Did they change DS?

If i missed my DS i used to be able to have a second try after being unhooked again, but that hasnt happened in a while. Is it one try now? even if you miss it?
Best Answer
Yep, it's just like they said. I used to believe that if you failed the Skill Check, you could still activate it again later on. However, this happened because my timing was off: I did press spacebar, but the Skill Check had already ended miliseconds ago, therefore in my mind it was a miss, but in reality it's like I didn't even press anything, so later on when I got unhooked, DS activated again.
So in summary, if you press spacebar before you get to the white section, it's a miss, therefore it gets deactivated. And if you press it after the white section, then the Skill Check has technically already ended so it doesn't count as anything, and DS can be re-activated next time.
You never had a second chance in case you hit the space bar at the wrong spot, but you did - and still do - have it and if you didn't hit the space bar at all when the Skill Check appeared.
If you hit the space bar, missed the Skill Check and had a second chance, it might've been because of a bug.
But yeah, unfortunately, the Devs intend to make it so that you only have one chance per game.
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Deja Vu, I feel this was already asked before...
Anyways, the "second use" option for DS is still in effect, but missing or hitting the space-bar at all while it's active will use up the DS activation for the whole match. But you already know that from the answer above.
Basically, if you want to "save" DS, than don't hit the spacebar at all until you want to use it. If you do, and miss is, than you'll waste your one use for that match. This is how DS has always been though, it wasn't really changed with the nerf... the only change was WHEN you could use it under WHAT specific circumstances.
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Sometimes the perk does deactivate for some, but that's primarily a bug.
All in all, using the spacebar when missing the skill-check will de-activate DS for the entire trial afterwards. Ignoring it all together actually lets you use it for the next unhook, so you technically have 2 chances to use it.
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@FireHazard @FichteHiro Thanks guys. It's weird i had always had a second chance if I missed it, but maybe it was just not registering.
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No problem, glad we could give you a satisfying answer to your question.