Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Basement Body Blocking

Please fix this. It's not fun when a killer traps everyone in the basement. Sometimes, survivors manage to escape but it's very rare as you have to be hit in order to pass the killer. Also, it's really unfair when you are playing against leatherface and this happens as he can easily just down anyone that tries to escape the basement. It's a form of game hostage where some of my games have gone for double the amount of time cause of this issue.

A way to fix this problem would be to increase the size of the basement tile and add another set of stairs on the opposite side. Either that or add caves that allow you to escape the basement without going through main entrance. Or just remove the basement and instead make a hellish four-sided hook on terrain level.


  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    the ability to get trapped in the basement is what makes it scary. its what deters extreme altruism. its a necessary and vital element of the game.... if you don't wanna get trapped there, stay the **** outta there.... otherwise, deal with it....

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    Lol it does not make it scary.. It's an unbalanced spot on the map and unfortunately, players can't just avoid that spot purely because it's too OP. If they wanted to make it scary, they could simply make it so your health goes down faster when you're hooked in the basement..

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    lots of 'unbalanced spots' on the map.... but i guess because its not 'survivor-sided' unbalanced, its a HUGE PROBLEM.... lol.... the whole game is 'unbalanced', partner.... :D

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177

    The Devs designed it this way, you can body block people with borrow time until its over then down them. The basement is meant to be the most dangerous place in the game, one way in one way out. Body blocking is a game mechanic, so you're gonna have to deal with it.

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    So you do agree that the basement is unbalanced...? As you stated the whole game is 'unbalanced'. I play on both sides, survivor and killer. I must say trapping people in the basement is a big advantage (easy win) which makes it overpowered. Adding another escape route would just delay you going down again. It's not as if survivors would be invulnerable to the killer..

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    Well if you guys really consider body blocking as a "mechanic" then they could just increase the width of the staircase. That way, the killer can still bodyblock but they can't trap survivors in the basement..

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    except out of pure ignorance, how would 4 ppl get there?

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    I'm not specifically talking about an entire team being down there. Whenever you want to save someone from basement, usually both get downed and hooked.. Then it becomes a game about rescuing 2 people. You can just leave the person to die in the basement but that shouldn't be the mentality of people when playing this game.. You should always try and save everyone, even if it's risky..

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    then don't save.... OR don't complain.... theres no pallets there. no windows there. no generators there. and no hex totems there.... that should be a good indicator that you don't need to be there.... :D

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    You shouldn't let someone die on hook just because of an OP spot. Literally, all they'd have to do is make it so the staircase is a little bit wider so killers cannot fully block survivors. In other words, you can escape the basement but the killer can still somewhat try and prevent you from leaving.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    From an objective standpoint there's no reason for killers to be able to 100% bodyblock survivors in the basement. All it does is allow salty toxic ######### to hold games hostage when they lose.
    I think the stairs could be made a little wider so that a Survivor could squeeze past if a killer just goes AFK on top of the stairs to bodyblock. You could still block them if you were actually in the game to do so, but you couldn't just hold the game hostage.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    lol. whatever.... if its in the game, its in the game. no different than blocking the hook. no different than stealthing around the map after the exits are open.... but i guess its okay because those not survivor problems....

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    Yeah but the thing is, body blocking the basement shouldn't be a feature just because other mechanics are survivor-sided. Like they can easily fix the hook body blocking by removing collision against survivors when the killer is carrying someone.

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    Keeping something in the game just because it favours the weak side (killers) isn't the solution really. They need to balance both survivor and killer so it works based on skill, not unfairness. I'm sure if they were to fix the basement body block, they would also fix something survivor related so it's fair for both sides.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    look, man. we agree to an extent.... i hate feeling like i'm being held hostage in a game. it sucks.... but if i were to report them, they could say they were 'looking for the hatch' or 'got lost'.... where as if a survivor reports a 'hostage situation', it can easily be seen and dealt with. but as it stands, body blocks in the basement are a great counter to borrowed time, greed and extreme altruism....

  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Member Posts: 44

    I'd assume it would be bannable since it is holding the game hostage, just record it and report it!

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Sinistrous said:
    I'd assume it would be bannable since it is holding the game hostage, just record it and report it!


  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    Okay so reporting it and recording would be basically complaining about it and waiting until they hear enough responses to make a change (or temp banning the killer)? I feel like creating this thread and asking for change is more efficient. I'm not forcing this idea down on anyone, especially the devs. They can either ignore this change or take it into consideration.

  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Member Posts: 44

    The devs just need a better reporting system with more moderators and in depth reports on the initial report

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Dav105 said:
    Okay so reporting it and recording would be basically complaining about it and waiting until they hear enough responses to make a change (or temp banning the killer)? I feel like creating this thread and asking for change is more efficient. I'm not forcing this idea down on anyone, especially the devs. They can either ignore this change or take it into consideration.

    banning the ppl abusing useful mechanics is WAY better than changing useful mechanics.... don't you think so?

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Sinistrous said:
    The devs just need a better reporting system with more moderators and in depth reports on the initial report

    they probably have an excellent report system.... BUT its probably packed full of 'he called me a ****' or 'he tunneled me' or 'i was t-bagged in broad daylight'.... :D

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Dav105 said:
    Please fix this. It's not fun when a killer traps everyone in the basement. Sometimes, survivors manage to escape but it's very rare as you have to be hit in order to pass the killer. Also, it's really unfair when you are playing against leatherface and this happens as he can easily just down anyone that tries to escape the basement. It's a form of game hostage where some of my games have gone for double the amount of time cause of this issue.

    A way to fix this problem would be to increase the size of the basement tile and add another set of stairs on the opposite side. Either that or add caves that allow you to escape the basement without going through main entrance. Or just remove the basement and instead make a hellish four-sided hook on terrain level.

    they have talked about this and said the killer is aloud to do this as long as he doesn't do it for more that i think a minute if he does it is game hostage and he will be banned as long as you record/report him