dEaThsLIngEr iSnT a sTeAlTh kIlLeR i need someone to explain why you can see him but he has no terror radius. he can literally be on top of you with no terror radius which he can shoot out of for 4 times his terror radius size EASILY. Like I know his purple add on and monitor and abuse make this possible but someone justify how this isn't a stealth killer with an audio bug at this point.



This man is stupid. I wouldn't care but because his terror radius is dogshit and I mean literal dogshit you get almost no chase because the game doesn't count you as being in one because you can't hear the music. I have had games where I spend 2 gens running from this man and got quarter chase because I refused to let him be directly up my rectum. I get more points for getting out of chases than being in them. His terror radius cuts in and out during chases so tracking him is impossible. At least with Myers and Ghostface their terror radius is consistent. If Myers is playing scratched mirrors you hear his big ass feet coming a mile away and know KNOW he won't have a terror radius all game which is fine because he has to get up on you to kill you.

Please someone explain how this is fair that a stealth killer has long range. Either buff his terror radius and make it double the size of his chain range to give people a shot or remove the chain and make him a m1 killer. WIth one add on he can shoot outside his terror radius. Spine chill is the only thing saving me at this point when dealing with this man. But I'm tired of having to run spine chill, decisive strike, dead hard, sprint bursts. I never had to run any of this before this man but now I do just to even out the playing field.

Fix his damn terror radius already.



  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    could have fooled me. every single deathslinger is playing him like one. might as well treat him like one. only thing left to do is nerf monitor and abuse just like ruin since it's being used by 90% of deathslingers.

    and yes i understand his base kit doesn't make him a stealth killer don't sit there and pretend like everyone ins't abusing his terror radius to hell to get long range easy kills when undetectable unless you're running spinechill or premonition.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    He is semi stealthy to me. With the right addons and Monitor, he can be extremely stealthy, and I'm pretty sure that's not a bug. His purple addon I believe reduces his Terror radius by 8 meters, and the yellow one by 4 meters. Combine that with Monitor and he only has a 4 meter terror radius when aiming down sights, which can be really good, the downside is that he is insanely slow when aiming down sights. So most likely not a bug.

    However, those are just specific addons and a perk that allow him to reduce his terror radius so much, so in general I wouldn't call him a stealth killer. He still hase some stealth to him though, because unlike any other killer who has a 24 meter terror radius, he can hit you at range, which means survivors still sometimes don't have a lot of time to react to Deathslinger's terror radius before he is in range to hit a survivor with his harpoon. Since his terror raidus is 24 meters big and his weapon range is 18 meters, there's only 6 meters that Deathslinger has to cover during which survivors can hear his terror radius before he can technically hit the survivor with his harpoon.

    His downside of course is that he needs line of sight on you, so if objects are in your way right next to the survivor, his stealth potential is more or less lost.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I understand that but how is it fair or balanced game play when survivors are being denied points because of his terror radius. If I am being chased by this man for the equivalent of 2 gens then my meter should match it and not be at under a quarter. All I'm asking that if he's in a chase his terror radius has a SET range that cannot be decreased by addons while he's in chase.

    If I'm sitting at a palette staring at this man and he doesn't have a terror radius or if I'm looping him and it is not considered to be a chase until he shoots me that is a problem. And it's a huge problem.

    He is being played a certain why by 90% of the people who play him. That includes perks and add ons. And if it's not 90 its close. He has a mechanic that is being abused to hell and it needs to be stopped or at least addressed. I understand killers can play how they want BUT if everyone is playing a killer in a certain way where it's essentially wasting the time of others and they aren't even being rewarded for it it's a problem.

    He has a terror radius that can be the size of a palette and usually is because again everyone is playing him like that and he can shoot, undetected, and reel in a survivor that will rewarded with a stun and deep wound or no stun and deep wound which continues to go down as he shoots you to reel you back in for luls and has your mending reset despite your time continuing to go back down.

    He can be in a chase that is not even considered a chase with one survivor because they aren't close enough and then snipe another person. Now I'm started to see Huntress hitbox issue with him hitting the air and being rewarded. Ducking doesn't work after the last patch. And having 3 people body block a chain to instantly break it still applies deep wounds when it shouldn't but we can't do anything about that because "latency".

    I just don't see how this is considered okay. It's like if huntress didn't hum all the time and insidious could actually be used on her. He'd just be lobby iridescent add on hatchets everywhere.

    And I get well he's meant to be played by M1+M2+M1 survivors but no one is playing like that Because it's not as effective as sniping outside of his nonexistent terror radius. for easy downs. I'm just saying he has a dominant play style being abused so he needs the decisive strike, original exhaustion, borrowed time, ruin treatment or at the very least not be able to shoot outside of his terror radius.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I do run spine chill permanently thanks to this man and it has negated the sneaking up on me issue. However the chase issue is still there. I am not considered being in a chase with this man because of his terror radius. I am either constantly in and our of a chase or not in one. I have been obsession, gotten chased for 2 gens, staring him down at loops and palettes and gotten no points with a meter below quarter because the game thinks I'm just running around.

    If everyone wants to play him with no terror radius fine. Whatever. If I'm having my time wasted because I'm running him and getting no points I'm not saying in that game. I'm letting him hook me and dying on hook because I will not be rewarded for interacting with the killer, dodging hits (near hits haven't been being rewarded btw unless you're unhooking someone or on hook yourself) while in a chase that's not a chase, and being considered still not in a chase when I'm dropping palettes on his head while he's aiming down sights.

    None of it is fun or fair.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    i will play urban evasion, quick and quiet, iron will, spinechill blenette and burn a yamoka offering every single game if i have to. I have done that and the killer got gen rushed and found no one and raged hard because he never ran into anyone. the match was over in 5 minutes. not even joking. is it fun to play like that? no. did i get any points? no. did anyone have a good time? no. but if i your advice is to avoid the killer all game, never save my team, and just gen rush to deal with the killer guess that's what i have to do.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I think it's a bug then because I can loop him around a t wall, killer shack, or another loop and be rewarded no chase unless he's literally in my ass with red stain. I've been obsession getting chased and my claws wouldn't move which I legitimately thought was a visual bug until I finally got speared and then my chase started after having him place his red stain on my back or spear me. This happens extremely frequently and it's annoying asf.

    When I say I'm standing at a palette I mean I have looped him where I should be in a chase, dropped a palette (including if I stun him), and then still not be considered being in a chase until her shoots me over the palette and then the chase starts. It happens a lot and it's annoying that the killer is controlling when a chase officially starts and can waste your time as you get nothing out of it.

    If he has been on me for 2 gens my chase bar better reflect that and be max but it frequently doesn't. So I just suicide on hooks once it happens since I know I'm not getting any reward out of that game.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I've been talking to my friends and we think the issue with chases at least is when he aims down sights he technically hasn't seen you so the chase doesn't start or when he lifts it back up it breaks it instantly so...Just 1st hook death on deathslinger.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    That's part of his strength, especially when compared to Huntress. If he had a bigger terror radius he'd probably be bad. Getting surprise shots from outside his terror radius with M&A and Nurse's Calling is the playstyle that makes him competitive.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Or listen for the ringing when he aims at you. 🤷‍♀️

    People need to start paying attention.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Did you ever notice that there is a stealth category in evader emblem ? Since you get that while killer is near you and not in a chase so you'll be getting some eblem points either way. I've gotten iridescent evader emblem many times almost from stealth alone, about 60-70% if I have a good luck at evading the killer or I just do well.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Kind of like when one would stack gen slow down perks?

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    oh wow i never thought of that. you're so smart. why was i running spinechill. so now please tell me with your galaxy brain what do i do when he breaks chase because he aimed down sights and you aren't rewarded chase points? please tell me how to deal with not being rewarded for running him because bhvr doesn't count him aiming down sights at looking at you. then all my problems will be solved.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    doesn't count on him a good portion of the time. ive hid in bushes right at his feet and got nothing. my issue is if he's on my ass for 2 gens i better have max chase. i dont because it seems aiming down sights with end a chase as it does not count as him looking at you even when in chase. just get a few customs with friends and this happened each time.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    Thanks! I appreciate it. I study a lot. And I'm surprised you didnt think of that, it's so SIMPLE!

    Now, past your sarcastic sass bullshit.

    Considering chases are based on YOU tunjing near him, it sounds like a bug. So you do what we always do: calm the hell down and be patient.

    Besides, if chase bloodpoints are what is making you so pissy right now, maybe you should reevaluate playing the game at all. It's supposed to be fun. Not a min max of "I deserved those points, what the ######### my day is RUINED".

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Actually, when you are hit by the spear, the chase ends. So either you have a strange perception or experience some unique bugs, which would require some video prove to be adressed properly

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    All I'm saying is if perks like Borrowed Time, Ruin, Decisive Strike, Exhaustion (which ik isn't a perk but revoery), Flashlights, Toolboxes, Ruin get addressed because "a high amount of users are playing with that perk" do the same for Deathslinger. Either given him a steady terror radius in chase that can't be lowered when he raises sights OR increase his terror radius where he can't shoot outside of it but an insane amount or at all.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I understand . I was pointing out how perks being used to get a desired effect ,that stack,were recently nerfed by the devs.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    m&A alone makes it feel tiny. Far more so than other killers with the same terror radius.

    So unless his TR is intentionally meant to be more confusing than others that are the same size then no its not working as intended

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    no im agreeing with you 100%. just pointing out how quickly other things got addressed, with the exception of ruin but honestly ruin wasn't an issue, when they were stacked and abused to hell.

    no it's working an intended. a long range stealth killer who not only wastes time but who can force deep wound to run out more quickly and can reset mend everytime he hits you

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532


    I find his musical TR cues to be very deceptive.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    "you get almost no chase because the game doesn't count you as being in one because you can't hear the music. I have had games where I spend 2 gens running from this man and got quarter chase because I refused to let him be directly up my rectum."

    The same thing commonly happens with Wraith. you dont get any chase points until he uncloaks, which he usually doesnt do until he's in a spot that's good for him. there are a vast numbe rof areas in this game that make it too hard for him, so he's often cloaked until the last second. You mention that you've had multiple games where you run Deathslinger for 2 gens without getting chased, which means you werent hit for that time either.

    this is an issue with level design being unfair to these weak killers, not you. notice how they couldnt catch you for 2 gens? that's why killer players keep disappearing.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Each time he hits you with spear is take out a quarter of the bar. I've had deathslingers bring one hook moris and just drag out the chase until the person collapses for failure to mend. Because each time he hooks you it resets the mend progress and it's stupid. I'll chalk this up to an unintended feature that won't get fixed.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    so i have to be punished and not be rewarded because he can't land a hit on me? if im running him for 2-3 minutes my score better reflect that.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm sorry, he and Hag share the same Terror Radius.

    You can hear Hag from a mile away, you cannot hear his TERROR RADIUS from that far. You hear barely audible music following his terror radius.

    He's not a stealth killer, but he does have a broken terror radius.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    yep. welcome to deathslinger 101.

    you will not convince me him and hag have the same terror radius. there's no way. i get what numbers say but show me the data mine unfiltered info on that.

  • ForgottenLegacy
    ForgottenLegacy Member Posts: 6

    I personally feel that if he shoots you with his gun and the chain breaks that you should not be inflicted with deep wound.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
    edited March 2020

    @Peanits - Is this a thing?

    It's not mentioned in the power description - Know any videos where I can see it in action?

    This would be akin to the old Legion, and the exact reason they were nerfed.

    Post edited by Raccoon on
  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, M&A is what I like to call a "tutorial" perk on someone like Deathslinger. Most people will use it to help get within a decent shooting range, since long range shots are REALLY hard. Or at least they are on console. As for Whiskey, it's an add-on that also lowers his movement speed. His 4.4m/s movement speed.

    There are ways of running Deathslinger in a stealthy fashion, but he is NOT a Stealth Killer. The currently 4 stealth killers have one massively defining trait and 3/4 have one very simple thing in common. All start the game (or can start) with ZERO Terror Radius and the Undetectable status. Pig, Wraith and Ghostface can all turn theirs off with parts of their powers. Myers has zero TR in Tier I, 16m in Tier II which can be lowered to 8 with M&A, and standard 32 AND EXPOSED at the limited time Tier II. He can also be in you pretty quickly in Tier II even without M&A.

    Deathslinger has none of these traits and requires the use of both add-ons and perks to get a remotely similar effect.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    Yeah, I've never seen it happen, either.

    I guess Deathslinger 101 is a complicated course @_@

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Agreed. I haven't had it happen either. And that's on BOTH sides!

    Geez. Starting to think that I'm better off back at Clown's Chemistry classes than Deathslinger 101.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    @Raccoon I had the same thought that you did, I knew if it was there it wouldn't have been intended, so my first thought was "Legion" so that's why I tested it thoroughly today. Spent an entire hour in KYF testing all add ons and combination of add ons to make sure. We couldn't replicate it at all, so I think I can safely say, it's definitely not a thing. I think a lot of people stop running and camp pallets which is why the mend bar goes down and that's why they see it that way - maybe, possibly...

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    Yeah, after reading their commentary on Borrowed Time and seeing their DW Timer claim, my eyes were rolling.

    I'm always happy to learn something, but I figured it was bunk.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512
    edited March 2020

    Here. []

    at the 2:46:43 second mark the deathslinger is running the same build as every other one with yellow add ons (marshal's badge and jaw breaker) and was still in an active chase where the music never stopped but the obsession claws stopped moving the second he aimed down sights and consistently did this. []

    I can see now that the bar is going down because she's technically "not in a chase" as seen by the lack of obsession claws moving, hence why death slinger is such a hassle to deal with. Him aiming down sights doesn't count as him being in an active chase as clearly seen in the clip (which me and my , meaning, like I said, running a death slinger will never reward a player with the points they should have. That scenario with any other killer would still count as being in a chase.

    Specifically that scenario happens countless times on legion and the deep wound bar doesn't budge until the chase is over and immediately pauses the moment it starts back up. She meets thre requirements of a chase. She is sprinting within 12 meters of a killer like Peanits mentioned. Why does this scenario count as active chase on every killer but Deathslinger. And this isn't a one time thing. It's constant and consistent enough. Deathslinger needs to be looked at.

    I will drop the whole stealth killer argument if the fact being is a chase with him does not mean you will ever be rewarded fairly for being in a chase with him because every single time he aims down sights it counts as him breaking LOS and therefore survivors are not receiving the points they deserve and will be punished severely always in chases with this killer. He didn't turn around, he never stopped locking in her direction, there was nothing obstructing his vision. The fact that chase did not actively count as a chase isn't okay by any means. \

    EDIT: At the VERY least someone explain how she is LITERALLY on his weapon and isn't considered being in a chase. She is LITERALLY under him and isn't considered to be in a chase until she breaks away. Please explain.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
    edited March 2020

    Being in a chase has literally nothing to do with the Deep Wounds timer.

    It pauses only if you're:

    A) Running

    B) Mending

    Standing in front of a pallet walking in circles isn't going to pause it.

    Also, the streamer typing "Ewww, even NOED" without even understanding the basic gameplay mechanics (Deep Wound Timer) was amusing.

    But hey, you don't need to know how the game works to equip DS and UB, walk in circles while running away would literally be the best/winning play, and then make snide remarks about NOED in stream with 3 gens remaining vs a C tier killer ;3

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    So why doesn't it pause when you do the EXACT same thing with legion/using a med kit with purple add on?

    And we say eww noed ironically. If you watch the FULL 8 hour stream we are a 4 man SWF meme squad the only reason he runs DS is for the him is to take obsession to get moris and to just unbreakable in killers faces for luls just to get instadown and laugh. We choose to interact with the killer rather than be gen jockies but the second we gen jockey because a killer wants to tunnel/camp it's an issue and we're toxic. We have made multiseason rank 1 killers D/C because we run 4 man head on squads with 3 meme perks thrown on from literally not doing gens but only getting into chases and stunning them. Trust and believe we will can take a brand new part on purple toolbox and 4 gen rush a killer in a minute if we really want to and we have if we know the killer isn't going to respect 4 BPS. But we know, because we actually play killer, that things like that aren't fun and the most fun in game to be had is interacting with the opposite side. Do we ######### about something in game at times? Yes. Who doesn't. That's the nature of the beast. But we're not out here on forums demanding ruin/noed nerfs because we're too entitled to do bones.

    Rather than discounting what's happening in the clip because of perks a person chooses to use why don't you actually pay attention to the situation and how inconsistent it is. If you can stand at a palette with legion/med with with deep wounds and have the bar not go down when isn't it doing that on this killer. Why is a survivor actively hearing chase music but not being rewarded chase points? Why does chase stop every single time he aims down sights. If Huntress throws a hatchet in this situation it still counts as being in chase so why is deathslinger allowed to waste a survivors time for no reward? The lack of consistency with mechanics is the biggest issue with him. Between his terror radius, chase mechanics, deep wound that is bugged to hell (I've had games where the above happened and I've had games now recently that taking off with sprint bursts running permanently paused it).

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    If you stand at a pallet and mend, Deep Wound will not go down.

    Can you post a video of it going down in the mending animation?

    I've never seen it before and would like to see what you're talking about.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    Maybe it was an innocent mistake - It could just be a case of someone being boosted and not understanding how the game works.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    You want evidence yet you sit up here and insult me at every post. You call me boosted and make fun of perks I or others may choose to run. You still haven't responded at all to the video in which I already provided. First and formost you're rude and asinine. Secondly I understand how the game works. I am confused on why a way in which the game normally behaves does not seem to be the case for this killer. It is jarring and I'm trying to get clarity on exactly what is going on.

    So unless you can provide a reasonable justification on why a survivor that is directly interacting with a killer in the form of being reeled in is not considered to be a part of chase each and every time he aims down sights other than this is an oversight that was not thought of more carefully, I suggest you be quiet. Anyone with eyes and game knowledge can clearly tell that this interaction between killer and survivor is abnormal and should be examined more carefully. Until you can do more an attempt to shame me I suggest you be quiet and keep your asinine comments to yourself.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    All of my conversation in this topic has been directed towards Deep Wound.

    Could you clarify your scenario regarding The Legion?

    "So why doesn't it pause when you do the EXACT same thing with legion/using a med kit with purple add on?"

    The bar is not pausing in the Deathslinger scenario because the conditions for pausing it are not met, so doing the exact same thing vs Legion would also result in the bar ticking down.

    I'm a little confused as to what you're trying to exemplify in this scenario.