Dear Dead By Daylight Crew,

I understand that hexes are supposed to be O.P. with disposability as a concession. Yet, DbD devs, please, can we have a reasonably viable alternative to hex dependency to slow down generator repairs?

To that end I think a buff/rework/update of Thanatophobia would do. You'll obviously have your own ideas based on the limitations of your resources & tastes, but here's a list of suggestions from this puny little commoner:

Suggestion 1: Make the current speed penalties to survivor actions into stacking values rather than as pitiful increases. As each survivor is mori'd or sacrificed the penalty stays in place for the remainder of the match. Each subsequent death penalty would match the penalty for so many survivors being injured. (This is my most lightweight suggestion. Read further.)

Suggestion 2: Make the first injuries most valuable as a distraction from generator work. For example, the first survivor struck, say Dwight, takes a hit that imposes a 48% action speed penalty on him & his team until he's healed. Claudette's prompted to leave her current generator to go heal Dwight. That's two players not doing gens. Trapper hits Claudette before she can get there. She imposes a further 24%. Imagine Trapper gets lucky and smacks Jake for another stacked 12%, and Meg is too exhausted to get away and her injury adds on 6%. With such good luck for him Trapper would have earned a maximum 90% speed penalty to survivor actions until each survivor gets healed and the percentage scale descends in reverse order.

Suggestion 3: Wholly rework Thanatophobia to be a small speed penalty to survivor actions per weapon strike on a survivor that lasts for the remainder of the match on all survivors. My thought is 3% per successful melee strike. Maximum amount could be 3% x6 hits (enough to down and death hook 1 survivor) multiplied by 4 survivors, equalling a total 72% slow to all survivor actions. (A help to new players who can score hits but can't quite land that hook before last gen is done?) It would sort of keep in theme with the name of the perk. Death comes closer and closer with each hit so survivors get more and more panicked with their skill uses. Writing this, it occurs to me that applying to all actions may make it too overpowered for heals when combined with Coulrophobia (sp?) and several killer's add-ons. Apply this suggestion to just sabotage and generators???

Respectfully Signed,
Onehouse (a.k.a. Philip E.)