth-second one, or a longer window of time between aiming and firing, or lowering collision-based chain breakage but making the chain weaker overall—stuff like that. Small nerfs that won’t kill him, leaving his chase potential strong, but still impactful enough to justify upping his base speed. And then, since his chase is still great, but he needs map pressure and a counter to free LoS breaking, we make him the world’s first 112.5% base speed Killer. A happy medium between 110 and 115.

    A lot of people think Deathslinger is weak in the chase, but I can confidently say those people have no idea what they’re talking about. Deathslinger reminds me a lot of old Legion, not because he’s a 110 Killer who inflicts Deep Wound, but because he has the potential to be brokenly OP in the chase category while still having a laughably weak presence on the map overall. I really think the gap between his chase and his pressure should be closed, and I think giving him that lovely little 4.5 m/s speed that the devs seem so oddly keen on avoiding would be a great change that could up his traversal without demanding changes that absolutely gut the potential of his gun.

  • TheOneElric
    TheOneElric Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2020

    I'm absolutely against doing anything about the aiming speed and shooting feel in general.

    I mentioned the range since it's the thing that just feels off about him. I get it's a gun with a spear on a chain but it feels just "that bit" too short.

    I don't want him to get increased movement speed, I think THAT is fine as is. I mean look at the guy he has a brace on one leg. And fast movement speed isn't his strength.

    Don't mess with the gun, or aiming. The gun is THE most fun thing we had to play with and against since the release of... umm.. pretty much the original DBD?

    He could be slower still if it were for me, to justify buffing his gun and chain, if we had better ways of applying map pressure then again map pressure is just so terrible since so many maps are oversized.

    I don't get what people are talking about regarding bad chase either though, he's a menace, so we agree on that. There are not that many loops where you don't have anything that you can shoot through or over, and when you can do that, you don't need to run full laps - Half around the loop and spear em up...

  • TheOneElric
    TheOneElric Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2020

    I'm absolutely against doing anything about the aiming speed and shooting feel in general.

    I mentioned the range since it's the thing that just feels off about him. I get it's a gun with a spear on a chain but it feels just "that bit" too short.

    On both ends - Both "I should have hit with that" and "He should've hit me".

    I don't want him to get increased movement speed, I think THAT is fine as is. I mean look at the guy he has a brace on one leg. And fast movement speed isn't his strength. We are in agreement about his chase potential though - He's a menace. He doesn't need to go the full loop to get you, he can spear you much, much earlier. And there are few loops with a complete LOS block you can't shoot over or through.

    Don't mess with the gun. The gun is THE most fun thing we had to play with and against since the release of... umm.. pretty the original DBD?

    I'd much rather deal with an even lower movement speed if it meant buffing his gun game. Map pressure is just so ######### since so many maps are oversized - He's not exactly the only one struggling.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
    edited March 2020

    So you would rather make his massive, currently-incorrigible weakness even more glaring but make his absolutely disgusting chase potential even stronger?

    I already said his issues feel a lot like old Legion's; don't make that worse by effectively putting him in the situation of "absolutely broken but F-tier at the same time". That is an extremely bad idea.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I actually find him very strong, there are few loops he can't shorten with a well placed harpoon.

    As for the Iridescent Coin, I've been trying it for a while and I managed to pull it off only once. The fact it has only a 3 meters range and no visual feedback at all makes it very meh. Personally I think it should highlight survivors beyond 15 meters (or with a tone which scales based on distance) while aiming.

  • TheOneElric
    TheOneElric Member Posts: 68

    Yes, I would make ANY choice that retains the fun of his gun. If that meant slowing him even more, I'd prefer that over nerfing his gun. I'd prefer ANYTHING over nerfing his gun. This doesn't mean that I -want- him to be even slower.

    Don't. #########. Touch. His. Gun.

    Also I don't get what the hell the problem is, his movement speed isn't exactly Nurse level, actually, it's the same as Huntress. It's not a glaring, currently incorrigible weakness. He's in a decent spot as is. Just buff up his range by 2 or 4 metres and he'll be perfect. I wouldn't even do anything else.

    I take it back. We don't agree.

    His chase potential is not "absolutely disgusting", it's strong, but perfect to make up for his slower movement speed.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    If I'm correct, the "sharpshooter" score event occurs when you spear someone from further than 15 meters away. So if you see that pop up when you hit someone, then they're Exposed. It's not much of an indicator, but it's something, I guess.