Only give survivors the intel about being cursed when they could tell on their own.

This mainly applies to the following perks: Hex Devour hope, Hex no one escaped death, Hex huntress lullaby. Many of these perks rely on the element of surprise. Especially the first two. But why are the exposed effects revealed when they aren’t applied? For example: We have a huntress with hex devour hope and three tokens. She hits a survivor with a hatchet, doesn’t put him into the dying state as hatchets don’t work with the exposed effect but all survivors are notified that the killer has hex devour hope. Another example: A Demogorgon with hex no one escapes death activated. He hits a survivor with the shred and doesn’t him into the dying state as shred don’t work with the exposed effect but all survivors are notified that the killer has hex no one escaped death. And lastly any killer with one of these perks hitting an injured survivor reveals the curse.
I do not find this fun for either side. As a killer my plans of conspiracy are ruined (except for when I use a chainsaw because that doesn’t reveal as where hatchets do (double standard)). And as a survivor I am denied the lethal surprise which become a rarity at rank one.
So for these two perks I suggest that the exposed effect is only revealed when a healthy survivor is instantly put into the dying state due to one of these perks. I make an exception for hex haunted ground as it functions more like a trap-triggered tier 3 of evil within.
Onto the last perk, Hex huntress lullaby. With similar reasoning I ask that it is only revealed when a skill-check is failed or a skill-check is hit with the perk having at least one token. Otherwise it ruins the surprise.
Thank you for reading.
Tldr: Only reveal to survivors that they are cursed when they could tell without the popup.