Q&A | Chapter 15 and Mid-Chapter



  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    Why change so many maps at once? Are you guys going to start focusing on one specific area of the game for each patch from now on or was this a one time deal?

  • memiieko
    memiieko Member Posts: 187

    Any progress on cross progression?

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372
    edited April 2020

    Are you going to improve the animation of breaking walls (and pallets) for killers, making these animations more unique, as well as improve them in terms of "presence effect", i.e. shaking the camera that follows exactly the animation, etc., because the animation of the breakage of the pallets was broken and still not fixed for all killers?????

  • Alify
    Alify Member Posts: 347

    In god places there are new holes in the walls, so why are holes instead of breaking walls? Are you going to add them in the mid-chapter release? next chapter? It would be logical to add breaking walls to these places

  • Gamekeeper
    Gamekeeper Member Posts: 47

    Is deathslingers aim down sights ever gonna get tweaked on console? It's so slow

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    Are u guys planning on revisiting the ''new'' tiles for the main structures in some maps (Coal Tower , Groaning Storehouse , Grim Pantry) so I doesn't give the killer a free hit ?

  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    Do you consider changing the way breackable walls work? Like - alot of people think they shoud be breacking twice longer, but placed differentlyh over maps

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Now that the perk Gearhead has been out for a while, are you considering giving it any buffs/changes/reverting it to PTB state? I really love the concept but its prerequisite (2 basic hits), timer and random trigger (GOOD skillcheck, not just 'skillcheck') leave it rare to highlight a gen, let alone get useful info from.

  • Snoot1Booper
    Snoot1Booper Member Posts: 34

    After god loops are removed can we expect less weak windows, more pallets or a buff to the unsafe pallets? ptb had so many dead zones and it seems horrible for solo q survivor!

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Was there any inspiration for the Deathslingers weapon, it is extremely cool and highly unique and I was wondering if it was inspired or if it was thought of independently?

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367
    edited April 2020

    Will Deep Wounds ever get reworked? It isn't hard to get rid of or scary and it makes Deathslinger weak.

  • MasonOliver123
    MasonOliver123 Member Posts: 255

    Any chance death slinger could get some improvments, he doesn't really have much on huntress at llongner ranges, survivors usually either break out of the chain or you hit a really nice impossible shot, but don't get rewarded because the chain breaks free whereas huntress gets to hit and down the survivor

    Just wondering if deathslinger could get some buffs/ QOL changes like 115%

  • MerGirl2003
    MerGirl2003 Member Posts: 110

    What is the decision making process behind what specific event in a characters life is focused on for their individual stories in the Archives?

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    Will we see any updated physics for cosmetics in the mid-chapter patch?

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Will there be other maps that will get a complete rework like Badham and Lery's or from now on you will only tweak multiple maps in one update, like what happened in this mid chapter patch ?

  • Masusder
    Masusder Member Posts: 39

    A lot of maps got changed, but on none of them we can experience Breakable Walls mechanic. Any plans of bringing this mechanic to the old maps in close future?

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited April 2020

    Is the god loop turned infinite on Ironworks getting fixed?

  • Jackikins
    Jackikins Member Posts: 66

    How will the upcoming changes to certain maps affect how you balance/looks at perks in the future?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    With all the recent changes happening with map sizes, from what people said with them becoming smaller, will the prior killers that had huge map pressure without a build up (Like Hillbillies Chainsaw) see any sort of change to align themselves with the other killers in the roster?

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    Why was Bill's face changed in the new mid chapter PTB?

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Why is it so hard to fix the sound im tired not to ear a dying survivor or when a survivor is injured sometime im not earing him and when i check the perk at the end no one had iron will im trying to understand why other game are bug free or when they do have bug they get fix in the week while in dbd it take month

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    what was the thought process behind deathslingers really quiet TR?

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    Will the other maps be reworked to have more holes for deathslinger shootings like the new map has?

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Hey devs, hope you're all staying safe during these crazy times!

    I have a question for you, something I and a lot of the community seem to have been wondering. So here's my question:

    What was your intent with the survivors add on changes and do you intend to revert it? I know you said something like "Making it more consistent with killer powers", but did you think through that survivors have around 55+ addons and have 5 different items with 4 different rarities each (except keys), mix this with bloodpoint, luck, mist, hook, spawning and map offerings it gets extremely hard to keep up your addon supply and get addons that you like. This is especially hurting newer players.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86

    After playing PTB, I realized new farm maps are smaller, with a very few pallets impossible to combine, and huge dead zones... are these changes intentional? because with my 3500 hours I felt these maps were killing the skilled gameplay for survs but also for killers...

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    With almost every map being unsafe and full of dead zones will you finally remove bloodlust and rework killer sided maps too (shelter Woods, hawkins, lery's)?

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    How long had you guys been planning a killer like Deathslinger?

    And during his creation, was he always intended to be a cowboy or was that more or less thought up later?

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    When creating Tome challenges, does the team ever consider the implications for the player community? For example: the challenge for Dwight to hide near killer a long time could lead fewer gens being completed. Previously, the hatch challenge meant some standoffs between survivors. Is this a concern at all?

  • myersismydaddy
    myersismydaddy Member Posts: 232

    You have added ping to the in-game menu. Why is there still no ping in the lobby so the survivors can see the killer's ping and dodge VPN abusers?

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Any hint for golden toolbox on Dead Dawg Saloon?

    Yup, this most likely will be dismissed, but, still worth to try.

  • Chop
    Chop Member Posts: 32

    Why is ruin regression stopped when killers use thrilling tremors, dead man's switch, etc other blocking gen perks, I understand you don't want slowdown perks to stacks but this only blocks generators doing and not allowing the killer or the survivor interact with it.

  • Jota
    Jota Member Posts: 156
    edited April 2020

    Since you've changed the Global Illumination quality and volumetric fog on PTB, can we expect more graphical improvements in the future? What about having Custom Video Settings ?

  • Charmedndangero
    Charmedndangero Member Posts: 3

    When will we be able to get the new update for xbox?

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    Can we make the rift a little bit less grindier? (Sorry, wasn' t sure of the word!)

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    are the current changes to the maps in the ptb the only changes they are ever going to get or are you going to give them the same treatment that Doc's map got in the future? because there is an obvious quality difference between the old and new maps

    i hope that they all reach the same level of quality as dead dawgs saloon

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Since you changed a lot of maps to make them more fair to both sides, are you considering changing Bloodlust? 😄

  • Speavy
    Speavy Member Posts: 58

    Can we get an Add on rework for Deathslinger? Most of his add ons weak, and his ultra rare's are soo bad they could be in his base kit as it is now.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited April 2020

    With the new map changes in this patch, there seems to be no obvious visual or atmospheric improvements to older maps such as MacMillian, Coldwind, and Autohaven. Are there plans in the future to enhance/overhaul any older maps beyond the layout changes, perhaps visually and audibly, adding some more interesting parts in the map like the moving monitors in Lery's and the detailed Saloon in Glendale, along with more sophisticated lighting and texture quality?

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    What controller improvements do you have planned if any, beyond sensitivity?

  • FilthyQuentin
    FilthyQuentin Member Posts: 82

    It's nice seeing that you are buffing perks like Prove thy-self and Stake out but will these perks that you mentioned in the last q&a (Technician, This is not happening, Small game, Cruel limits, Any means necessary, Slippery meat And Vigil) get any buff/rework anytime soon?

    (If so can we see a leak? :^))

  • TSaunders
    TSaunders Member Posts: 19

    When can we expect a road map for Year 5?

  • Squashluben
    Squashluben Member Posts: 3

    What made the team decide to make the Legions and Huntress a big focus in the new Tome

This discussion has been closed.