1 Remove Survivor Collision/2 Selectable Prestige


So we've always had those times were we were gonna go through a pallet or a door only for some idiot to run through and basically shove you aside and get you killed. I suggest removing Survivor collisions for eachother.

Instead of forcing us to use bloodied Vanilla clothing. Allow us to select specific clothing to add Prestige to.
So say if I wanted to prestige Nea but I didn't want to have her basic green shirt. Instead her Flannel. Allow me to prestige the Flannel. Because I love wearing that more than the basic clothing.


  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    1. Remove survivor collision so they can all bodyblock the hook at the same time. Lolkay.

    2. They'd need to texture and model (the bloody clothing does actually get a new model from what I can tell, though it's rather small) the bloody clothes for all prestige items. It's been requested countless times but would take a lot of time to make a specific group of people happy.