Freddy is OP



  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    My experience with Freddy isn't that bad except matches tend to be way longer than against other killers. But then again, matchmaking hasn't put me up against anything higher than green rank killer yet.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "so many ways"

    Not really, only 3 at best, with only 1 of them being always available and that single option is, in the current Freddy kit, too inconvenient as it tends to spawn across the map. I have yet to encounter a time when the nearest available alarm clock was mine. But no, it's always across the map. So that only leaves skill checks and someone else being awake. But failing a skill check no longer wakes everyone up. When doing a gen, it will only wake up the person who missed the skillcheck and when healing it will only wake up the person being healed. Let alone that missing skill checks regresses progress by 5% and you fall asleep relatively quickly. The most optimal way is all being together and have 1 person miss a skill check and then wake everyone up manually. Meaning there are, effectively, only 2 viable ways: Run towards your clock, or huddle together and wake everyone up.


    That is ignoring addons. Freddy's base kit is balanced indeed, ignoring his addons. His addons are probably the second most disgusting thing in the game. I've played Freddy 5 times, I am a decent killer in basic play. I've always gained a 4k playing Freddy, after going to the bathroom in each single match, using very generic killer perks, and could basically play blindfolded and still win the match. Same for Spirit. They require practically no additional skill for killers. In fact, any basic skills you have, will easily get amplified to insane levels. Especially after using add-ons. I always praise survivors for lasting as long as they did, because they never stood a chance in the beginning. I've used some great builds that were unexpected by survivors and easily made me win, but those builds required some knowledge of how the killers power worked, how I could synergize the perks, or anti-synergize the perks(which can actually leave quite a shock on players). With Freddy? Just slap on whatever and use any addons and you'll still win(winning being gaining a pip). Face it, the gap between Freddy and most other killers is too large. Either his base kit needs nerfing or his addons need alteration.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    You can do both. Basically, right now its (demogorgon)-(bubba)--(most other killers)----------------(spirit)---(freddy)

    Buffing most other killers and nerfing Freddy would leave you with (most other killers)-----(Freddy and spirit)

    Then all that is next is slightly altering survivor objectives and you have a balanced game.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Good joke dude. The high pressure killers are the only ones that can win constantly and that is good. If only 1 gen is left and 1 is on the opposite of the map, you need billy / freddy / spirit to even come there in time. Game is still not even close to a auto-win with them, but it makes it manageable.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    OP is good. :)

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    I have a hard time taking you seriously when you think Freddy is overpowered.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @Frankie Not gonna repeat myself so please read my previous posts before you just start assuming stuff. Thanks

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @Frankie Yet another insightful response, I'll go ahead and drop it because clearly it's not worth my time arguing with you. I didn't say he was OP though

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @Frankie Not out of intimidation, you clearly have experience in dumb arguments and I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
  • Diggly
    Diggly Member Posts: 112

    You cannot loop Freddy like a standard M1 killer, Freddy's appeal with snares is that he shortens a loop. If there is a loop that can be ran around 3 times, and you fight a Nightmare who properly places his snares, it can only be looped twice. Think of it like fighting Doctor, trying to stun him is often not in the cards. The number 1 way to beat Freddy in loops is to get good at shifting to other loops. Often times Freddys pay more to dropping snares than they do to the actual survivor they are supposed to be chasing, sticking to a single loop and just praying it goes well is how you lose.

    Also, here is a fun tip people don't know, if a Freddy puts a snare right against a window vault, or pallet vault, you can still fast vault.

    Freddy's often struggle on L wall T walls, and maps with complex and plentiful loops often prove to be very difficult for him. If you are good at looping, you have literally nothing to worry about. You can't panic when fighting him, that is what he wants.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Dont care, addons are part of the game. His base kit, banning all Freddy addons, is balanced compared other killers using addons. For his basekit, yeah, 2-3 is fine. Include his addons, and he can apply too much pressure in general and consistently keep survivors asleep. Forcing them to either fail skillchecks, but, yknow, there is an addon for that, forcing survivors to go across the map. So really, there is only 1 practical way to wake up consistently including his addons, and that is far too little.

    I mean, imagine if the only way to catch survivors was to break all the pallets in the game, that there was literally no way to hit them unless you broke the pallet. Would you be okay with that? Ofcourse not, because by the time you can catch 1 survivor, 4 gens would be done if you're lucky. Same applies to Freddy, you're lucky to finish more than 1 generator without having someone already dead. And that is considered a bad Freddy match. You know what is considered a bad killer match in general? Gaining few to no hooks, killing no one, having to resort to NOED camping because its literally the only option you have to get a 1k. There is a massive gaping hole inbetween those 2 standards. It wouldnt hurt closing that hole a bit.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    If you fail to keep your gens together, thats on you. Besides, the winrate should be 50%-ish. It might scew off a tiny bit once you reach rank 1, considering there are no higher ranks, but even there, winrate at best should be 70%-ish for a killer to be balanced. There are some players that are incredibly skilled and have over 2k hours sunk into a very specific killer, and I expect their winrate to be 80% with that killer. However, averagely, it should be 60% at best considering its a 4v1 asymmetrical game. But last time I counted all players playing freddy, including me, that winrate seems to be more like 70% on default. 90% if you only focus on P3 Freddy's. Sure, that isnt official statistics, but its red rank players that I face occasionally.

    So in short, if gens are on 2 opposite sides of the map, YOU ######### up. Having a killer power to compensate that ######### up, is ok conceptually, but that power is only balanced in terms of gen patrolling. Apply it on a smaller scale, and its an auto-win. I mean, you literally have to include the worst situation for killers, where a killer ######### up so badly that there is a gensplit across the map to excuse an ability.

    I mean, lets say you have an extremely strong 3 gen, I'd say that Azarov's Resting Place can have the strongest theoretical 3-gen in the game to the point that I could even call it a strong 4-gen. Should that mean that survivors should be granted near double generator speeds because it would still not be close to an auto win but makes it manageable? No right? Because the survivors ######### that one up. Yet Killers should have an additional handicap to compensate for idiotic decisions? And I bet you still would have the audacity to claim that some survivor perks are overpowered and that devs only care about survivors.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Sometimes the 3-gen strat does not work. You chase a good looper and they manage to do one of your 3 gens and the game is basically over if they don't ######### it up or jungle gyms // bus etc. is very close and chases last forever. Too much variables in every game that you can say, the strat works always.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "You chase a good looper and they manage to do one of your 3 gens and the game is basically over" This is because you left the 3-gen too long, willingly. Thats like saying "You fix some gens mindlessly and the killer "manages" to get a 3-gen". Survivors are the ultimate cause of a 3-gen, and killers are the ultimate cause of why a 3-gen is broken. Besides, depending on the killer, it can always work. Every match has a theoretically unbreakable 3-gen. Especially if you include perks that slow gens and/or give info on gens that are being done.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    You cant see him from a mile away, he literally is invisible past 32 meters, only temporarily visible from 16-32 meters, meaning you can very easily miss him.

    And I agree, there should be strong killers, and Freddy crossed that line.

    "Freddy can be looped almost like every other killer" - Only when awake, and even then, all it takes is 1 hit(which really isnt hard) or a slight amount of time and then he practically is unloopable.

    "saying that you can't hit survivor untill every pallet Is fropped, lol man..." - this was an analogous comparison to only having 1 way of catching survivors. Another one would be: You no longer can easily grab survivors from vaults or lockers. You can still do it, but its gonna be practically impossible as the survivor needs to have the broken status, making it not impossible, but practically leaves you with only 1 practical way of dealing damage. I mean, you said it yourself after I said there should be more practical ways to get out of the dream world: "why should there be more?" So you should be fine with only having to use M1 on most killers, leaving those pesky survivors in the locker, because they arent broken. That is why more practical ways matter.

    And yeah, Freddy's addons are too broken for his kit.

    "Few days ago one guy told me they should remove instadown on Leatherface and put broken effect, you guys need to chill a little with nerfing the killers" - Well yeah, I kinda get why they say that. I would rather say deep wounds than broken, since both Bubba and Billy are instadown killers without technically having to do anything for it and are kinda boring to face. I mean, Leatherface at least has quite a bad basekit, but Billy can do the same that Leatherface can do and do it better and for longer distances. Meaning that often it feels unearned because there isnt much risk for them in using it. In fact, with the current addons, they practically are just as fast as just landing an m1 and can break pallets with it, the only exception where they use m1 being a window. They dont get any real punishment for missing their ability and the punishment is shorter than missing an m1. So yeah, from that perspective, it's quite agreeable to say that their abilities need some alteration. Personally, I'd remove the instadown on Bubba but massively increase his swinging and movementspeed, meaning that he could land multiple hits on the same survivor, while leaving his instadown ability in his tantrum. Meaning a Bubba could choose to risk it for the biscuit and trade in movementspeed to instadown a survivor, or try to hit the same survivor twice with his movementspeed boost. For Billy, I'd just want his instadown to require some running distance first. Not much, but that would at least allow Begrimed Chains to have some use without having to use Speed Limiter to gain that use. Gaining a bit more diversity overall, rather than just the staple mindless drone he has become now.

    Both Bubba and Billy have their issues, at least Bubba is still fun to play against. I wouldnt neccesarily call them OP or unbalanced and needing of a nerf, but they do need a nerf in order to recieve a better, more balancing buff. Because someone like Billy can be played without addons and perks, and still do fine against premades with strong counter perks and items, which is basically meaning that any perk added onto Billy pushes him further into top tiers to a point of god-tier like, and if we go into theoretical situations that can and might have happened, you could even say its in the realms of being unbalanced in the current meta. Let alone that the perks are static and the addons are so common they can be used every single game, that its incredibly boring to face them(god-tier like, not bubba) too. Yet people see change as bad. Even though it doesnt have to be. And yeah, Freddy needs some alteration to a point where survivors should be able to wake each other up while both are asleep, at some cost. Perhaps more time, perhaps notifying Freddy of their location. Or simply nerfing the addon that removes the option to wake up from skill-checks. Either one will be good enough.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Nope, you only view Bubba in his ability to get 4k's, in which, yes, agreed, he is the worst. However, the game isnt about getting kills. If it was about killing and surviving, why have generators and exitgates? Why not simply have the gates opened and have killers instakill. Obviously its about more than that.

    The fact that you're biased and claim Bubba is trash, even though statistically seen Bubba's still is viable is what is wrong with people like you. The killers ability to get a 4k isnt the focus on balancing. Just as you would agree that survivors escaping isnt a focus on balancing. Balancing, right now, is about pip-destribution. If we gonna focus on balancing on escape rate and kill rates, at least 10% of killers need nerfing because their average killrate is larger than 2.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    Always casual surv crying for nerfing killers.Now Freddy.Just delete game if you can do nothing and only wining.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    As if killers arent crying to nerfing survivors. In fact, I see more killers crying about BT and DS alone than survivors about any killer. Even though BT and DS are perks that rely on the killer's action.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    There's no such thing as Freddy. I don't believe you.(Switch player)

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    True, but Idk much about bt and ds. Couse after hook I lf another surv. Only ds 1 min I think too long.It can be used as toxic play. You now ds work and run on the killer

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited June 2020

    I wouldn't say OP

    But you don't have to try nearly as hard to get good results unlike Nurse and Spirit, who take quite a bit of practice to play and face against, even Billy to an extent is quite easily beaten if you are any good at looping.

    Freddy can slow down a survivor with snares before they could get to a pallet somewhat like Clown, except he can place them at strong loops in advanced, plus it gives him intel if people end up running over them, useful for guarding hooks/basement. And straight up teleporting and popping a gen is very strong. One of the few killers with good generator pressure.

    His low risk plays + Average Skill Ceiling and High Rewards can make him pretty obnoxious. Especially as a solo survivor.

    Strong without a doubt. OP though? Nah.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    1 minute isnt too long, there are literally 3 other survivors to chase. Besides, sometimes its in your favor to bait an early ds. And yes, you can use it to bodyblock and annoy the killer, however, thats not neccesarily toxic. Considering there are very few ways to none at all in some locations to slow the killer down(especially deadzones), then having a DS stun on hand is quite useful.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    I love playing with a killer that actually rewards my minimum effort. Its better than one that sucks no matter how well you play.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Staying out of the dream world is such a time sink. It'd be like pig, except pig doesn't need to put the hats on people and they can only be temporarily be disabled by finding a key, but turn back on again after a cool down.

  • SeantheHuman
    SeantheHuman Member Posts: 40

    Old post so I do apologizes about zombifying it, but this is kind of wrong...mostly because Freddy can still attack awake survivors AND also teleport to where they are going to be.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    While I disagree with him being OP, I find him unfun to play as or against. Nothing about his power is fun to use or try to counter.

  • leepstore
    leepstore Member Posts: 2

    please nerf this guy rly! Whenever the round starts with freddy i already know 80% chance were not going to make it.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    Don't forget killers being able to kill.. Is so OP folks.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    You are rank 16 lol, please get out of my view with those trash threads, asking to nerf a killer who get buffed becouse he was too weak