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Open Handed Texture has hard cut

mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

So this is a pretty easy bug report, literally open the "iconPerks_openHanded" perk icon in your editor, near the bottom of the hand you can see a clear and hard cut in the texture. I've included the file here

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  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I'm personally not seeing what's wrong here

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Look near the bottom of the hand, there is a hard line cut going across the wrist that breaks the texture from the rest of the hand from the bottom of it.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    To be clear, if the hard line cut was up higher, you could argue it was a part of the wrist. But its past that and its a really straight line where the white texture is two different shades. Maybe its just my monitors.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I think I see what you're talking about, but I believe that is intentional, the whole hand is scuffed with scratches and #########, I think that's just a cut/scratch but its straight enough and in the perfect spot to make it look like an error. The line it's self even looks textured, not like a solid line as if it were a cut in the texture.