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Trapper's "Bold Tailgater" outfit gives me issues (bugged textures that cover my whole screen)

Famicx Member Posts: 55
edited April 2020 in Bug Reporting

So, I had this bug a while ago after the deathslinger dlc on his map, but I thought it was a one time thing and my swf buddy didn't had the bug. But just now I had the bug again! On a coldwind farm map. So after the game I was going into the shop to see the name of the trapper outfit to report it here and there it's bugged too!

I play on Medium but changing the quality to low or high didn't do anything. It's unplayable with this outfit because it covers up the whole screen if you're [i]too close to the killer[/i] so if you're getting chased you can't see where you're running half the time but at a certain distance everything is fine.

Here are some Screenshots from the first time it happened(plaing Zarina) and just now(playing Bunny Feng) also from the ingame shop:

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