Disabling HUD helps for experienced players.

Trollfarceur Member Posts: 33
edited August 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I believe the game was funnier when we wasn't told "The killer has NOED", "the killer has Ruin", "The killer has huntress lullaby"...

Back in time, we needed to look carefully to understand killer's perks. The game wasn't telling us everything that was happening.

The warning system is good for new players, but it is giving to much information for experienced players...

That's why I propose to:

  • A. Remove all perks notification after a survivor/killer passed rank 10 (this rank limit can be changed to better fit the reality of player's game knowledge)

  • B. Allow players to choose to remove these notifications to keep it more intense. Devs could even give a small BP amount to players removing it.

Also I believe that perks like Hex: Huntress lullaby shouldn't give the information before it has at least one token.

What do you think of these notifications guys? Do you believe it is a needed thing?


  • Yrutan
    Yrutan Member Posts: 26

    I was just thinking how all these things were affecting the immersion and how they are kind of needed for new players otherwise they would have a steep learning curve.

    I mean imagine not having the exposed condition and having to learn all the different ways that you can get one hit (actually you still have to learn about the huntress' hatchet and both chainsaw). Or just Ruin ...

    I do not think it would be too hard to implement and it would be a nice little something for the long time players that already know all these little things.

    If you really want to make it a "hard mode" you could in addition remove the survivors information in the bottom left so that you have to remember the number of generators that are done and need to keep an eye out for injured, downed and hooked survivors (or just run bond or empathy).

  • DKOuToFConTRoL
    DKOuToFConTRoL Member Posts: 59

    Option B does sound like a solid idea, the choice to play as immersed as possible would be nice to have and I am sure many people would appreciate it.

    One thing I 100% agree with is that lullaby should not be known until there is at least one stack. Whenever I see that as survivor I always wonder why the heck I am getting that notification if I am not even truly impacted yet. As a killer I do not use it so I cannot add anything on that side, but it seems unfair to the killer.