change gen speeds or bring back old Ruin or make smaller maps

Playing at red ranks now is just way too stressful mainly because of gens getting popped every.single.minute. You chase a survivor gen gets popped, hear something across the map and go and investigate gen gets popped. So i have thought quite a bit about this. Would bringing back Old Ruin be all that bad? The devs said "it's effortless for the killer when he/she has ruin" DO YOU REALISE IT IS A HEX PERK??? One survivor needs about 20 secs on it and it is absolutely useless. I get that it is hard to hit skill checks for newer players but yet again it's a hex perk just look for the totem. Now gen speeds is really a last resort if nothing else works but a change is definitely necessary and this would be better than nothing. Now onto smaller maps which would be pretty good cause on maps like Ormond and Yamaoaka (forgive me if my spelling is wrong) it takes like half the game to get to the other side of it and once you find a survivor then down them after eating pallets upon pallets, 2 or 3 gens will have been completed by then. I think any of these changes would be a step in the right direction and any comments would be really appreciated and don't tell me to "git good" just respond with actual criticism instead of petty insults.


  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Not gonna happen survivors want fast games unless they lose then its unfair and boring

  • ChirpingCat
    ChirpingCat Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2020

    The man speaks truth; Games where I 'lose' are indeed unfair and boring. 😏

    Oh, he's right about the "Not Gonna Happen" bit as well.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Try using Corrupt Intervention or Discordance if you find the early game to be tedious on big maps.

    And maybe try juggling at the start of the game instead of hard commiting to the first survivor you find and injure.

    People like to throw around the phrase "plaster-fix" so much, but let's be honest, if a perks function is to stop a certain mechanic that a particular style of player doesn't like or struggles against, then they should use those perks. For killers like me, I use certain perks on certain killers because they feel the benefit. Discorance on Clown, Huntress, Deathslinger, Wraith. Corrupt Intervention on Trapper, Hag, Legion. Certain killers feel a benefit more than others do in a refreshing way just by slapping a perk on them from time to time. Try my suggestions and then come back and say 'Old Ruin is needed to be brought back' or 'change gen speed' if you still feel the same way

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    i've tried leaving survivors once they are injured but then they just go do gens i just can't find a perk or strategy that works. Not a huge fan of trapper or hag but i might try corrupt intervention with someone else. Discordance isn't the best cause i'd rather prefer something that prevents them from doing gens together in the first place. Thanks for your suggestions though i always have a leatherface basement build as a last resort :/

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    play hillbilly.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @obamagaming99 which killer's do you tend to play more than others?

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    Huntress has been really fun lately aside from a few matches where i've been gen rushed but i definitely see lots of potential in her. Ghostface is fun when his power actually works and Oni. That's about it.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    edited April 2020

    @obamagaming99 Intel perks work best on those 3.

    Stuff like, Discordance, Whispers, BBQ, Nurse's, Infectious, Bitter Murmur, Deerstalker, Surge, Surveilance.

    My Huntress build is: BBQ, Deerstalker, Dead Man's Switch, Discordance

    My Oni build is: BBQ, Whispers, Mad Grit, Ruin/Brutal Strength

    My Ghostface build was: BBQ, Surge, Whispers, Knock-Out. But now I only use BBQ now, since I find that GF can be a very obnoxious killer outside of basekit.

    I find those to be strong perks to use on those killers and also fun too :)

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    ill be honest not sure about these builds but thanks a lot for the recommendations. try using infectious fright on oni to get the most out of your power once u have it :)

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @obamagaming99 Oni is so ridiculousy strong in his power that Infectious is overkill lol

    I'll give you my reasoning for the build selections :)

    BBQ on every killer for points.

    Huntress: Deerstalker - for times when you're slugging a possible DS or juggling a 2nd survivor after a down, helps you keep tabs on them from a far distance, good on Huntress because you can get free shots on a pickup, and negates the no audio bug on the floor. DMS - you can cross map shot on a lot of gens post hooking of the obsession; accurate or intimidating shots get survivors off a gen which then blocks it, meaning zero reason to be there for 40 or so seconds, meaning any pressure you put somewhere else is more punishing to the survivors than normal. Discordance - so you know where to prioritise your attention and also, free hits.

    Oni: Mad Grit - good survivors will take hits vs an Oni while you have your power primed because you don't gain any boost in the power gauge, the orbs they leave are inconsequential since you will most likely go into power instantly if you see people on gens. Also stops body-blocking hooks too as a bonus. Thus preventing Oni losing any precious momentum (the one thing that cripples Oni the most) Whispers - so you never waste time aimlessly searching when in need of gaining your power. Ruin - to gain extra reward for getting someone off a gen. Brutal Strength - so you can break pallets outside of your power without losing as much ground and also kick a gen that needs it without wasting anymore of your power than you normally would have.

    Ghostface: Whispers - so you know an area people are in thus gaining intel on where you can stalk from unseen. Surge - great to passively regress gens without needing to wander over to it and break it. Also, combo it with Knockout - on GF you can down someone outside of Shroud and activate it to then approach the gen without them knowing which direction to expect you from