Game Breaking Trapper Carry Bug

Stormhaven13 Member Posts: 48


This has only happened once, and not directly to me, to someone I was playing with. A trapper picked them up, then dropped them repeatedly on an opened trap. At some point during this process, the trapper became bugged and no longer was able to drop the survivor, and the survivor could not wiggle off. They could interact normally with everything else, kicking generators, even closing the hatch. When the endgame timer went off, the survivor was not killed, and the game did not end until the killer eventually disconnected. I am not sure if the killer was intentionally griefing or testing for the bug, but they did not immediately disconnect when the endgame timer ended and the effects were clear. This has only happened once in this example, but the killer seemed to know how to recreate the bug, and seemed to do it intentionally.

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