Latency Issues? I hate Pallets now.


First Video: Alright. At 28 seconds on the video the killer takes a hard lunge in the opposite direction as me and then I go down as we are like 10 meters away at least. I wasn't lagging the whole game so that couldn't be the issue. But hits like this have been happening more and more often.

Ihave another video to upload tomorrow but i would like to say; i play killer and survivor and i can't help but side on survivor with unfair hits. Sometimes i will hit a survovor after they've fast vaulted through the window and started running before i even strike the window. Same with pallets. I leave them if i do because i can't have a clear conscience if i get an unfair hook or win off of bad latency or engine.


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    That is very unfortunate and you can tell even he doesn't know what just happened, either he was lagging or you had a very unfortunate ping spike (I'm going to go with the first option)