Why do people Camp or tunnel in dbd

When killers camp i get angry asf because i just got caught in the first 2 mins. I barely did nothing but probably pallet stunned only 2-3 times before i get camped for no reason. The killers that camp are sometimes prestige or in purple ranks (im in purple). Its annoying because you sit on the hook for about 2 mins and have to die without playing the game that took 13 mins to get in 1 match. If i get saved they tunnel and put me back on the hook. I can understand a patrol but not a camp. The only time i camped is when i went against toxic survivors who all had ds and head on and purple flashlights when it was endgame (i still lost). I can understand if there are new killers releasing or its for archives but other than that no.
If anyone gives a good detailed explanation on how camping or tunneling is fun for both killer and survivor ill shut up.
Talking about the killers that just hook someone and stare at them to death? Like in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWLf0ezuvNg
Post edited by Ghostwithaface on1 -
this is a relatable experience 100% of the time playing the game. People say 12 hooks Vs 5 gens. I say it’s more like 4 Hooks against 5 gens. Way unbalanced in my opinion. Someone complains about gen speed and those 5 gens are going to be more agonizing to do because it only means you’re going to be staring at a progress bar longer. You’re either staring at a progress bar or staring at your character hanging on a hook over and over. It’s one or the other. Personally I think DS should be in effect every time you get off the hook as a protective measure. It’ll keep killers finding new targets. Any way they can add something to the game to keep killers finding new targets is a must have in this game. Somehow bbq and chili perk and ranking up isn’t a suffice enough reason for these people 🤷♂️ They don’t care. It almost feels like a protest of some kind lol . Hand ebony Mori’s and an infinite match timer and these killers just do whatever they want because people don’t want to stress over map control when that’s the job you signed up for 😂 don’t blame survivors for DC’ing when it’s killers that ruin other players experience. It’s not the other way around because what are they doing that’s ruining killers experience? Doing their objectives too fast? Flashlight stunning you to stay alive and keep their teammates alive like they’re supposed to? If they just let their teammates die every game they won’t make it. You have to work together not leave people on hooks or let them get hooked. Hook prevention is necessary and improves chances of winning significantly. So why be mad at that? Killers need to be punished for their lack of effort doing they’re job whether they’re good or bad at it doesn’t matter. Don’t sit on a hook watching a survivor bleed out or billy out and billy back once the guy gets unhooked and go rant about why the guy disconnected. Last I checked this is a game we all paid for and you’re abusing your right to prevent somebody from PLAYING a game that they PAID for too. It’s not illegal sure. But I’m saying don’t be mad Bc they DCd
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Because they want to kill you and they choose this strat and they are not responsable for the wait time and your enjoyment of the game. If you did not do anything then that favor the killer he got 1 survivor out only 3 to go and he just make the game turn in his favor depend on how many gen are left. You may not like the camping or tunneling strat but they are legit and you have perk to counter those strat
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Honestly why shouldn’t the killer tunnel or camp? Not to sound like a killer main I play both sides so I can sort of see what each side finds annoying. But it’s really not the killers job to make the game fun for survivors they paid money for their own fun. As long as what they are doing isn’t hacking or against the rules and by rules I mean the company Behavior made rules not any made up rules they should play how they want. I tend to play what most would call fair but not because I care for survivors but because camping isn’t fun for me though if I feel like tunneling someone easy to catch I do it if I feel like it.
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new to the game or just want to ruin someones day for camp
because they know that if they go for the person who unhooker that meg, the meg will heal and you will be unable to catch her ever again for tunnel. I've been in that scenario. there's no way to win even if you do tunnel.
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No obsession target. Kill confirmation. It's not very difficult.
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Generally people who camp all the time do it for exactly this, the reaction you have to it. Hardcore Campers only want to ruin someone's game, which is why any proposed "punishments" are useless: they already don't care about points or winning.
People who camp occasionally usually do so because it makes sense at the time, like 2-3 Survivors showed up as soon as the hook animation was done, or the Survivors have already shown they're willing to trade hooks to get you down.
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Yeah when it the second case. IT tends to be very reasonable in that case. Since normally the survivor tip off the killer, they are nearby or going to save their friend. So looping around to try and catch them off guard, seems more like common sense.
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It takes the fun out of the game just basically doing nothing or get to enjoy playing your favorite game.
sure i get ds deliverance slippery meat but after i get off the hook i still got to go on the struggle bus after. its like a CoD 1v5 and the enemys are getting vtols and just nuking where you spawn making sure they get the kill and you die but except no respawn just a hook escape chance
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I will be quick and honest. I agree 100% as a person that plays both sides that camping and tunneling is no fun. I personally do not see it BUT you will get people that will just be rude and toxic and say it is a strategy just get use to it. They will also say well there is perks to counter campers and that is also right.
Now here is the issue with that, these people that say that also say the perks that counter this said strategy complain the perks to counter it are to OP for survivors. They say camping is a "Strategy" and to use perks maybe like Borrowed Time and DS but then in another forum post will say DS and BT are to OP. You cannot win this discussion I have learned and I have just accepted things. =( I know when I play killer I do not tunnel or camp and if everyone gets out alive good and if not also good. It is all just for fun so no need to be that crazy person who camps and waste time to get minimal points. Just my opinion but also I guess play however makes you happy. =)
Good luck and sorry you had this experience and hope you have better luck in your other games. =)
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This is how i became a killer main but i still have to do archives for survivor plus camping is not a strategy it requires no thinking just if someone comes to close ill chainsaw you but thank you for understanding
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The problem is the perks that counter campers or tunnelers a bunch of people say are to OP. If a killer see you have DS or BT they then scream and complain on these forums about how OP it is. It is sadly a no win discussion. There is ways to stop camping and that is why I use BT to save the person on a hook and give them a chance.
I personally have nothing against camping or tunneling. If it is your thing then go for it. I like to get points personally and win chases and stuff. If camping and tunneling are strategies then they can't be mad when people use DS or BT to counter these said strategies. WELL I mean they can be mad that is their right but I guess they asked for those perks to be used.
I hope you and your family are safe during this time. =) Have a great day.
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You do realize their job is to kill, right? There's no rules on how they do that. If they want to face camp, why shouldn't they? If they want to tunnel somebody into the ground, what's stopping them? Most 'rules' you find come from the survivor hand book.
If a killer feels like they can get something out of a match by obtaining only one kill and 3k bp, then they'll do it. Nothing you say or do will change that.
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I agree it is not a strategy and it is the most brainless toxic thing to do. Why waste time waiting for a que time as a killer only to camp one survivor and get such little points?
Then these people who camp and tunnel run to these forums and start crying when people are using DS or BT. Well maybe if people did not camp we would not need to use BT or DS to save that one person from dying on hook.
I no joke had a game where a killer face camped and it costed him the game. He camped one person while we did 3 gens. I ran up used BT and she got away. Well then he put me on the hook and I had kindred letting my survivor people know the killer was smacking me and they finished the last two gens. They open the gate and BT me and I was out. I mean as a killer he got less points then everyone and it made me feel bad but that was on him.
I normally feel bad for new killers and will even let them kill me or whatever but I will not reward that camping or tunnel mind set.
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Tbh i'm thinking they just don't take the game seriously anymore, i kinda sympathize and understand why most do this, the game is unbalance with countless bugs and with the ranking system+matchmaking and lobby simulator etc. Sad that the game has to come to this for the community (maybe the devs) to voiced out and so something eventually
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The part your not understanding is that we play games to have fun to sit and watch someone die is boring for survivor and killer
First off killer wins because no matter what there getting bp plus dc lowers your rank so to not give people a chance is just boring and no fun
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Killing Survivors is the Killer's objective, defending hooks is part of the normal gameplay, allowing easy saves 24/7 would be plain dumb, the moment you start playing "fair" Survivors will get ahead by pressing M1.
If you don't care about "winning" than it's fine, you can play however you want.
If you are talking about straight up face camping run Kindred and DS. Tell the others in pre-game lobby to do the darn Gens in case of camping and with this little thing you will cost the Killer at least 3 Gens. Then accept death and go next. It's just that easy.
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its sad that it takes about half an hour to get in a match and camp
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yea but its sad that i have to lose my rank and they get to escape
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I've had the same thing happen to me 3 games in a row(same killer all 3 lobby) I was mad yes but i kinda have to take a step back from a survivor point of view and access the state of the game. I play both sides and i can assure you it's way more stressful then it needed to be to play killer every single time
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The game is unbalanced though every match. I have had games where the killer stomped us because he was rank like 4 and the highest rank survivor we had was maybe 12. I personally do not think perks make or break the game but skill level really matters. I really do not think the game is balanced on one side more than another. I know and hear the arguments but EVERY match is different.
I know the whole idea of how perks CAN be abused but this is not how it happens every match. I mean heck I had one match where I was the only survivor who even had perks. lol I am not even kidding and I was shocked like ######### everyone can equip at least 1 perk but nope they didn't.
After all the games I have played I cannot understand camping or tunneling because I am a horrible.....HORRIBLE killer and even with the legion which most call the worst killer I can normally kill at least 2 survivors WITHOUT tunneling or camping. I have over 1000k hours so far.
I do think you should play however you want that makes it fun for you but do not be mad if you get yelled at or people get mad. Also if people start bringing things to counter camping and tunneling then accept that as well.
I do feel bad for killers if I see they have not got one hook after the third gen and will let them hook me because I do want everyone to have fun so I am not trying to be mean about camping but the only way to learn is to try. The best way to learn is to make mistakes and learn why something did not work and change it. =)
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For me the reason i hate ds is because i can hook someone and because i did not see when the other guy got unhook i can get hit by ds because the guy play like a ######### but he have a 1 minute immunity and for bt i chase you dont go for the unhook ofc i will try to hit the guy you just unhook my goal is to kill all of you and you just help me with that but because of bt i cant punish that bad play those are my personal opinion on a side note dont forget the game start when 2 gen are done for the killer it take more or less 40 second to walk accros the map in that time 2 gen can be done
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I'm understanding it perfectly well. What may or may not be fun for you does not mean that same applies to another person. You say it isn't fun watching somebody die, somebody else will say it is.
You cannot dictate what a player should or should not do. If a killer feels they only want one kill, and to get that they'll face camp, then they'll do it. You think Insidious Bubba's do it because it's boring? Heck no.
Technically, a killer doesn't 'win' unless they put some serious grind into a match, at least by the ranking system. So, if somebody is being face camped, just do gens and leave. By the ranking system, they lost. But then, if they're face camping, they don't care about rank.
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Well in the case of the DS if you tunneled the guy that just got off the hook then you deserved the DS in the back. He countered your tunneling behavior just like you said to do. You could have went after the guy that got him off the hook.
I personally do not care about being camped or tunnel and do not use DS at all. I use BT just because I see camping a little to often and I get stuck with a bunch of potatoes who will pick team members off the hook in front of the killer. I try to get there first to give them a fighting chance.
I will point out though you did just say how you did not see the person get unhooked so you cannot guess when the timer for DS went off. Well here is a tip then instead of tunneling him go and punish the other one for rescuing him and leave the other guy to go and waste time healing. You can be mad 100% people use DS but you did just say camping and tunneling are strategies and there are ways to counter them. Well they are using the ways and you are mad. What do you want them to do to deal with camping or tunneling then instead of DS or BT?
I will say the ONLY time I ever go for the rescue with BT is if I see the killer camping. Also BT only works if the killer is close anyway. It is a counter to camping killers. If you are camping then you are not applying pressure to the map.
You just said to deal with both camping and tunneling because it is legit well then accept DS and BT because they too are legit.
I am sorry and really am not trying to be rude or anything but this is personally why I do not tunnel is because I always expect DS and BT so I don't camp either. Then that way they really do not get to use either. I can normally get at least 2 kills per game.
Also I am sorry and both happy you get games where people do gens. I no joke 90% of the time get potatoes but I play ONLY Solo Que and my team spends 90% hiding and maybe 10% trying while I do gens so the matches take FOREVER! lol
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What this person said. =) Sadly there is only two options. You can do gens or attempt to the escape but without BT or DS you are them are dead anyway. I say let the killer camp and regret it and hope you all get out and they get less then 10k points. =)
Unfortunately for me even with kindred my ENTIRE team will run over and be dumb and get slugged and the killer gets a easy win. I will never understand why it takes 3 people to get one person ESPECIALLY if that one is being camped. lol
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To answer your question.. Killers camp or tunnel when they are garbage at the game and don't know how to play any other way.
So they go with the only play style that literally requires no skill or effort. They just stand still and stare at people on a hook for about 2 minutes.
Or I guess they walk around "patrolling" or proxy camping the area in a 10 meter radius around the hooked survivor.
I guess it's the easiest thing to just go after who is already on your screen but it's less BP for them, they allow themselves to get genrushed and if the survivors have brains, the killer ends with 2 kills AT MOST. Usually only 1 kill.
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I paid money too, genius. There is no reason to just delete me from a match because you got mad after being gen-rushed and flashlighed last game.
This whole "I paid money, I can enjoy it how I want!" Is a weak excuse to cover up the fact that you have zero cares for anyone but yourself, or desire to better yourself within the game. And that goes for ANYONE who uses that excuse!
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If you get downed in the first two minutes, maybe you shouldve been better at hiding,, stealth, looping or juking.
You're not entitled to getting off the hook. While a lot has changed by then, even the devs stated youre out once hooked.
Survivors simply got too used to greedy vultures or overaltruistic swf rushing in to get each other off.
Killers camp because survivors make it worthwhile to do so.
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about half the time you camp / tunnel, other survivors pick that up and start making stupid plays to save the person you're camping or tunneling, which turns a 1k into a 2k-4k.
if you're good enough, you can also hook trade with the person trying to unhook the hooked survivor, gaining a ton of points.
It's not really about fun at this point. Killers have got shafted with the last 2-3 balance patches pretty hard, it's the only way most killers can secure kills now since it takes an absolute herculean effort to kill according to the survivor rulebook.
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Yeah but if you does against our swf you will lose 4 gennys. And we will do a coordinated body block bt save that will give the hooked person at least one chance to get away and attempt to loop until that adrenaline kicks in.
That is probably the key. So many times before survivors save poorly and give this type of killer a 4k. Punish it first doing gennys. Then last second do a smart save.
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I don't care about your fun only getting you out of the game so you can't hold m1.
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Agree doing gen and saving waiting until the last minutr to save the survivor who get camp is a smart move thats why when i camp i use bubba with insidious, noed, blood warden and bitter murmur but that my game plan from start to finish so if you happen to leave the guy on hook and escape i lost and your team win
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Exactly. Can't do much against face camping bubba!
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Most killers are toxic. And the game allows them to be toxic and even affecting others gameplay in the most frustrating way (which is impossible on the other side).
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I don't really get camped or tunneled if the killer is having a bad game, it's rather if I have ran him for an extended period of time or if I've 360d him a lot (every Myers, Clown, LF, Wraith, Freddy, and Doctor I've literally ever faced). But for the most part, killers camp and tunnel if they're having a bad game or if you pose a threat. Unless it's a Leatherface. They'll camp just because they know they won't get a kill otherwise.
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Tunneling is just a result of the trash emblem system. Devout rewards you for hooks and kills and Malicious reward you for hurting survivors and not letting them heal. In an era where your best stall perks are Corrupt and Thanatophobia you're gonna see a lot more tunneling from people who want to win. 3 Survivors are a lot less dangerous then 4.
Camping is usually an emotional response from my experience. Either you pissed off the killer or they're scared of your team. On the off chance it's not emotionally based then it's just someone that wants to eat your salt or drink your tears or something like that. I don't get it, but they're out there.
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Yeah, I’m a Killer like this. If a survivor is obviously more skilled and knowledgeable then me and basically single handily made me give up 2-3 gens early. Meh, might as well turn this game around with a lol self satisfying camp session. I like punching a survivor hanging on a hook over and over again.
I feel better, your team feels good about the easy M1 skill win and you get to die knowing that your actions lead to a team victory. (I still killed you though heh heh heeeh)
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If you play Deathslinger then you haven't gotten me at all. I haven't died to a single deathslinger yet.
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It’s a in general response man, not directed at you personally. I doubt we’re even on the same system. If we do run into each other one day, then you can consider me the first Deathslinger to get you, I guess. 🤷🏻
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If you don't play Xbox then I guess we'll see.
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I try to avoid tunneling if I can, BUT the game pace determines how I respond. I play against 1-4s mainly and generally tunneling occurs because survivors do NOT wait for me to walk away before they pull a Rescue. Which brings up the discussion of NOTHING "coming from the top brass" of the this game to SOLVE anything. Ruining items for players didn't solve ANYTHING.
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Whats wrong with tunneling?
If your objective is to kill, and you kill by hooking people, then the most obvious choice would be to tunnel the person thats closest to dying on a hook? theres nothing wrong with tunneling unless you dont try and protect your gens.
Say i see someone getting rescued and i dont think the rescuing guy has borrowed time, then i will obviously pursue the rescued person to down him again. it makes sense strategically.
But if you mean tunnel as in run around entire game after one guy not caring about whether you ran by someone on a gen? i dont know.
Why would i camp? normally when all gens have popped and the gates are open. specially if no one is dead already, then i camp because i know they will try and save the person. then i get a last fight out of it, and a possible chance for some kills despite having been destroyed all game with no kills. so it just gives me some extra action in a situation i would otherwise lose completely.
ive had a pretty large amount of games where i turned no kills at 5 gens done in to 1 or 2 kills by camping when the gates opened.
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Well you dont get 2 health states and 3 lives as chances to escape...
80sec gen X 5 +20sec gate /4players= OBJ time each.
you have one single life. As killer i want to kill you. And if I catch you once I wanna make sure you die. Getting off the hook means another chase that I may not win.
Survivors have 105 seconds of OBJ to escape at base if they all work separately however each person I kill adds this time to the ones left over.
So logically knocking down the team is the only way to give myself enough time to win.
If as killer I'm expected to let everyone escape the hook then honestly what is the point of the hook ?
If I'm expected to "juggle" rather then tunnel then mechanically speaking I have less then 35 seconds to find-chase-down-carry-hook
And I'd have to do this 11 perfectly times without mistakes to win.
If I'm expected to juggle
And if someone has a toolbox or a gen increase perk or even if you all hit skillchecks I have only 20 seconds or less find-chase-down-carry-hook
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Their point is that the killer paid to have fun, the ones responsible for toxicity are bhvr. The most efficient way to win in this game is pretty much just be toxic as #########. If I as killer want to win, I could spread out hooks OR I could focus down 1-2 people and garuntee getting myself an easy game. The same goes for survivor and abusing map tiles.
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Sometimes camping or tunneling is the smarter play. Though some killers do that just cause they want.
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currently green rank....why do i have to face off against teams of p3 claudettes on ormond snowy map that are coordinated like SWFs...
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that are red rank...
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My point is that I paid money to actually play a game. Kinda can't do that if I get instantly deleted.
It'll make people stop playing the game eventually, then nobody will play.
We COULD just not do it and extend the lifespan of the game.
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Sometimes it's simply the most efficient way to get kills. It's just like when survivors camp and tunnel Gens.
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Why I camp:
- It's SWF and I gotta take out one survivor right quick to ensure I win.
- A survivor has OoO.
- It's endgame and I haven't gotten a single kill and I wanna ensure I at least get one.
- They were incredibly annoying and I wanted to put them in their place.
- I'm memeing
Why I tunnel:
- There's a challenge in the rift that forces me to use Moris and I'm tunneling to ensure I got those kills.