Very rare (Legendary) Skins for killers


Maybe we could have some very rare skins (with the red icon)
They could change the killers ability skin so a very rare Trapper skin could change how his traps look like and sound they make
Maybe add some additional voice lines ingame too


  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    As cool as it would be you never want to add a mechanic that causes an important part of the game to look different. It would only serve to confuse new players.
    I'm okay with making the Doctor's Shocks look different (as an example) as it's fairly obvious where that ability is originating from. But replacing things like the Trapper's Traps, Wraith's Bell, Huntress' Humming etc. could be seriously confusing to new players, and may give a genuine "pay to win" advantage to the game. (Beyond David's jet black clothing being impossible to see, as an example.)