New Change To Slugging - The Culling

rhodamia Member Posts: 275
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I want to open by saying slugging is a totally valid tactic and is acceptable.


What if the killer gets all survivors on the floor?

Now the culling timer starts.

After 15 seconds, if nobody gets up from a perk or DS, the entity kills them all like EGC.

If someone gets up, The Culling stops.

+15 seconds to the timer each time someone is hooked during The Culling

The timer slows to half speed while someone is being carried similar to EGC slow.

The Culling pauses while the hatch is open.

Killer gets identical rewards/rank from The Culling as a bleedout.

Killer cannot see the timer (to avoid abuse/strategic hooking)

This would do the following:

Slugging will STILL happen just as often.

Once all 4 are down, the killer gets pressure to end the game quickly to fend off losing rank. The Culling timer (and slowdown while carrying) allows him to gain the points he would have otherwise gotten without The Culling. The time could be tweaked. But it seems healthy enough. Math comes out to about 30secs per survivor roughly which is plenty to find and hook one.

It would eliminate slugging people until they bleed to death.

Realistically, most people who slug won't get any change from this. It's just to speed up ending the game once all survivor chances have been exhausted. And discourage the killer from letting you all bleed out while still giving you a chance to use your DS and Deliverance and such.

Feel free to play devil's advocate and find a way that this wouldn't work, or how it could be abused so tweaks could be made.

Post edited by rhodamia on


  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited March 2020

    That would also steal the chance of the last survivor to crawl away so the killer can't find him and get to the hatch, or let the killer find the hatch and get up with Adrenaline. I know, rare happenings, but with removing the one you always remove something else as well. Hard to find solutions that fits everything

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275
  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    And the killer shouldnt get any bloodpoints.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    No. I dont want to lose bp just because you losing.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    In response to all of you. Lol

    No BP: It's like a bleedout. So give them the bleedout points. It's not much.

    Double: We don't want to encourage bleeding them out. We want them picked up and hooked like normal. We are trying to DISCOURAGE the bleeding out/running out the timer.

    Losing bp: In what scenario are you unable to find a survivor in 30 seconds? That's a long time. Find em. Pick em up and the time slows, hook, fresh 30 to find someone. Hatch opens, find em or the hatch, etc. It should literally be IDENTICAL points to what you get now. Regardless if you bleed them out, or hook everyone. The ONLY way you will lose BP is if you are unable to find one of your multiple downed survivors in 30 seconds. Which is a lot of time when there are multiple slugs. Keep in mind the timer pauses when it's one slug left and the hatch is open. This won't hurt your BP friend :)

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Also to add to the above response, if you are slugging 4 on the floor then you are doing it on purpose. Which is totally okay and viable! I do it all the time.

    We would just have to keep The Culling in mind and be sure to bring BBQ or Deerstalker or Whispers in order to ensure we get all of our hooks. And if Bloodpoints is what you are after, you likely have BBQ anyways. So you wouldn't have any issues getting all your points. You would be largely unaffected by this.

    Even people who slug and bleed out the whole team would get the same bloodpoints with The Culling as they would for doing it now. It would just happen faster.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    How about it gives one person unbreakable if everyone is slugged and killer isn't hooking.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Or you could just bring unbreakable. Why give someone a free perk when the killer played fair?

    This isn't to punish any side or add strength to any style of play. It only acts to speed up bleeding out if the killer chooses not to hook people. But allow them to hook and play normally if they wish as well.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    It wouldn't happen because it would defeat the WHOLE point of The Culling which is to discourage bleedouts.

    However, double bleedout bloodpoints. Is still less than if they just hooked ya. Just FYI. It would be 600 per slug for letting the timer run out vs (3k each? For each hook and sacrifice)

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    The only problem I can see is that if someone is running an unbreakable and not getting to use it if everyone gets slugged.

    I'd make the base timer around 18 seconds. Apart from this you've smashed it outta the Park. Well done

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    How about those scenarios where there's two survivors with one being slugged constantly and the other hiding in a constant loop till they bleed out and die? Putting in a "guess I'll die button" is no different from DC'ing for hatch imo.

    They can try to find the last person but don't pretend it isn't an artificial stall. Just hang them and get the hatch before the other person does.

    Maybe they should rework the hatch to count as a loss. It is a last ditch effort to escape. And keep it closed when the exit gates are open. There's no point to having 3 escape points for the last person. Keys would see less use if people really cared about rank and bloodpoints.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275
    edited March 2020

    Despite appreciating a comment. This has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    Slugging one to find the last one is also a viable tactic. You have until they bleed out to find the last guy.

    In doing so, you take the chance of losing your slug, or them being healed. Not to mention WAY less bloodpoints and rank if they do bleed out.

    It's a tactic. But one that is unrelated to this post.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I think this could be a neat trick to remove the annoying situation when 2-5 people have to wait a 4 minute bleed out timer just because the killer can't find their slug. The only two issues I could see are:

    - the killer has no hooks nearby and the survivors will die to the culling, instead of having a chance to wiggle out of their grasp (I. E. The killer would have otherwise picked them up, but now desides not to, because they don't have to wait out the whole 4 minutes)

    - killers who want to hook, but struggle to find their slugs, due to sound bugs causing survivors to not make any sound on the ground will sometimes be denied the opportunity to hook everyone, because they'll have less time to look for slugs

    I support your idea @rhodamia. I think this is a good solution to a common annoyance for both killers and survivors, that does not really favour either side

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Maybe if the auras of all downed survivors are revealed to the killer. Otherwise, this is a problem waiting to happen.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Ok, I went on a tangent and trying to go through multiple points (I'm tired), but a change like that were to go through, it'd all be connected.

    The original post was for speeding up an unwinnable game and guaranteeing 4 kills right? Or more or less skipping the hook phase or dodging a ######### killer or a bandaid for the silent slug hunt.

    It skips every variable the game builds upon. You refuse to hook 4 downed survivors.....why? Everyone has DS? Someone would have the gall to actually kobe and make a comeback?

    And at what point does the game get considered unwinnable? If they're all on death hook except for one guy, then does it give him a chance or skip it just to move things along?

    And how would the last guy even get hatch if everyone has 15 seconds? Wouldn't the killer just wait it out to deny the hatch anyways?

    I stay on topic this time? I'm dizzy. Got no sleep trying to grind out the rift.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    For killers with no hooks nearby, they would still be enticed to try. A Culling kill will only net them 300bp each and no rank gain in sacrifice category. Carrying them and them wiggling free will stop the Culling. And give you a chance to chase, down, and hook in a different location to earn the bloodpoints.

    I don't think a bug should stop a new change. Once the bug is fixed, that wouldn't be an issue.

    And if the killer decides to slug multiple people, they can bring one of many perks to help them with locating them. BBQ, Deerstalker, Whispers, Infectious Fright. How often do you have 3+ slugs on accident? If you plan to slug. Bring a perk to help. If you don't plan to slug, chances are you will only have 2 max. One of which is at your feet because you just downed them. Which is still a solid 30+ seconds to find the other guy who you can estimate location based on the time they were slugged.

    Just my thoughts on the responses. Thank you so much for the positive feedback!

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Not quite. The original post was to speed up a killer who chooses to bleed out everyone on the ground instead of hooking.

    The hatch problem was addressed with the timer pausing when the hatch becomes available.

    If that scenario happened currently, the hatch wouldn't be available until the 3rd guy bled out. And the 4th would have the remainder of his bleedout time to try to find it. Yes the Culling would remove that part of the game. And take that SLIM chance from that slug. But I'm sure he'd rather get it over with quicker anyways.

    As for why killers do this? I don't know. But it happens. And this would stop it from happening. Or at least make it much more tolerable while giving no benefit or additional punishment to the killer or survivors.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    How about if all four survivors are on the floor at the same time, the match is automatically cancelled because it's not a real game anyway.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Or. And hear me out. Do the thing in the post because it was a mixture of tactic on the killer side AND mistakes on the survivor side if there are ever 4 on the floor. Lol

    Try getting 4 on the floor at rank 1. I'll be here.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    It's not scum

    Its playing effectively.

    Why would I let survivors activate 90 perks and have 3 "lives" on the hook?

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    Or give option like when you crawl up to someone you have an option to sacrifice yourself and the other person gets one life state.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    This causes issues. You are then taking away the killers option to hook you. That's his rank and bloodpoints. Can't have that. Sorry fren.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275
    edited March 2020

    Well you do want to hook. That's bloodpoints and rank. But if your sole goal is to kill people as quickly as possible without gaining rank or BPs then the Culling is for you! Just down all 4 and chill out for 15 seconds and boom. 4 dead. No more waiting for them to bleed out.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Simple. If all 4 survivors are slugged, the Entity gets them. Trial over.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I'm down for this 110%

    Or cut the bleedout times down

  • XRuecian
    XRuecian Member Posts: 118

    It would be easier, simpler, and equally rewarding to just say that if all 4 survivors get slugged, and one of them doesn't get up within 60 seconds, then all of their aura's get shown to the killer, until they are all dead/hooked, or until one of them gets up.

    If your entire team loses because all of you got slugged, you just deserved to lose anyways. It's often harder to slug than it is to hook people. It is much harder for a killer to manage slugged players than hooked ones. Slugging someone doesn't activate BBQ and give him information. Slugging someone doesn't let him use Pop Goes the Weasel. Slugged players can crawl to more advantagous locations to be saved, unlike hooked ones. Slugged players aura is hidden from the killer, unlike hooked ones, so if they get saved, the killer doesn't even know where to start looking for you again. Slugged players might have unbreakable and not even need a rescue. Because of this, there is no reason to punish the killers points or rewards for slugging 4 people (unless he lets them bleed out instead of hooking). If all four of your team went down at the same time, it means your team made a lot of mistakes. You somehow all got caught, and lost a chase, one after another, before your other teammates got the downed ones up. That's simply called being defeated.

    The main reason you wouldn't want the entity to come in and devour them all right after they get slugged is because you would take away their chances of unhooking themselves and having a tiny second chance.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Correct in some aspects however I think you missed the situation this was designed for.

    If all 4 are on the ground and their auras are revealed to the killer, that does not stop the killer from standing there and watching you bleed out regardless.

    If the killer is hooking people like normal (like they should) the Culling won't really impact them. It's quite rare to completely lose a slug and not find them in 30 seconds. 30 seconds is a long time when your only task is to listen for the slug as you walk around where you downed them.

    The Cullings only purpose is to eliminate the killers option to put all 4 on the floor and then stand there and watch them bleed out just to make them suffer for the bleedout timer.

    I kinda like the aura idea. Perhaps if he hooks someone, all survivor auras are revealed to him for 3 seconds? IDK. I don't want to give the killer free perk stuff which is deerstalker and BBQ (which does show slugs).

    I don't disagree with you that if all 4 survivors are on the floor that it is their own fault and they have lost. But I also don't think that gives the killer the right to watch them bleed out just to be mean. The Culling eliminates the pointless watching of bleedouts while still giving the opportunity to earn ALL the same bloodpoints as long as you don't lose your slugs. AND it stops on the last slug when the hatch opens.

    This is not designed to punish the killer at all. And the timings could be tested and tweaked to be completely fair to killers who hook their slugs. It is ONLY designed to stop the "all 4 are down so I'll go afk while they all bleed out"

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Bleedout times are fine as is due to the balance of regular slugging. And faster bleeding with 4 on the floor means potential of death before you can get through unbreakable. I thought of faster bleeding. But it effected more than the issue at hand.

    Thank you for the approval! Wish BHVR read my stuff. Lol

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    Ehhh I think there's enough second chances in the game.

    If you played to the point were you were all slugged then it's kind of your own fault. If it's a continuous problem for you then you have the option there to bring unbreakable and get that second chance as a perk already.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    You don't want that though because that takes away the killers rank and bloodpoints for hooking. This gives him the chance to get both of those well earned goodies while also removing his ability to be rude and watch you bleed to death.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    I'm not sure where the idea of a second chance comes from? This gives no real benefit to the survivor or killer.

    If the killer wanted to hook you before, he can hook you now. If the killer wanted you to bleed to death before, you will bleed to death now. Just by way of entity intervention in order to speed it up a little.

    There is no change to the balance of power nor second chances added.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    If you want more BP, play killer. Killers get more BP for a reason. It's a harder role, and with a 4:1 ratio, DbD always needs more.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Well, as long as survivors like to be toxic SWF bullies, I kind of want to keep my option to calmly watch them bleed, as I wash off my salty wounds and wipe off my sweaty body.

    Must you even take away my moments of peace :(