huntress bug(bugs)

sallymae Member Posts: 5
edited March 2020 in Bug Reporting

Platform\\ (PC)

Description of issue// There is a new bug (bugs) ive been dealing with since 3/16/2020 where the huntress does not lunge fully when i go to m1.

There is also another bug when after a land a hatchet hit the game starts to lag very badly... ive hit a survivor on auto haven wreckers near a jungle gym and chased her to another jungle gym (where the game would not let me m1 nor throw a hatchet) and then it randomly teleport-ed me back to where i fist hit her.

Theres also a bug on survivor and killer side for me... on survivor any time i try to do a action like run/prepare a gen/or heal it does not work. i will have to repeatably press the action button untill its works.. For killer side whenever i go to swing (M1) on any killer this action also seems to not work unless a repeatedly press the M1 button and ive been dealing with this but for more than 3 months now. At first i thought it was my mouse so i switched to a wired mouse and and even got a new computer yet i seem to still have this problem

Steps to reproduce// Play the huntress i suppose. i do not know how to reproduce the action button problem

How often does this occur// Well since 3/16/2020 it happens every game since but seems to get worse since 3/17/2020. For the action button problem if i had to give a date i would say it started around 11/2019 to now

ps. i also play on low graphics so that cant be the problem

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