DAMNFASTDEAD's suggestions for balancing

Make perk effects more dynamic

Perks which effects the opponent(s) could be limited in their effect according to the loadout of the opponent. For expample:

  • A survivor uses DS against a killer. The killer has no perks loaded. DS could get a reduced chance to activate or a reduced stun time to the killer.
  • A killer uses IG against a survivor. The survivor has no perks loaded. IG could get limited in its efficiency.

In general I think, if the current loadouts of the gamers in a specific lobby can be valued in the way the better the counterattack, the better the counter-measures, it brings an interesting dynamic into the game imho.

Make HEX-totems harder to locate

From my point of view, HEX-totems are way to easy to locate. It would be better, if they are harder to find. I myself had the strange experience when finding and destroying two hex totems next to each other.

Make the grass higher

I had this interesting and horrifying feeling during playing DEATHGARDEN Alpha. You hide in the grass, the hunter stands next to you and you can't be sure, if he's going to find you or not.

Extend the maps, put the gens on exposed locations, reduce the time for one survivor working on a gen, increase the number of required gens to open the exit

If you make the grass higher, it's just fair, that gens are put on exposed locations. It makes it easier for the killer player to see survivors working on. Extend the maps because it balances hiding spots, long fields of view. Reduce the time needed if only one person fixes a generator but increase the number of necessary gens.

These are just my thoughts about the game balance.


  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25
    I really like your thoughts. However, I actually think that even the best killer player cannot even do anything to good survivors. I would say the average chase time (survivor gets in dying state)is at least half a minute. And by the time the killer hooks each person at least one generator is repaired (maybe more). That is the case if the survivor team is good. If it is not, then the killer is having a party. All in all, something needs to be done to make the killer as mighty as he should be(punishing and deadly, maybe being able to kill for each three hooked survivors) and not someone to make fun of as a survivor...
    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2018

    A killer who wasn't expected is scary

    Make "special items" which identify a killer to the survivors invisible until first "collusion". Trapper's traps, Jigsaw boxes and so on. The best example is the hag. Everytime I didn't expect her, her first trap scares the grap out of me. :-)

    Changes to Audio

    I think an issue is, that the approaching sound of the killer is overlapped by generator sound.
    FX for shocking moments should be really really loud to amplify the effect. Hag phantasm traps are the best example. If you do not expect sth. it scares you really, if it comes fast and powerful!

    These are just my thoughts about the game balance.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited June 2018
    I don’t see how putting the gens in an open area would make much of difference really. Yea it helps the killers see the survivors but that doesn’t help the killer kill very much 
    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    I just thought, that it brings more dynamic into a lobby so a killer player doesn't need to rely so much on perks.

    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    @Angelos455 said:
    I really like your thoughts. However, I actually think that even the best killer player cannot even do anything to good survivors. I would say the average chase time (survivor gets in dying state)is at least half a minute. And by the time the killer hooks each person at least one generator is repaired (maybe more). That is the case if the survivor team is good. If it is not, then the killer is having a party. All in all, something needs to be done to make the killer as mighty as he should be(punishing and deadly, maybe being able to kill for each three hooked survivors) and not someone to make fun of as a survivor...

    That's also true, of course.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    I just thought, that it brings more dynamic into a lobby so a killer player doesn't need to rely so much on perks.

    You forgot about the survivor perks though mainly sprint burst in this case
    DAMNFASTDEAD Member Posts: 251

    That's correct.
    The idea of making perks less efficient if the opponent hasn't the corresponding counterperk in his loadout should cover this issue, shouldn't it?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


    Make perk effects more dynamic

    Perks which effects the opponent(s) could be limited in their effect according to the loadout of the opponent. For expample:

    • A survivor uses DS against a killer. The killer has no perks loaded. DS could get a reduced chance to activate or a reduced stun time to the killer.
    • A killer uses IG against a survivor. The survivor has no perks loaded. IG could get limited in its efficiency.

    In general I think, if the current loadouts of the gamers in a specific lobby can be valued in the way the better the counterattack, the better the counter-measures, it brings an interesting dynamic into the game imho.

    Make HEX-totems harder to locate

    From my point of view, HEX-totems are way to easy to locate. It would be better, if they are harder to find. I myself had the strange experience when finding and destroying two hex totems next to each other.

    Make the grass higher

    I had this interesting and horrifying feeling during playing DEATHGARDEN Alpha. You hide in the grass, the hunter stands next to you and you can't be sure, if he's going to find you or not.

    Extend the maps, put the gens on exposed locations, reduce the time for one survivor working on a gen, increase the number of required gens to open the exit

    If you make the grass higher, it's just fair, that gens are put on exposed locations. It makes it easier for the killer player to see survivors working on. Extend the maps because it balances hiding spots, long fields of view. Reduce the time needed if only one person fixes a generator but increase the number of necessary gens.

    These are just my thoughts about the game balance.

    Well just to weaken a single perk, its not worth running a no-perk build.
    Devs are aware of hex problems, but its a problem affecting killer, so it has low priority sadly
    High grass would be a nice idea if this game were about hiding. But this would need a complete rework/removal of the pallets, because hiding+looping is insane. I would totally be in for a horror game where you actually have to hide from the kilelr instead of flashing at him such that you can initiate a nascar race with the pallet as finish

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    That's correct.
    The idea of making perks less efficient if the opponent hasn't the corresponding counterperk in his loadout should cover this issue, shouldn't it?

    I don’t think there is a counter perk to sprint burst. But even if you did make it less efficient it’s not the the speed that’s the problem really it’s more the way it’s triggered and it’s also the part of it which makes you no able to be hit by a lot of killers