Total Rework of Gen needed. Redux


Back again with my idea to fix dead by daylight's most core problem. Those nasty gens, I took feed back from my last post from this topic and have made changes. So here you go, Up vote and get the devs to see this.

Add four sections to the Generator repair bar, if not being fix the gen will naturally degrade itself at a rate of 1% a second to the last milestone that it was fixed too. A damage generator will degrade at a rate of 2%+2x(X)(Where x is the number of remaining Survivors. 4->8%, 3->6%, 2->4, 1->2), and will degrade past any milestone marker

Putting a lock on gens and add a Code Paper symbol to the base survivor hud. A Survivor can only have 1 Code Paper at a time. These Code Paper can be found in any map at the basement and at each exit gate with a respawn timer of 30 seconds, also 33%(effected by luck)chance to also find a pass code in any chest. It takes a use action to pick up a Code paper or automatically picked up from a searched chest and takes 5 seconds to unlock a gen, which makes sound similar to searching in a chest. If stopped or interupided the progress of unlock a Gen will stay where it was left.
+Adding Functionality to Keys allowing any key at the cost of 10% of it’s durability to unlock any gen with or without a code paper
*Unlocking a gen is worth 1/7th of finishing a gen for Blood Points and Light Bringer points

It is true this is very oppressive change to Survivors but it is needed to slow them down and make the games much more tense. I have made this suggestion to balance from the top down. From rank 1 to rank 20. I feel it is a bad idea to balance it in the middle or at the low end.

Also Unlocked a gen is worth 1/7th of finishing a gen for Blood Points and Light Bringer points