Unable to open chest on Ironworks of Misery

itsmyghost Member Posts: 214

I was unable to open a chest on Ironworks of Misery. This only occured once, in a public match, and I don't know how to go about testing if it happens again considering the map rng.

I play on Steam and the game version is 3.6.1.

I don't know how one would go about reproducing it. A bit about the match, I guess: playing against a Hillbilly, I had been hooked twice and healed myself about 30 seconds before attempting to open that chest; basement was in the shack. I'll attach the screenshots and, hopefully, it's enough for you to figure out which chest and why it is troublesome. I doubt there's any more info I can offer, but if there is, I'd be glad to try and help out.

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