Way To Go Killers

Bunnie Member Posts: 164

After this next update you've successfully ruined the game. Seriously if you're a killer who's whining about ANYTHING right now its cause you're a sweaty try hard who feels like your feeble attempts at a 4K should be rewarded. Good luck trying to get any challenging games after the update. Views have gone down on twitch. DBD main streamers are changing to other games. Like you can hit me around the tree what more could you want? 99% of you slug the last two to prevent hatch. I'm just confused. Honestly.



  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    You are exaggeration here a bit. This might be a big buff for killers which is obviously an overkill and devs will notice that probably very soon, but its not the end of the world for survivors.

    The infinite nerf is actually good for the game, even tho some changes are not pleasing and they have to tweak those before they go live.

    One the plus side for survivors:

    It seems to be that they more or less fixed the "suck back" at windows. This sounds like not a lot, but half of my deaths were because of that.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I play both and I'm excited for the changes. Don't know why people can't be a little bit excited for change. Right now I think the game is pretty survivor friendly. If this balances it out why is that a bad thing? People are entitled to have opinions rather then make posts about how the game is unplayable because of a patch.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Apparently someone assumes too much? I didn't mention a single thing about godloops and neither did you, all you did was mock around people who were disappointed with where the game is going, so instead of acting all smarty pants, read better and notice that for writing non-productive and silly comments, you might aswell not even write.

    And you tell me how the recent issue with deadzones is going to help balance the game, cause soon enough killers will only be facing mobile bots, and when they grow bored, nobody will care for it.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    If you're going to try and be a smart with the whole calm down then we can have a discussion probably dont add your opinion first then tell me what i need to do to have a discussion. Youve already joined the discussion by posting anything. Lol but that was really cute the whole "i know your demeanor through your computer bit". Played out. Tired. Unoriginal. Try harder next time though and then I might care if you do or dont join this discussion. As you can see ill be having one with or without you. 😂

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Youre right. Maybe i misread something. How exactly does this balance the game out? Every single match i play in its a slug at the end. Too many gens done? Let me slug and tunnel. Its an easy takeover for a killer especially if the survivors practice altruism which is how we gain points. So either we try and save each other for some bps or were all dead and weve still gained no bps cause were all being thrown in a pile in the dying state. Even though thats not even the objective of the game lmao.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    thanks for the proof. people always say that to try and make you feel some type of way as if you dont know anything. Meanwhile im usually in purple rank now. i wont go to red. i heard thats hell on a stick and it is when i play swf.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    I've been in red many times, I hated every second of it, you might aswell stay purple/green ranks for some decent games if you even have that kind of luck.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    What you are having is an argument, what I would like to have with you is a discussion. In order to do that, you need to know my opinion and I need to know yours. I feel like the game is in a good spot, the only thing I'd like to see changed is QoL stuff.

    If you just want to be angry and rant, go for it.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Also ive survived plenty of times. The game isnt balanced. If it is please explain how so? Anyone with eyes can see witht he new update it is not. The games are getting worse. There a good chance youll have a ######### day and you might get some good matches. And by ######### day i dont mean losing i mean games that are enjoyable. Everybody know what that word means? When did this just become about win or lose? Lil baby ragers whining cause they dont get a 4k every match or cause someone looped them? AKA it made me mad i couldnt get that survivor change something so i can next time. But we need skill? Lol. This update isnt for us. Its for you. So lets rethink that next time you want to put this bs us on survivors.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Imagine survivors needing skill to actually win. Instead of just vaulting a window to gain a lot of distance for no reason other than map RNG...

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I can't really answer that for you. Obviously something is going wrong? Are you not high ranked. I'm a solo player that used to play a lot more killer then survivor. I feel like out of every 10 matches or so... 5 games will have 3-4 survivors escape. 3 games will be a 4k. And then there will be a couple of games where 1 or 2 manage to escape.

    I've switched to survivor because for the first time I find killer too much of a challenge and you have to try way to hard just to get a couple of kills. But survivor I don't even know what I'm doing. And I escape all the time? So I would think balancing that out would be good?

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Yet here you are again. Engaged in a conversation/discussion/argument on MY post. Lol. If you want someone to care go make your own post sweety. It takes two to argue. I dont feel like im arguing with you so if you feel youre in an argument thats something you need to take up with thyself. Last but not least i dont need to know your opinion. I dont care to. I mean look at your comments. On a thread about DBD youre trying to tell me how i should discuss things cause im arguing and you dont argue but here you are lol. You look silly. So let me show you how its done when youre a mature adutl and honestly dont care about an opinion vs just wanting to come off as whatever it is youre trying to do. So until you post something useful youve been dismissed. Enjoy your week. 😀

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    yea. i played with my friend hes red rank and hes omg hes cool but when it comes to dbd hes such an arrogant lil prick honestly. sometimes itll match me up with ppl in his skill range and omg its even worse than just me playing solo. im sticking to my purple rank and even green. my friend who streams dbd but has stopped and done other games subbed someone to his channel every time they got me caught by the killer so i dropped to 9. i was even mad tho cause i had so much fun going back and forth with the survivors and killers with the banter. the killers were legit confused and i was trying to outrun everyone it was so much fun. like its so hard to enjoy games which is what sucks. like if you look at these comments. no one says anything about the enjoyment of the game. its about loops and pallets and dumb ######### like ugh. its frustrating cause i used to have a blast sitting on my ass on the weekend playing dbd whether solo or swf. before swf became an issue

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Alright, why is this game Killer-sided?

    So far as I see, it seems balanced to me.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Uh oh! You don’t have your infinite window loops, L and T wall set ups next to god pallets and the maps have been adjusted so you can’t do your broken loops where Killers can only hit you at Bloodlust 3?! Oh you poor thing.... I hope you recover from your trauma...

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    please note that the main topic of this entire discussion is the removal of god loops

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    I play on my laptop keyboard and mouse. And if im being honest i dont even play on my mouse because i loathe the feel of my gming mouse. Im on my touchpad bro lmao. So if youve ever complained about not getting me its because you were trash. i cant loop on a touchpad. All you have to do is walk at me and youll catch up. And design flaws? ######### does that even mean. I didnt build the map. i didnt know there were designated areas killers called design flaws. are all areas of the map supposed to make it easy for you? my bad. i thought this game was balanced. And were already struggling. You guys love to act like you dont go around slugging the whole team as soon as we have two gens left. The game play then becomes toxic asf and you guys do the most to achieve youre 4k. At any point in time in the game the killer can take over a match especially if were practicing altruism. Ill let them ppl bleed out and escape. And then when i didnt fall trap to your lil bait and slug you all get pissy and toxic in chat cause i didnt walk over and let you kill me.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    Same in all fairness both sides whine to get the other side nerfed.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    fun is entirely subjective.

    just because you find it fun to loop the killer on a godloop until the window is blocked or they gave up doesnt mean everyone finds that fun - certainly not the killer.

    if you wanna beat me, do so by outsmarting me / outskilling me, not by running around an utterly broken loop i cant do anything about at all.

    cause i too want to have a fun experience in this game and i dont find it enjoyable to run the same circle 3 times with anyone i find.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    I dont even know what a beta key is man. And i watch them to play with them cause i enjoy people who enjoy the game. I just want to play the game and ENJOY it. Once i start talking bout infinite loops and design flaws lol take the game away from me. Also again how is the game unbalanced? Im still confused. I saw something about a map flaws and infinite loops. And no problem man. I love making people laugh. But lets not make light of the quarantine cool? People are dying. Get it together.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    then maybe your opinion is based around the skill level of players you meet in such ranks?

    not trying to be mean or anything, but i can beat purple ranks quite easily most of the time. but have you seen a really good rank 1 survivor running a jungle gym? have you seen how devestating it is to have the jungle gym window lead to a T L wall? THATS what we should be balancing the game around - and thats what this update is ment to fight. use loops efficiently and you wont have a problem.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Im in 9 green. i escaped my last match idk how cause that gunslinger was on my got damn ass tunneling me. i was going to go back for the other chick but when i left the doors she stopped struggling. i went to ask why and she was like he was camping. i havent played in weeks. just played today. same ole same ole. and man idk what games youre playing but 3-4 escaping is lucky for me. its no even about that for me. i dont mind dying but its like so rare to just enjoy the game. the killers are booping the snoop or whatever that dumbass thing they did was. that weird crouch walk ghostface did. little things like that. its just rush in kill kill kill slug slug camp camp tunnel tunnel gotta get my 4k gotta get it. Only games sually i get 3 to 4 escape is when theres bad trappers setting traps the entire game or someone who is trying out a killer for the first times, like if i could show you my games youd be like wow. like i get some try hard sweet killers constantly. and if you dont die trying to save the bait they get all mad cause you didnt sacrifice urself to help.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    Just to put it out there I play both Survivor and Killer pretty much even. Why buy a game only to play half of it? What you just said about you being easy to catch seems like a personal problem. Anybody running an infinite loop there is no way a killer can just walk up to them and down them. As for design flaws I would assume loops that can only be countered by the killer dropping the chase is a clear design flaw. Unless the devs intended to add uncounterable loops to the game and if they were intended why would they remove them now?

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    More balanced? The game is already completely imbalanced with the fact that 90% of your hits, shouldn't be hitting to begin with. You talk about survivors not having skill; but how can we when we vault a window walk 10 feet and still somehow get hit? How can we when hatches hit us behind a wall? Leatherface and Billy chainsaws go through walls, rocks and windows? Infinites and pallets are literally our only way to survive at this point.. and yet you guys still need a reason to nerf us more.

    The game is completely unbearable with the amount of issues it has... but have fun enjoying your 4k in under 5 minutes every match.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    And ty for your honesy. Idk if that was your post i saw before i posted mine where the killer was saing the game is getting too easy but thats a lot of what im hearing. Even some killers are complaining. Like its honestly so easy for a killer to just start taking over the game with slugging. People like to say its to get you off gens and yea it is sometimes but when i see its usually used to end the game cause gens are getting done. I was in a match just now with a huntress. Had 3 people slugged and one dead. I went to save the player i thought was doing best and she hit me which i was anticipating. Silly me thought shed hook me but nope she went right after that player and knocked him back down and ofc she waited because he might have DS. Like omg i just want a good game. idc if i escape or not its just so garbage now. im trying my best to like find the fun and i cant. Every since they nerfed ruin the killers have been on some sort of strike i dont know. And people are laughing cause i said streamers arent playing anymore. These are die hard DBD fans gotta hit all the conferences and DBD events type streamers. Their whole channels are based off this game. This is how they make their money. Through every update they find the positive are just quitting. I didnt know about DBD till i saw them playing. They got me into the game. Solos are terrible now but not one of my friends wants to play anymore.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    So you're playing on a laptop and using the trackpad for a mouse and want the game to be more survivor sided cause killers are too mean? Mind blown. You win the internet today.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    I dont use infinite window loops. Idk what you mean by L & T wall set ups and god pallets lmao so youve lost me. Even if i did im not sure i will recover from my trauma. i didnt ######### and whine to the devs for them to take all that out cause a lil itty bitty survivor that i can walk 4x faster than outsmarted me. And dont the windows close if you use them too much so how tf are they infinite?

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Stop blaming ruin... Look at the numbers.. RUIN only lasted 30 seconds to 2 minutes max for a majority of games and not everyone ran ruin.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    At any point in the game a killer can start to end it with slugging. If I get on my killer character right now and waited till they got 3 gens done i bet i could 4k them right after if i slug and set traps everywhere or scribbles if anyone gets near em. Camp tunnel them to death. It doesnt take much for you guys to get 4k once you start being toxic. Which is like every game now. Im on a touchpad man and killers still ######### and moan when i get way from them at the end of the game. Its terrible. Im not going to be the one struggling for games though.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Are you being for real? I can't tell with all the fake posts being made.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2020

    Next the killers will whine that the horse on the Chapel map makes too much noise and it helps survivors find the hatch. Nerf!

    Someone mentioned that the devs helped survivors by nerfing Hex Ruin, I'm guessing that they forgot about the Toolbox nerf when they mentioned that.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    What rank are you? Just judging from how you've responded to me, I'd say Green Ranks.

    The Killer will de-pip if they slug all 4 Survivors, meaning that you won't have to play with them because they will de-rank. At higher ranks, Survivors will be able to pick themselves up with Unbreakable or will be able to communicate to get picked up before the Killer can catch another Survivor.

    At higher ranks, most Survivors who deserve to be in that rank can run a Killer for 45 seconds at the very minimum. Factoring in search time and the time it will take to hook and find another Survivor, that's easily two gens being done in the time it takes to hook one Survivor.

    Another disparity is that a lot of Killers at Red Ranks are very good, because it is generally more difficult to pip with Killer than with Survivor. So, when a lot of Survivors get carried to Red Ranks by SWF or by Rank Reset not resetting them far enough, they get stomped by Killer's that are way above their skill level.

  • HypnoEmpire
    HypnoEmpire Member Posts: 29

    So let me get this straight, you openly admitted to playing on a touchpad, not being able to loop, and being a green rank survivor. Yet you somehow have the audacity to complain about balance changes? I'm sorry the devs aren't catering to green ranks playing on touchpads LMAO. That's a yikes from me, chief.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    Smh. That makes it even worse. Ranks 1 have worked their asses off to get to rank 1. Now youre mad cause they easily outrun you like you easy kill purple ranks? So now we all have to suffer cause rank 1s are handing yall yall asses? What that got to do with me? We could say the same exact stupid thing yall been saying to us for years. Get good. Why exactly do you feel you should of caught that survivor? You didnt catch him so what makes you think you gonna catch him after this update. Youre not. Theyll find other ways to outrun you. Yall gonna complain get mad every time? good grief. Nerfed ruin yall got mad. which was understandable. nerf progression period. took away how long our toolboxes and what not last. like damn. yall can follow our blood when were injured. you can shoot us now! the hitboxes are off on all of yall idc what anybody says. i could close my eyes as huntress throw a hatchet and hit somebody lol. like yall have everything. now yall want to make the maps smaller which probably means exits will keep popping up next to each other so you can stand there between them after youve slugged so you can close the hatch. you have noed. bloodwarden. what else? i mean jesus.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah, THAT, my friend, would be your bad connection to the nearest server.

    that has nothing to do with the games balance.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    First off I dont even use loops. Didnt even mention loops in my original comment. Wasnt even talking about loops. So...Also your whole comment is such a contradiction. This update isnt for me its for killers lol. So telling me to git gud when you have a whole update thats based off of your incessant whining because you suck doesnt really make sense. Get good? Lol. so not only do you sound stupid you now look stupid. Way to go.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    as a red rank survivor myself: not really. you just gotta play the game and you'll get to that rank eventually, its not that hard to accomplish.

    also, bold of you to assume that i "complained about everything until i get easy wins every game". rank 1s arent handing me my ass - and the few who are good enough to do so i acknowledge and try to overcome that challenge. if someone dies in my game when i clearly didnt deserve that kill (e.g. bad team mates not rescuing them), i too feel bad for them and tell them so.

    but if there is one thing i HATE, its getting beaten by players far below my skill level, just because they abused broken game mechanics. keys, genrush and god loops were the main things, one of which has now, finally, been tackled directly by the devs. if you wanna beat me in a chase, do it by actually being better than me and i wont be complaining - yeah ill be frustrated at that moment, but in the end i wont sit here and complain about some stupid stuff like T L walls.

    making maps smaller is another thing that is needed - or is it fair you get a gen from 0% to 100% before i could even get there? nope. thats just as mindless as godloops.

    oh and funny you should mention that: i was one of the people here on the forums actually defending the ruin update. did it have a poor timing? yes it did. but as ive said back then, there will be future updates that help us killers to make up for that loss - and here we are. these two updates should probaply have been one, ngl.

    also, huntress hitboxes are a nexessary evil. you wouldnt like what you'd have to sacrifice in order for them to match the playmodel, believe me.

    in the end, if we have "everything" and killer is so "easy" to play, why dont you go and play some rank 1 killer yourself?

    killer is by far the most stressfull thing you can do in this game. a single lost chase can cost you the entire game, yet we have it "super easy" lol

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285


    Not only have you managed to make yourself into a xenophobe with your statement about Quebec, you couldnt be more wrong.

    You see, DBD is going through an evolution. Its science, really. The strong and the willing will survive. And the weak......will not. Which category do you fall under?

    Any skilled survivor shouldnt be bothered at all. And new survivors? Theyll see DBD in the best state that its been in years.

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    i didnt say it was easy to be rank 1 i said it was easy to get kills. ofc the higher the rank the harder itll be. thats just common sense. im sure its hard for the survivor too. wheres their update? this update is literally a reply to yall whining because survivors found a way to survive. I dont get it. And if if you were chasing the survivor too long hows that anyones fault but your own. Thats my point. You guys are being all try hard sweaty then you feel stupid when two gens are popped because youve wasted your time chasing this survivor who isnt doing anything but surviving. But then you also feel stupid for stopping the chase cause then youve admitted youve been beaten and thats just too much for you guys apparently. Sorry im not letting you easily hook me. Christ.

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90

    'you've taken the skill out of the game"

    *remembers how every survivor would just loop god loop*

    yeah sure

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    My bad connection? Sure thing buddy... I guess everyone in NA has the same bad connection I do then. These have literally been issues ever since the dead-icated servers were implemented and I'm far from the only one that has these issues. Plus were ignoring the fact that a lot of players are using VPN's just so they can connect to the US servers for faster queue times.