Suggestion: Remove Deranking in Light of Rank Resets

badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80
edited April 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

From what I’ve read, the purpose of Rank is for attempting to matchmake with players of similar skill level. Bragging rights is a side-benefit. If that’s the case, I do not see a legitimate point in losing pips and deranking. Friends who have various skill levels can still play together since you can queue with friends. 

Also, ranks reset on the 13th of every month. This prevents people from being stuck at the highest ranks for all eternity. 

I’ve also seen arguments about “how else do we ‘punish’ the player for playing poorly,” and to that the obvious answer is already in the game: fewer bloodpoints. 

I see more illicit and game-breaking reasons for deranking. Griefing lesser skilled players being a prime example.

So…. If there isn't a legitimate reason for it, why not remove pip removal and deranking altogether, except for the monthly rank reset?