Personal Balance Change Ideas

Hello beautiful people reading this, I come to you today to present my personal list of changes to killers to make them more overall interesting and generally better at doing their jobs.

First I bring my changes for The Doctor:

Given how the Electrode add on is needed for his power to even function, make the range of the Green Electrode the default one.  No add one other than the tapes to change its functonality or range.  With the Electrode being already used as default, I was thinking changing the electrodes to a variety pack of sorts.  You have electrodes that increase the stun time until survivors can interact with things, ones that cause slowing, one that reduces the range back to Moldy Electrode but making it damage people, and a series of electrodes that increase madness done.

The Nightmare:

Where to begin with this sad bastard.  Hmm, for starters, have the Freddy showing in transition be random Freddy's appearing around the place until the trabsition is complete and reveals the true Freddy.  Second, when Survivors are asleep, they are unable to use pallets, or more so, pallets don't affect Freddy.  He is a dream entity, nothing physical, so why do pallets affect him?  Next, make an Add On that causes sleeping targets to snore, giving him the ability to find people even in close range.  Next, once people are asleep, the power is useless, so lets make it so the power can swap using L1. 
Hell Engine: Create a fake generator that shares the appeared progress as the furthest progressed generator.  When a survivor starts working on it, they will be jumpscared by a Freddy Duplicate and instantly put into into the sleeping state, Freddy can then teleport to the duplicate to start the chase.  The Fake Generator can be told apart by the lack of flickering from it's lights, the observant survivor will be able to tell these false engines and avoid them, but those who blindly rush to them will be in for a surprise.
Bad Touch: When in a chase, channel this ability for X seconds yo prime your claws for a lunging attack similar to a Chainsaw Dash from Billy with much more control but only does a state of damage.  If primed for long enough, the ability will instantly grab the survivor up on your shoulder if hit.

Lastly, the Shape:

Evil on survivors is started off lower but as they do altruistic actions they build more evil.  Attacks in Evil Within 3 that hit do not slow down the Killer to allow them to keep chasing nearby survivors .  The Killer can drain Evil during the chase to keep Evil Within 3 active for longer.  Stalk reduces Terror Radius to 0 while active to compensate for lack of movement speed.