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Speed Bug on Hag (PC)

TheLifeRipper Member Posts: 1
edited April 2020 in Bug Reporting

I was playing a normal game as Hag on Badham Preschool III and while encountering the screen flickers i got stucked in place for like half a second and then my character started to run at like 150% speed (i could catch up pretty well with exhaustion perks) , i don't really know how to reproduce it , I wasn't using any add-ons but it might have something to do with the placement of the traps , they were in grass and around the walls that change shape during different trials . I only encountered the bug once .

Edit : I forgot to mention during the time I had that 150% speed that my screen was flickering like I was teleporting over small distances . Another possible reason for this bug might be Monitor & Abuse which i had during the game .

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  • AyMaGi
    AyMaGi Member Posts: 7

    I was playing spirit today, and after I came out of phasing I also had the screen flickers and I could run a very quick speed. Not exactly sure how fast, but fast enough to hit a survivor and quickly catch up to them. It felt like the same speed as during phasing.

    I started recording the match when it happened and smacked some walls and trees to show the survivors something was wrong.

    There was an archive bug from November 2019 from BigBrother, who reported something similar on spirit, but if this happened to someone else as a hag, it might be a larger bug.