The iron works infinte is getting removed!!!
Still not against M1. Just takes longer. "Infinites" is a relic word from the days where the shack had 2 windows and one door and no entity blocking windows
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You can't, and never will please both sides, and even within those sides, there's split opinions on certain things, it's not that they don't understand it's just that any change is going to annoy some people regardless, there will never be a change that everyone unanimously agrees on.
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Like the babies that caused the ruin rework? Blend out everything but what u complain about. Understood
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Because despite all the buffs the games heavily imbalanced currently. Despite the devs actually addressing some issues it takes them far too long to deal with maps which are a source of the unbalanced state of DBD.
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more a case of throwing a bone so not all of them stop playing killer all together, killers are needed to have matches and the game not flat out die
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Yes, literal babies, literal rank 20 players who didn't understand the skill check system or what ruin even was, badgering veteran players over the Ruin change like any of them were asking for it is getting a little silly at this point.
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True but in terms it was an infinite because the only way to get the survivor was to get entity blocker or blood lust them which takes way to long
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Pretty sure it is cause they did say they will add more breakable wall to other maps.
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Cool. Now we wait for the nerfs killers will be receiveing to compensate for this qol change, not to mention the Hillbilly uber-nerf that nobody talks about but everyone knows it's inevitably coming.
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Considering freddy and doc have been buffed and considred balanced. Billy will just have his addons nerfed which is a good thing cause his add one are crazy
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I'm not talking about what does and does not irritate people. I am saying that the game is clearly survivor-sided and that the devs can't see it. The vast majority of changes supports that theory.
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This is what I'm really happy about, it actually makes the window remain useful, but now it's more situational and obviously not as uninteractive and braindead as it is at the moment. It just makes it a tile that actually offers gameplay besides holding W and pressing spacebar from time to time. 👍️
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Funny because killer gameplay is becoming holding w and pressing m1 from time to time
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Thank the lord that loop is going. I wonder if other map loops will get the same treatment? 🤔
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Tbh they kinda made this loop a bit better for survivor with this change, they added another window and replaced the old window with a "breakable wall" but if you think about it the loop will still be able to be ran on the killer 3 times before they can even catch you, however if they added the breakable wall where the new window is then that would make this loop less stronger. Just from this picture alone I can see how strong this loop will be for survivors.
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Replace M1 with Space and that's what this loop was before
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Aside from Ruin being nerfed.. Killers have literally gotten buff after buff after buff and Survivors just keep getting shafted over and over again.. What in gods name are you talking about?
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LMAO. Whenever I play killer and don't get a super organized 4-SWF team I basically break no sweat whatsoever achieving a 4k win, independent of wether I camp or not. The game is anything but exclusively survivor sided. Playing killer is ridiculously easy and it is getting easier with every new patch released.
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nonsense. Are they gonna Do something about ebony Mori’s? Are they gonna do something about how easy it is for killers to down people then?
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Is it bad I'm looking forward to this mid-chapter PTB more than I did for the Chains of Hate PTB?
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How is this fixed? this is essentially the same as the long pallet loops (made from a wall of trees, carts and rocks) you find on the farm maps that are actual infinites if the pallet is not broken.
They removed the junk piles at the end and the fast vault blockers, and the vault time is replaced by having to walk past the window, through the gap and back again.
I guess we need to see how it plays. but imo, very meh.
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Well, mid-chapters are generally more impactful than a character releases because of their changes affecting everyone, rather than just people who may or may not use a character (especially such a non-standard Killer like Deathslinger).
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I guess that's true.
I also believe we will be seeing a fuckload of cosmetics in the game files once we install the PTB. Especially because of the new Tome approaching.
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@woundcowboy umm so what makes you think they can’t see how it is? They never said it’s balanced. While I do like breakable walls as a killer main. You need to realize they know how it is and think it’s ok.
theres a clip from a stream saying this I’ll see if I can find it
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Good, all loops should have counterplay and god loops didn't have any. (Against people who know how to play the game)
You guys already have long loops where the survivor can see the killer! At least with those you can make the pallet drop quickly and just break it
And no moving on to another survivor is not a counterplay
Can't wait to read more survivor mains pretending to be rank 1 killers who can destroy people at god loops. 😂
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To 110% Speed killers, this IS an infinite. The second you lose chase on someone while you're still tailing them, the Entity Blocker will not block the window, thus giving the survivor plenty of time for another loop or 2.
It's why the map is deemed as Ironworks of Infinites.
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There's still a difference between a window that wastes at least one minute of the killers time for sure without any skill on the survivors side and just a good loop.
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Yea, shocker: most survivors are bad at the game. The game should be balanced around people who are good.
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Breakable walls are the future
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Not to be a wet blanket, but look at how far away from the window the tread/tire is now. It's turning into a guaranteed fast vault from both directions. So it's one guaranteed free loop around the building, wall break, another guaranteed safe vault next to the safe pallet, and only then does it have some counter play. Just going from the picture, of course. This is still an insanely strong loop. Not a semi-infinite anymore, but survivors are still going to zero in on that.
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Ok, nice change. But why not a breakable wall between the window and the pallet? Too OP?
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Bet that doorway took a lot of time, effort, and consideration. Look at it! So complex, so difficult. It'd be nice if there was a blueprint you could copy/paste to solve this issue sooner. Glad you guys Einstein'd your way to fixing one of several problematic areas! Good job.
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But the 2 110% killers have ranged attacks
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You mean, the 2 ranged killers are 110%?
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to be honest, 110% killers have their powers to effectively make this loop even shorter than against several 155% M1 killers. And it would be a bug if you can run this loop more than 3 times, unless you drop the chase. Entity blocks happen afaik during multiple vaults within a chase, and not time related
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Strong loops and god loops are still different things. Almost every survivor was able to get there at least injured, depending on where they got caught. And that meant that you might be having to run this loop every chase. Even with a breakable wall, the 3 free laps would only happen during the first chase, saving a lot of time during the whole trial. Strong loops still have enough counterplay or killer powers to deal with (Shred, ranged attacks, traps, gas, snares...)
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Nice! I will get my 4Ks every round even faster now lol 😅
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You do have a point, yes.
But I need to get into a map to show you what I mean, you'll understand more with visuals.
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A window that can be vaulted until its blocked off without the killer being able to catch you, Id consider that an infinite
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What this whole "infintie" discussion is about: There are no infinites in the game anymore since the entity started to block windows, survivors got 3 vault speeds, survivors can be hit behind windows and killer vaulting speed was increased. Infinites by definition means, you CANNOT get the survivor on that loop at ANY time. If someone talks about infinites today, it is just meaning "really strong loop" but if you just commit to it, you WILL get the survivor sooner or later. But mostly it does not make sense because you lose too many gens on that loop. But if that survivor just tbagged you or whatever and you want him on the hook, you WILL get him, also on current "infinites".
If you say you just want to call it an infinite, that's fine. But your sentence "until its blocked" already counters the meaning of infinite. Maybe take a look at this, to know what an infinite is (or was)
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And these are exactly the killers who can't do anything against these loops.
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Still a god loop
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Oh wow, survivors having 15 different definitions for camping, tunnel or anti-tunnel-perk but getting angry someone mentions an infinite.
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A god loop is often referred to as an infinite.
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Generally most infinites are long gone, but they're still used to this day to refer to a super strong window/tile. So if you hear infinite you can generally assume it's not an actual infinite, just a leftover term from the old days of this game.
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Cant deathslinger use his gun? or huntress use her hatchets?
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Yes ! Absolutely ! There should be NO place in that game where a chase for the killer lasts more than 5 s.
Especially since patch 1.4 with the introduction of the 'new' Unreal Engine that allows killer to survivors and scratch marks across 70-80 % of the more often than not empty generated maps.
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On certain loops, no.
There is still one true infinite in Disturbed Ward because 110% Killers who rely on projectiles (aka clear LoS) cant do anything about it because chase breaks before the Survivor reaches the window again.
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Is is also about the lack of proper education in mathematical terms for people who consider the number 2 as equal to "infinite".
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They can't even get line of sight on these loops because of their 110% speed, so they can't use their powers and they can't trigger Bloodlust or Entity blocker.