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Red pill time, map changes (clarified) will fix nothing



  • Member Posts: 1,241
    edited March 2020

    Otz is not a good billy. And on yamaoka is even harder.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    I'd say he played way above the average killer player that particular match..he applied pressure as efficiently as he could..and the survivors were practically feeding him..that's the point of the reference

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Not sure what made you think I was inferring it would. It would help good killers deal with coordinated groups that know how to exploit the maps. Nobody is saying it will suddenly make Ttapper great, but it would help me not waste so much time running in circles at pallets .

    Maps being reworked will limit loops and wasted time. That give more opportunity to pressure gens.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    The only things thats arent true here are your statements.

  • Member Posts: 647

    I know you can't argue your way out of a wet paper bag, which is why no one in this thread has agreed with you.

    Didn't make an assumption, I made an inference based on your terrible ability to argue a point, and your blatantly lying about something you said you didn't say that I was able to literally quote.

    I had sufficient evidence to make an educated guess.

    "Magical expertise you claim to have". It's not magical to learn how to actually argue a point and not come off as a blithering idiot. Read the article, it'll help.

    I said plenty that was meaningful, read the article, it'll help later in life when you have to actually do something with actual consequences like argue for a raise at your job, or pitch a project to your company's executives. But I guess you'll just resort to referencing stuff that isn't there and storming out like you won the argument lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2020

    Most survivors aren't really that good at looping. I feel like weakening looping would just diminish survivor's satisfaction and skill expression in the game. If I had to estimate, only like 30% of games lost to looping/strong map design. The only maps that criminally have unfair loop design are farm maps and Azeroth maps. SWF always pick those maps because their map size is ideal and the maps are very powerful for looping. part of the reason for this has to do with the fact those maps have really powerful safe filler pallets that practically behave like god pallets that force pallet break when it is dropped. If we want to be more precise about this, we can just state that every safe pallet comes from when a survivor can on reaction slide a pallet without the killer being in lunge range to hit them. One of the things that I always wondered is whether a killer perk that increases lunge range by 20%-30% would allow more safe pallets to become less safe and more opportunity to be mind gamed.

    Another comment that I have to make on this topic is that I don't trust *dev* to know what a strong/weak loop is because I simply don't trust devs to know where to place breakable walls. Some of the breakable walls look really stupid on new map in placement and ironically enough, there is a chance that 2nd floor saloon window can potentially lead into miniature god window loop. It is really hard to say if breakable walls will do anything for killer. Personally I think what OP is saying is that generator speed is major issue and hasn't gotten compensate in any particular noticeable way since Hex:Ruin changes.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Just had to cut in and say that was some nice passive aggressive language :) You accused me of it a few days ago, so I found it funny. Keep it up, makes me proud.

    Oh, and I agree with everything you said here.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Well if the great let's play say it ...XD come now really ?

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    the only ignorant one here is you

    blatantly ignoring valuable information from other people in this thread and then whining on how “changing maps will fix nothing!!!” without any evidence... and to which, not even saying how changing maps wont make the game more balanced for killers in your original post.

    having a different opinion isn't bad, but shooting others opinions down just because you think you’re correct is.

  • Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2020

    I tend to disagree about the map changes, or how horrible it is for killers. You said you've been here over 2 years. I just hit a little over 3. I remember every loop having 2 pallets instead of 1. I remember the vacuum pallets. Those 2 things were utter hell. Much worse than anything these days.

    I play on XBox mostly these days, as my good comp took a crap, and I'd rather save money wisely. And I'll tell you, killer controls are harder on console. And I still regularly 4k. Even against the swf hitsquads I face from time to time, I'll get 2-3k.

    Now, that's more than 50% killrate. Even with how "horrible" the state of this game supposedly is. Seriously. Look up videos of what DbD was in 2016/17. It's gotten much, MUCH better for us killer than it once was.

    Edit: While I mostly main Huntress, I still consistently get 2-3k on Wraith, Demo, and Trapper. Heck, did a ritual with Hag last night, and got a 4k, Merciless, with 31,900 BP. Yeah, it's rough for killers bro.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    I disagree. Map changes are a top issue for the Devs to be working on. Map changes can make it easier for killers to pressure gens, find Survivors, and open opportunities for skillful play and counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Nobody has said anything to prove it will help..because all we have is speculation

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Thatll change once match making is working as intended

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    So far it's not proving many years will it take?

  • Member Posts: 647

    Hey, never said I was perfect ;)

    And yeah I'm certainly capable of laying down some unneeded snark or being passive aggressive for sure. I've been accused of being arrogant on numerous occasions (which will shock no one) and my response is usually "well.....I mean yeah but".

    I will admit I definitely lost my patience to a degree in this thread, Mew nailed it, having a different opinion isn't bad, but shooting down others opinions on why you're incorrect with nothing but ad hominem and essentially going "NUH UH!" really loud is just really dumb, and it worries me when I see someone so oblivious to why that's a terrible way to argue.

    So yeah TL:DR I nom nom the bait more often then most, and I'm a smug arrogant prick more often than not, but I am usually aware of it lol.

  • Member Posts: 647

    Um, doesn't this work in both directions?

    You haven't said anything that definitively proves it won't help either?

    I find it impressive someone would utilize an appeal to ignorance (no one has proven me wrong, therefore I'm right) and an appeal to authority (I've been playing for two years, I know what I"m talking about) in the same thread. It's almost stunning in it's level of oblivious.

    You claimed a video backed up your claims, that you then didn't even bother to link, and all you've done now is talk about "playing for two years" which is making most of this thread lol pretty hard considering the only people crazy enough to be on this thread as often as these people is they have been playing for even longer than that.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    "Minor toolbox nerf"

    Your bias is showing. Toolboxes are completely worthless now. The only value they have is to counter a 3 gen or to sabo.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    They arnt worthless then are they? Taking apart a 3 gen is quite useful I'd say..amusing as always suicide

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2020

    Dude they went from super powerful all the time to BARELY useful in specific circumstances. How can you call that a "minor nerf"?

    Also you don't even need toolboxes to beat a 3 gen. It's just obviously easier to do with a toolbox. Which is how it was before BTW. So again, not a minor nerf.

  • Member Posts: 6,505

    All I said was "well it's Yamaoka"? Are you kidding me?

    In my second paragraph I explained why I think making maps more balanced will balance this game very well, by allowing the killers to slow down gens enough by themselves if they are able to down survivors fast enough and apply enough map pressure. The more you can pressure survivors off of gens, the slower gens get done. The more frequent you down and hook survivors, the more frequent you are forcing survivors off of gens to go for unhooks, which slows down generator repair speed and increases the speed at which you are completing your own objective as killer as well.

    I also explained why Yamaoaka isn't that balanced in my other post, I didn't realise you didn't see that post, so I'll just add it here again: "I should probably mention that Yamaoka is a map that many people seem to agree to be rather survivor sided, with it's huge size, safe pallets and good stealth. It's only downside for survivors is that it can sometimes have areas with very few pallets, depending on rng. So that map is hardly compareable to some of the newer maps like the Saloon map."

    Then I mentioned that they were using two really good toolboxes with addons to make them even better, which I believe decreased gen repair time by more than 20 seconds, especially the purple toolbox, and that Otz was using two pretty weak perks. But I guess you just skipped that part.

    I also explained that if maps are more balanced, killers have a better chance of downing survivors fast enough without them having to mess up in chases. That's the argument everyone is making.

    The Saloon map for example has barely any safe pallets, most are mindgameable and a few even completely unsafe, so killers have a better chance of downing survivors fast enough. Hooking survivors more frequently in return means survivors have to unhook each other more often, getting them off gens. Smaller maps also mean you can pressure gens better, as you waste less time patroling gens and forcing survivors off of gens. You can spread the damage more effectively as well.

    I get that some killers are still underwhelming even on these balanced maps, but many killers are much better on these maps, and a few, like Freddy, are probably even a bit op on maps like the new Saloon map.

  • Member Posts: 71

    And how's that? I've been here through several ranking systems. I've been through horrible times for killers.

    The ONLY time I have to work hard for kills is versus a 4 man SWF. Had one this morning. Had them all down after the first gen popped. A kobe saved them. It was a fun, stressful 20 minute game that ended with a 4k.

    The amazing part is that when I gave them all kudos via message for a game well played, there was no salt. We partied up, talked for a while, and it was fun times.

    The only time I ever struggled as killer was back when we had 2 pallets at every loop, and survivors could vacuum themselves through them

    Hell, I remember getting stuck inside pallets as killer.

    But now... Killer is easy. When the only time it's stressful is against a team with good communication and a couple good Loopers... We're in a good spot for killers.

    And anybody can disagree. We all have our own opinions. I just think the constant complaining is ridiculous. I think most killer mains that have been here from the start will agree that we're in a better spot than ever. It's mostly killers that started after vaccums and double pallets that complain consistently.

    But hey.. you do you. I'll just keep on getting better and wrecking faces.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Map changes are definitely the way to go in order to balance this game, but the problem is that devs are too slow with them and they intend to use band-aid fixes ( breakable walls ) in order to fix the major problems ( strong buildings ).

    Tho I can agree that some killers like Clown, Legion or Cannibal would still need some buffs/reworks even if maps were more balanced.

  • Member Posts: 6,505

    Just read your edited post, which sounds much more reasonable. Your original post just sounded like map reworks won't do anything as long as generators get repaired so fast, and that survivors objective time needs to be increased for this game to ever not be survivor sided anymore.

    I don't think anyone is expecting every single killer to magically become viable with map reworks. The point most people make is simply that gen time shouldn't be touched and isn't the main problem, but that maps need to be made more balanced so that killers have more counterplay to keep up with the fast gen times. It's not going to magically solve any balance problem this game has, it's just the main way to make matches feel more balanced for killer as well. Then killers can also be properly balanced around the more balanced maps.

    Of course killers will still need individual changes. I mean, if BHVR actually managed to create a map on which Leatherface was viable, killers like Hillbilly or Freddy would be broken on that map. As long as killers aren't all on at least a similar power level, there will always be underpowered or overpowered killers that need buffs or nerfs.

    I believe once most maps are well balanced, some killers will still need some buffs, and some of the top tier killers will probably need some small nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Honestly they need to remove some restrictions to hold things nurse for example..each new map functions worse and worse for her crudely altered it ruined the fun of her..bringing her back though obviously sans broken addons would be a nice olive least then we have a solid viable pool for now..I've posted so many ideas to fix little things in huge ways..but..devs never really say what they think

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