I'm Tired of killers begging for a free hand out



  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Baphomett said:
    Lowbei said:
    isnt @feffrey just another alt account of @EpicFailTryHard ?

    just report em :)
    If so, he doubled-down.  Epic wasnt nearly this bad.  I kinda miss him, in the way I miss Dubya now that we have Trump.
    Yea I know what u mean. Sometimes I was suprised by actually agreeing with him (EpicFailTryHard) and I was ALWAYS  amused reading his responses
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Just as a thought have any of you considered the 3 possibilities here? In no particular order and I won't give my inclinations for which one is more probably or any combo thereof. This occured to me just as soon as the threads started appearing but I've been too tired to post about it.

    1. The poster truly believes what they say based upon their experiences and will go down with the ship so to speak defending them.

    2. The poster is trolling you epically in multiple threads considering they keep popping up and ppl keep responding.

    3. This is the mods way of being super sneaky and finding out how sincere people are about being mods from the other thread. Would you truly change your ways and be worthy of being a mod or would you still get into the flame wars.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Honestly I'm willing to compromise with killers if we can come to a fair understanding..

    Maybe increased lightning on each map that can be turned on or off by the killers or survivors and allow the killer themselves to destroy pallets, while they're still up or sabatoge them.

    If sabotaged the survivor pulling it down should suffer from bleeding or get a semi injured status that last 10 seconds before being healed to the prior state
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Well, can't say I didn't try. But this is still devolving into personal insults rather than a proper discussion, so I'm going to go ahead and lock this up now.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    @feffrey said:
    Honestly I'm willing to compromise with killers if we can come to a fair understanding..

    Maybe increased lightning on each map that can be turned on or off by the killers or survivors and allow the killer themselves to destroy pallets, while they're still up or sabotage them.

    If sabotaged the survivor pulling it down should suffer from bleeding or get a semi-injured status that last 10 seconds before being healed to the prior state

    I'm glad that you've come down off of whatever you were smoking. Feeling better? How many fingers am I holding up? Just joking but I really like your suggestions. I've always thought that sabo'ing pallets would be a cool parallel to hook sabo'ing. Bloodlust isn't a good thing. I hate it, honestly, it wastes time and promotes ######### behavior from both parties, but until the maps get perfected, it'll have to stay.

  • Unit
    Unit Member Posts: 190
    Why is this thread still active
  • Mesme
    Mesme Member Posts: 177

    @feffrey said:
    I have only seen one good argument from the killer side and the other killers entitlement is showing

    They don't want Claudette in the game
    They don't want pallets in the game
    They don't want any perk that helps the survivor .

    They want survivors highlighted for them

    Like can you get even more entitled?

    Hypocrisy... why? You don't want Nurse in the game you don't want killers to instantly down you or mess with your items and or generators and of course you don't like the perks that aid us in killing you.
    Can you get even more hypocritical?

  • Mesme
    Mesme Member Posts: 177

    @feffrey said:
    I have only seen one good argument from the killer side and the other killers entitlement is showing

    They don't want Claudette in the game
    They don't want pallets in the game
    They don't want any perk that helps the survivor .

    They want survivors highlighted for them

    Like can you get even more entitled?

    Hypocrisy... why? You don't want Nurse in the game you don't want killers to instantly down you or mess with your items and or generators and of course you don't like the perks that aid us in killing you.
    Can you get even more hypocritical?

This discussion has been closed.