Xbox One - Pig achievement “I want to play a game” wont unlock

RetroWeirdo Member Posts: 2

So I was playing the game last night and making good progress toward this achievement, got it to 96% actually (which I believe is 120/125 for the RBTs). It was late so I figured I would finish it the next day.

I logged on to finish the achievement tonight and it will not pop. Even after three different matches of using all the reverse bear traps progress will not move. I tried resetting the game, changing killer, shutdown/reboot of the console and still no progress. I also noticed my stats for number of kills and bloodpoints were not progressing anymore in the Xbox stat tracker. I confirmed other games work fine in these regard so I definitely seems tied to DBD itself.

Needless to say this is disappointing, but I now find myself discouraged from playing the game given these issues. I hope you can fix it.


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