Sole survivor needs to counter BBQ and chili

It's a useless perk right now and BBQ is meta and needs a hard counter. So sick of everyone saying that they use BBQ for the BP when in actuality they use it for the aura finding since Hillbilly always beeline to you if you aren't near a locker..Billy needs a cooldown like every other killer in the game otherwise...
... Answer from similiar post.
BBQ Counters 101:
- Hide in a locker
- Be inside 40m radius
- walk one way then walk the other way
- Distortion
- Off The Record
- Ignore the aura reading
- Oh also im not sure if this works but - Hiding behind a generator(?)
So tl:dr bbq has a lot of counters.
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Don't forget:
- Standing still
Also I think Sole Survivor already does counter BBQ, the problem with it is that if you get 3 stacks, then BBQ will not have an effect at all. (Since everybody is dead)
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This Perk works completely wrong. The mechanics of getting stacks are too absurd to defend against reading the aura, you need to sell one survivor
I have already expressed my idea of changing the mechanism for getting stacks for perks. It is necessary that after each hanging cut off the distance from which you can read your aura. Perk should counter not barbecue, but Myers mirror and calling.
For example:
After hanging any surviving non-obsession you get a token. It is impossible to read your aura from a distance of +8 meters for each token. When a survivor-obsession dies, you lose 2 tokens.
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Ahahaha! I wouldn't use it without it's bloodpoints part. There are so much better info perks.