Why Survivors should protest the Bloodlust Nerf

Which is worse, honestly, Bloodlust after 30+ seconds of looping or... Nothing But Nurses, all day, every day? Nurse is the ONLY killer that doesnt rely on Bloodlust to stop looping. The only reason why other Killers get used is because Bloodlust allows them to reduce the loops too about a minute. Even if you dont down them, they have to do something OTHER than loop. Nerf the Bloodlust, you will get NOTHING BUT LOOPS as any other killer but Nurse. Any Killer who is serious and nit just messing around will be forced to use Nurse to stand a chance.

Your Choice, Nerf Blood lust and get nothing but Nurses, or, leave it alone and get more variety in Killers



  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    powerbats said:

    @yeet said:
    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    If a killer is able to force bloodlust 3 that is entirely the survivors fault

    It could also be construed that it's the killers fault that they got to BL 3 since it took them that logn to catch said survivor. In all my time as killer I've hit it may'be 3x and that was on wide open maps only. It's been a rare occasion I ever even get to BL 2.

    The killer needs to intentionally force BL 3 and its only possible around a few loops, its entirely the survivors fault when they have plenty of ways to cancel and lose BL
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Like the hatch mechanic amirite?

    hatch is stupid, but i can see why it's there. It's supposed to help against survivor hiding and sleuthing around end game but it was poorly implemented and ends with stubborn killers/survivors camping it for hours.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    lmao how you gonna let him start bloodlusting you in the first place?
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    lmao how you gonna let him start bloodlusting you in the first place?

    Have you met Billy or Nurse before, you know when they're right next to you before you have time to do much? It's funny how quickly they can BL up especially on Coldwin or Autohaven the more wide open ones. Throw in Macmillan while you're there and they get up to speed rather quickly.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    If you never got found in the first place, you wouldn’t be running now would you? Face the fact, you failed to hide properly when the Killer came looking. You ######### up, time to deal with the consequences. It’s supposed to be hard to lose a Killer who’s hot on your ass. YOU ######### up and got found in the first place, why are you getting rewarded via Looping for ######### up? I don’t see Killers getting rewarded for being unable to find anyone. 

    Survivor = Don’t get found, you win. Get found, but Loop the Killer for just 30 seconds, you still win. 

    Killer = Don’t find anyone, you lose. Find everyone easy, but get Looped for 30 seconds every time, you still lose.

    All Looping does is take the Survivors fail condition and turn it into a win condition. It’s a win/win for Survivors, Lose/Lose for Killers. 


    How about these videos? Where the Gen Rush was so stupidly fast, it didn’t matter if the Killer didn’t really get Looped and chases were stupidly quick? Even without Looping, Survivors can still easily make a Killer pointless to even be on the map. 

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    SenzuDuck said:

    @yeet said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    lmao how you gonna let him start bloodlusting you in the first place?

    What? blood lust 1 is 15 seconds. If you get out of every chase within 15 seconds you're top tier rank 1 global elite master rank level 99 survivor.

    lmfao its really not difficult to sprint burst to a jungle gym or safe pallet where BL will never kick in because you need LOS for it to activate
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    powerbats said:

    @yeet said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    lmao how you gonna let him start bloodlusting you in the first place?

    Have you met Billy or Nurse before, you know when they're right next to you before you have time to do much? It's funny how quickly they can BL up especially on Coldwin or Autohaven the more wide open ones. Throw in Macmillan while you're there and they get up to speed rather quickly.

    imma be real w you pal if a nurse is using bloodlust and you go down you deserve to lose straight up
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    feffrey said:
    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures
    Letting a killer get BL3 is a failure on the survivors part, survivors get pretty much every game handed to them with how easy it is to win.
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    Oh really? Pretty sure killers have it easy it doesn't take a brain to mash the attack button 
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @SovererignKing said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    If you never got found in the first place, you wouldn’t be running now would you? Face the fact, you failed to hide properly when the Killer came looking. You ######### up, time to deal with the consequences. It’s supposed to be hard to lose a Killer who’s hot on your ass. YOU ######### up and got found in the first place, why are you getting rewarded via Looping for [BAD WORD] up? I don’t see Killers getting rewarded for being unable to find anyone. 

    Survivor = Don’t get found, you win. Get found, but Loop the Killer for just 30 seconds, you still win. 

    Killer = Don’t find anyone, you lose. Find everyone easy, but get Looped for 30 seconds every time, you still lose.

    All Looping does is take the Survivors fail condition and turn it into a win condition. It’s a win/win for Survivors, Lose/Lose for Killers. 


    How about these videos? Where the Gen Rush was so stupidly fast, it didn’t matter if the Killer didn’t really get Looped and chases were stupidly quick? Even without Looping, Survivors can still easily make a Killer pointless to even be on the map. 

    Why aren't end lobbies shown in either match? This could have easily been misranked matches which is scummy af. Also that clown gameplay was one of the worst matches I've ever seen in my life, clown throwing bottles at everything but survivors lmao.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2018

    @powerbats said:
    Lets be realistic here, they're talking about BL3 and about totally removing it once maps are balanced.

    Since the change will be in the next PTB they most likely plan to had it in the next patch, and realistcly speaking I doubt that they will also have fixed their map design by next patch, but they'll most likely will still go throught with BL nerf.
    Even when they hadn't a set time for patch release and they released patch whenever it took them month to fix map exploit like the one on the Iron work of misery where a survivor could crawl throught a space in between a wall and some junk in a way that if the killer tried to pick him up the killer would get stuck there.
    It took them two month to fix it when all they had to do was make the junk closer to the wall.
    Doing that would literaly have took them a single minute to do.
    Why did they make us wait months?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:
    feffrey said:

    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures

    Letting a killer get BL3 is a failure on the survivors part, survivors get pretty much every game handed to them with how easy it is to win.

    Your logic fails you there, since if the killer has gotten to BL 3 it means the chase has lasted a very long time and the killer didn't end the chase very fast. It means that during that time 1-3 gens have been done because you even with BL1 and 2 couldn't catch a survivor that never broke los with you.

    If you talk to all the highly skilled killer mains they'll say the exact same thing, if you get to 3 you're playing badly. If you get to BL 2 and still don't get them you need to break off the chase and go for someone else not wasting your time.

    I've been in games where a killer chased me or someone else for a good 5 minutes and got to bl3 and in that time we'd get 2-4 gens done. Oh sure the killer would prance around like a peacock and brag about how they got the person afterwards. But when all 5 gens get done and 3-4 people escape who do you think won that game?.

    As a killer when I get to BL 2 and I don't get the person right away i stop chasing and go for someone else, since it's a waste of a killers time after that.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    edited August 2018
    powerbats said:

    @yeet said:
    feffrey said:

    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures

    Letting a killer get BL3 is a failure on the survivors part, survivors get pretty much every game handed to them with how easy it is to win.

    Your logic fails you there, since if the killer has gotten to BL 3 it means the chase has lasted a very long time and the killer didn't end the chase very fast. It means that during that time 1-3 gens have been done because you even with BL1 and 2 couldn't catch a survivor that never broke los with you.

    If you talk to all the highly skilled killer mains they'll say the exact same thing, if you get to 3 you're playing badly. If you get to BL 2 and still don't get them you need to break off the chase and go for someone else not wasting your time.

    I've been in games where a killer chased me or someone else for a good 5 minutes and got to bl3 and in that time we'd get 2-4 gens done. Oh sure the killer would prance around like a peacock and brag about how they got the person afterwards. But when all 5 gens get done and 3-4 people escape who do you think won that game?.

    As a killer when I get to BL 2 and I don't get the person right away i stop chasing and go for someone else, since it's a waste of a killers time after that.

    if you let a killer hit BL3 you deserve to go down, its the survivors fault if a killer hits BL3 because they let them BL an unsafe pallet.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:

    if you let a killer hit BL3 you deserve to go down, its the survivors fault if a killer hits BL3 because they let them BL an unsafe pallet.

    so if someone before you gets chased and gets all the pallets destroyed it's your fault you got tunneled and there's not a pallet around. That's not very logical there at all, it's like blaming your stomach for being full because your hand kept grabbing food.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    It's clear that you don't understand high rank survivor play. Survivors do not want to lose the killer, in fact many will try to keep the killer on them because they know how pathetically EASY it is to loop a killer for 5 generators.
    Finding survivors is not the issue, its the fact that looping is so powerful and so easy survivors will literally go out of their way to get found and will never attempt to lose the killer, only wait until every gen gets popped.

    Ah yes here we go I was waiting for you to pull that insult out since you can't refute my points.

    I've had games where the killer 4k'd and they did it by breaking off chases and going for easier kills. I've had games where only 1-2 people got out even when looping. I've had games where not a single gen got done due to map rng and really smart killers.

    This despite people looping as best they could and 360 juking, so yes I guess I do understand high ranked play just fine. I always try and lose the killer by hiding and evading, sometimes I get away sometimes I don't.

    1. Rank is completely meaningless, even the worst survivor could easily hit rank 1
    2. If survivors are failing to get gens done then they are abysmal survivors
    3. It is always the survivors fault for getting downed, they failed their easy mode mechanics and thus lost
    if survivors get BL3'ed they absolutely deserve to go down, it has been proven time and time again that survivors run the game.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    If you never got found in the first place, you wouldn’t be running now would you? Face the fact, you failed to hide properly when the Killer came looking. You ######### up, time to deal with the consequences. It’s supposed to be hard to lose a Killer who’s hot on your ass. YOU ######### up and got found in the first place, why are you getting rewarded via Looping for [BAD WORD] up? I don’t see Killers getting rewarded for being unable to find anyone. 

    Survivor = Don’t get found, you win. Get found, but Loop the Killer for just 30 seconds, you still win. 

    Killer = Don’t find anyone, you lose. Find everyone easy, but get Looped for 30 seconds every time, you still lose.

    All Looping does is take the Survivors fail condition and turn it into a win condition. It’s a win/win for Survivors, Lose/Lose for Killers. 


    How about these videos? Where the Gen Rush was so stupidly fast, it didn’t matter if the Killer didn’t really get Looped and chases were stupidly quick? Even without Looping, Survivors can still easily make a Killer pointless to even be on the map. 

    Why aren't end lobbies shown in either match? This could have easily been misranked matches which is scummy af. Also that clown gameplay was one of the worst matches I've ever seen in my life, clown throwing bottles at everything but survivors lmao.

    Shows you have no idea how to play clown. You don’t throw bottles at Survivors, you throw them at paths they want to take. It’s called cutting off routes and pathing. At most the first chase with the Claudette when I was actually in chase lasted 30 seconds, every chase after lasted less than 30 seconds. You only throw bottles AT Survivors if you’re running Red Heads Pinky Finger add on For for the insta-down. 
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @yeet said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    lmao how you gonna let him start bloodlusting you in the first place?

    Have you met Billy or Nurse before, you know when they're right next to you before you have time to do much? It's funny how quickly they can BL up especially on Coldwin or Autohaven the more wide open ones. Throw in Macmillan while you're there and they get up to speed rather quickly.

    So there are two Killers who have tremendous map pressure. Two Killers that can deal with it (Billy is iffy as he can still be Looped), so those two Killers justify the rest of the cast being weak as #########? Cool beans.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @SovererignKing said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?
    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.
    If you never got found in the first place, you wouldn’t be running now would you? Face the fact, you failed to hide properly when the Killer came looking. You ######### up, time to deal with the consequences. It’s supposed to be hard to lose a Killer who’s hot on your ass. YOU ######### up and got found in the first place, why are you getting rewarded via Looping for [BAD WORD] up? I don’t see Killers getting rewarded for being unable to find anyone. 
    Survivor = Don’t get found, you win. Get found, but Loop the Killer for just 30 seconds, you still win. 
    Killer = Don’t find anyone, you lose. Find everyone easy, but get Looped for 30 seconds every time, you still lose.

    All Looping does is take the Survivors fail condition and turn it into a win condition. It’s a win/win for Survivors, Lose/Lose for Killers. 

    How about these videos? Where the Gen Rush was so stupidly fast, it didn’t matter if the Killer didn’t really get Looped and chases were stupidly quick? Even without Looping, Survivors can still easily make a Killer pointless to even be on the map. 

    Why aren't end lobbies shown in either match? This could have easily been misranked matches which is scummy af. Also that clown gameplay was one of the worst matches I've ever seen in my life, clown throwing bottles at everything but survivors lmao.

    Shows you have no idea how to play clown. You don’t throw bottles at Survivors, you throw them at paths they want to take. It’s called cutting off routes and pathing. At most the first chase with the Claudette when I was actually in chase lasted 30 seconds, every chase after lasted less than 30 seconds. You only throw bottles AT Survivors if you’re running Red Heads Pinky Finger add on For for the insta-down. 

    the amount of times the bottle got thrown behind a survivor or at a wall instead of infront of them is hilarious. I know exactly how to play him, but throwing bottles behind survivors is not it LOL

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:

    It's clear that you don't understand high rank survivor play. Survivors do not want to lose the killer, in fact many will try to keep the killer on them because they know how pathetically EASY it is to loop a killer for 5 generators.
    Finding survivors is not the issue, its the fact that looping is so powerful and so easy survivors will literally go out of their way to get found and will never attempt to lose the killer, only wait until every gen gets popped.

    @yeet said:

    1. Rank is completely meaningless, even the worst survivor could easily hit rank 1
      1. If survivors are failing to get gens done then they are abysmal survivors
      2. It is always the survivors fault for getting downed, they failed their easy mode mechanics and thus lost
        if survivors get BL3'ed they absolutely deserve to go down, it has been proven time and time again that survivors run the game.

    Ok yet earlier you used rank to try and insult my game knowledge and now you say rank doesn't matter. So that would mean you have no argument then since you keep changing what your argument is.

    @yeet said:

    If a killer destroys every pallet before all gens get done yes, the survivors have failed  in every way and deserve to lose

    So the survivors have failed in very way because the killer got kited long enough to break every pallet on the map. You do realize how foolish that sounds right, I mean if you got kited that long you let 2-4 gens be done.
    That means you as the killer failed. They don't need all the gens done and if they get the 54th one down and 3 escape you failed.

    If the Doctor is in there and is running Unnerving and or Distressing games will take longer, Nurse comes near you then you don't stay on the gen and give her a free grab. If a Huntress comes near you don't stay near the gens and say ehre hit me for free.

    You seem to want to blame everything on the survivor for when things go wrong yet ignore anything the killer does that's wrong.

  • JackieEstacadoWhen
    JackieEstacadoWhen Member Posts: 78

    Do killers even need BL3?
    The only time I ever got to BL3 was when a solo dwight had to suffer a 3 man swf dc so I followed him around and while letting him get gens and hatch, have never gotten past BL2.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    You underestimate the crybaby Survivors, OP. Once Bloodlust is nerfed, they will double down on the screams for a Nurse nerf until they get that too.

    This game's history testify it.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited August 2018
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?
    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.
    If you never got found in the first place, you wouldn’t be running now would you? Face the fact, you failed to hide properly when the Killer came looking. You ######### up, time to deal with the consequences. It’s supposed to be hard to lose a Killer who’s hot on your ass. YOU ######### up and got found in the first place, why are you getting rewarded via Looping for [BAD WORD] up? I don’t see Killers getting rewarded for being unable to find anyone. 
    Survivor = Don’t get found, you win. Get found, but Loop the Killer for just 30 seconds, you still win. 
    Killer = Don’t find anyone, you lose. Find everyone easy, but get Looped for 30 seconds every time, you still lose.

    All Looping does is take the Survivors fail condition and turn it into a win condition. It’s a win/win for Survivors, Lose/Lose for Killers. 

    How about these videos? Where the Gen Rush was so stupidly fast, it didn’t matter if the Killer didn’t really get Looped and chases were stupidly quick? Even without Looping, Survivors can still easily make a Killer pointless to even be on the map. 

    Why aren't end lobbies shown in either match? This could have easily been misranked matches which is scummy af. Also that clown gameplay was one of the worst matches I've ever seen in my life, clown throwing bottles at everything but survivors lmao.

    Shows you have no idea how to play clown. You don’t throw bottles at Survivors, you throw them at paths they want to take. It’s called cutting off routes and pathing. At most the first chase with the Claudette when I was actually in chase lasted 30 seconds, every chase after lasted less than 30 seconds. You only throw bottles AT Survivors if you’re running Red Heads Pinky Finger add on For for the insta-down. 

    the amount of times the bottle got thrown behind a survivor or at a wall instead of infront of them is hilarious. I know exactly how to play him, but throwing bottles behind survivors is not it LOL

    Claudette - At the street, throwing the bottle at the window he wanted to vault. Too bad I can’t control how fast the bottle travels, and he made it to the vault before the bottle landed. At the window, where I wanted it to hit. Yeah, bottle travel time in a high arc is totally in my control. 

    At the car - Thought he was going to drop the pallet, he didn’t drop it, but ran past it and saved it. If he had dropped it, he would have gotten stuck in the gas and slowed, just as I intended. Slowing him while I broke the pallet, or ran around it. 

    At at the shed - I thought of all possible escape routes. The hole in the fence to the right, lead to nothing and a hit. The hole in the fence around the tree and to the right, again, lead to no pallets and nothing. The path down the side of the house along the fence, lead to nothing. The Claudette’s only safe path was to loop back around and vault the Pallet or run back to the Pallet at the car he saved. To which me throwing the bottle on the side of the shed, which broke and covered that side cut off that route, which she tried to take because it was the only safe route, but lead to a hit and down. 

    Meg - Had no chance.

    Laurie - Didn’t even have to use a bottle the first time. Second time after DS, make her go left, then drop a bottle on the other side of the loop at the truck so if she tried to Loop, she was screwed. Last bottle, landed right next to and nearly on her cutting off her route to the Pallet in the hedges ahead of her and a down. 

    Its obvious you have no idea how to play Clown except “Throw the bottles directly at them and hope to hit them with it.” You don’t think 2 steps ahead like I do, and cut off their routes and Loops.

    Though go on, post some of your own epic Clown game play. You know, where you’re God Mode and down everyone in less than 10 seconds every single chase, where you win in less than 6 minutes. Oh, and no camping and tunneling, like I didn’t. Oh and no instant down Red Head’s Pinky Finger, or Mori. I’ll wait.
    Post edited by SovererignKing on
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    edited August 2018

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    It's clear that you don't understand high rank survivor play. Survivors do not want to lose the killer, in fact many will try to keep the killer on them because they know how pathetically EASY it is to loop a killer for 5 generators.
    Finding survivors is not the issue, its the fact that looping is so powerful and so easy survivors will literally go out of their way to get found and will never attempt to lose the killer, only wait until every gen gets popped.

    @yeet said:

    1. Rank is completely meaningless, even the worst survivor could easily hit rank 1
      1. If survivors are failing to get gens done then they are abysmal survivors
      2. It is always the survivors fault for getting downed, they failed their easy mode mechanics and thus lost
        if survivors get BL3'ed they absolutely deserve to go down, it has been proven time and time again that survivors run the game.

    Ok yet earlier you used rank to try and insult my game knowledge and now you say rank doesn't matter. So that would mean you have no argument then since you keep changing what your argument is.

    @yeet said:

    If a killer destroys every pallet before all gens get done yes, the survivors have failed  in every way and deserve to lose

    So the survivors have failed in very way because the killer got kited long enough to break every pallet on the map. You do realize how foolish that sounds right, I mean if you got kited that long you let 2-4 gens be done.
    That means you as the killer failed. They don't need all the gens done and if they get the 54th one down and 3 escape you failed.

    If the Doctor is in there and is running Unnerving and or Distressing games will take longer, Nurse comes near you then you don't stay on the gen and give her a free grab. If a Huntress comes near you don't stay near the gens and say ehre hit me for free.

    You seem to want to blame everything on the survivor for when things go wrong yet ignore anything the killer does that's wrong.

    are you seriously hearing yourself right now? if survivors let 20+ pallets get destroyed without repairing all 5 gens they must have spent 20 minutes with their thumbs up their asses doing nothing, because you only need 6~ pallets and a window to run a killer for 5 gens EASILY
    i really find it difficult to believe you're serious, everything you say is absolutely moronic and foolish
    it only takes around 3 minutes to do every generator through ruin
    there will never be a situation where there is 0 pallets up and all generators haven't been done unless the survivors are seriously incompetent and cannot even hit skillchecks, in which case they absolutely 100% deserve to lose

    survivors are in the advantage 100% of the time, it only takes them mere minutes to complete their entire objective, and looping a killer for that long is laughably easy
    i find it hard to believe you even agree with the crap that you spew, Unnerving? don't make me laugh.
    "They don't need all the gens done"
    oh never mind you're actually just delusional

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    actually clown gameplay shown is very good, considering it's on ps4 controller. If you had to handle it you would do much worse

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    If you rely on bloodlust you need to git gud plain and simple, the good killers in this game don’t even need bloodlust it’s only the people who don’t break pallets and want to run in circles after one person the whole game 
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Like the hatch mechanic amirite?


  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @lyric said:
    If you rely on bloodlust you need to git gud plain and simple, the good killers in this game don’t even need bloodlust it’s only the people who don’t break pallets and want to run in circles after one person the whole game 

    a good survivor won't even let you BL them anyway

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115
    yeet said:

    @only1biggs said:
    tl;dr git gud


    "the game is fine because survivors don't try to win"
    what an abysmal way to balance a game

    Literally the first five seconds of the video says map design is broken and not balanced
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @ScottJund said:
    yeet said:

    @only1biggs said:

    tl;dr git gud

    "the game is fine because survivors don't try to win"

    what an abysmal way to balance a game

    Literally the first five seconds of the video says map design is broken and not balanced

    don't count on them ever fixing it, it's been 2 goddamn years and the most broken maps from release are still broken