Deathslinger Terror Radius (PS4)

BadGalLexC Member Posts: 9

Unsure if this is intentional but I’ve noticed that with other killers I here their terror radius before I see them and there’s reasonable amount of time to run or hide. However with this killer, at lease on console you don’t hear his terror radius until he’s extremely close; I’ve noticed that I see him before I hear him and considering he’s not a Michael, Ghostface, or Pig I don’t think that should be happening.

2 votes

Not a bug · Last Updated

With his base terror radius and with the right perks and add-ons, Deathslinger can have a very small terror radius. Please open a new thread with a screenshot of the killer's loadout on tally if the issue is encountered again.


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,513

    Piggy & Ghostface both have a 32m terror radius. Myers is 32m in T3 and 16m in T2, which is less than DeathSlinger - he has a 24m terror radius and can shoot the harpoon for a maximum distance of 18m. Meaning that he has to be within the terror radius before he can use his power plus the fact that he's only 4.4m/s movement speed is probably the reason for the lower terror radius.

    What you might find happening is that most players are going to use Monitor & Abuse on him which reduces his terror radius when he's out of a chase by a further 8m which means he can get very close to survivors using this perk. So seeing him before you hear him is perfectly normal.

  • BadGalLexC
    BadGalLexC Member Posts: 9

    Yes I've seen some run monitor and abuse but it's mainly when I'm playing in the new map and it's just like he's always right there before I hear him lol

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