Mori, Keys and N.O.E.D

Mori, Keys and N.O.E.D all need removing from the game or reworking.

Mori of the first hook is completely unfair to play against and super unfun. Suggestion would be to make it only able to Mori when survivor is on the death hook.

keys are super unfun to play against, Honestly just remove them.

and N.O.E.D rewards bad players. Only fix I can think of it to reveal location or H.E.X totem to obsession if obsession is dead N.O.E.D will not activate.


  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Just go and do totems if you don't like NOED

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    It's either a hex or an obsession perk you can't have both.

    You're literally asking for its mechanics to be tied to Totems and The Obsession mechanic

    Meaning if it still follows its old dull totem rule and a dull totem is present but the obsession is dead you don't get your perk


    Your obsession can be alive but you're not going to get your perk because there's no dull left.

    Unless you're going to give it a massive power hike for being that conditional that is a major no

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Using a mori on death hook is stupid unless you are already winning if not its a waste of time and bp becayse its faster to hook someone who is on death then moring him

    Key is fine the only time i hate it its when survivor find them in a chest but against key killer got franklin and mori

    Noed is the new ruin if you dont like it do totem and i think you need to see noed like a second chance perk but for killer its on the same level as desicive strike, borrow time and adrenaline all those perk are second chance perk amd reward failure if you want to see it like that exept adrenaline it reward failure and succes at the same time because you get heal when gen are done but if you are hook you get heal too so that where the failure is

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Only thing that needs taking out of the game is keys

    Keys - Should only be allowed to be used by solo players and not survive with friends groups.

    Mori - Stops people gen rushing and forces survivors to play stealthy and less toxic towards the killer.

    NOED - Well, if survivors want to gen rush and ignore totems, they get bit later on. It's their own fault for gen rushing.

    Noed isn't for bad players. It's only bad because survivors gen rush as soon as they're in the match. They're right there repairing a generator. It's not the killers fault survivors gen rush.

  • De4dlyFeet
    De4dlyFeet Member Posts: 11

    I’m a rank 1 survivor who does not gen rush, i like to get the most out of points, the problem with mori is that killers always kill off first hook that happens in every single game I see a mori in, it is frustrating to be chased and tunnelled by a killer just so he can mori you off first hook because you stunned him a couple of time’s.

    Noed does reward bad players because if some Bot survivor which many are because of the messed up Match making, open the exit gates that doesn’t give you time to search for the totem and cleanse it unless you have small game! I don’t play swf so it’s difficult to search totems and get rid of them!

    mad for keys there okay in solo but swf there broken so a easy fix is to make it so only one person can escape with a single key.

  • BloodMistHunter
    BloodMistHunter Member Posts: 16

    NOED is a perk because the situation is called for. I personally do not like the perk, and I dont run it because I would rather have Gens left before game ends.

    Heres the thing, even with that mind set I cannot handle a SWF group that knows what they are doing, and I doubt many people can. Survivors are going to find a way to get Gens done and you can't stop it. So bringing NOED is a Viable option, and it is not a reward for bad gameplay. It is strong counterplay to the survivor tilted gameplay, in my opinion.

    As for Mori and Keys, I say a Mori is almost Necessary for SWF if you actually want a good game as Killer. I dont mind being Moried, its just something the killer can do for an advantage. Keys on the other hand, I agree they should only be for that person.

  • De4dlyFeet
    De4dlyFeet Member Posts: 11

    Noed is extremely controversial because some agree with it and some hate it, I don’t use it as killer because it’s cheap and easy to get kills unless they find the totem which if there not swf is rather difficult to do, I just don’t think noed it should be even more high risk then it is now to run, as I mainly solo queue when I play survivor finding noed after a meg opened the gate and just left whilst someone is down is super frustrating as I feel bad leaving a player behind.

    Mori is not healthy in its current state 90% of killers mori off of first hook and that’s just cheap I don’t use my own mori because I can’t stand going against it myself, I’d be kind of okay with it if you could only mori when the survivor is on the death hook stage, there’s devour hope out there which you can mori with which rewards good killers and punished survivors for not getting rid of a lit totem.

    Keys are super frustrating to deal with in swf for sure I don’t like going against them what so ever and I don’t think I ever use them as survivor unless I find one and I’m the last guy left after the killer shuts the hatch.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    mori and noed is fine. keys need to be nerfed a bit imo

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    oh so if you have a problem with noed cleanse totems? then if that's the case if you have a problem with gen rushing, patrol the gens faster, toolboxes are useless now and people keep

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Keys - either need to take time when opening the hatch instead of being instant OR let only one survivor through.

    Ebony Mori - either useable after 2nd hook OR once all survivors have been hooked once

    Noed is fine the way it is imo. It really isn't hard to cleanse totems.

  • De4dlyFeet
    De4dlyFeet Member Posts: 11

    I agree with most of what you said to be fair, maybe I just hate noed because of the lack of skill it takes to use the perk and how cheap it feels to kill with noed and to be killed with noed.

  • stasisguy
    stasisguy Member Posts: 13

    the problem with mori is more of a problem with tunneling off hook or facecamping rather than mori itself if they fix that then mori is way less powerful

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Yeah, no. Unless there is a plan to fix the killer-sided hatch changes, keys should stay exactly as they are.

    Also fine with NOED.

    Mori sucks dicks.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    Just make moris require a different survivor to be hooked before the first survivor hooked can be mori'd. So if you hook survivor A, you gotta hook survivor B, C or D before you can mori A after they get unhooked. Not as "restrictive" as requiring everyone to be hooked or death hook, but directly attacks mori tunneling as the killer at least has to interact with another survivor first.

    Keys I'm not too sure, the hatch-opening will remain as there's achievements related to them. Switch skeleton key and dull key roles, but dull key can't open the hatch and instead has a lot of "charges" for the aura addons. Opening the hatch isn't instant so it can't be used mid-chase or anything.

    Don't see how NOED is related to the two above to be honest. Just add a global sound when a dull totem is broken, still have to pay some attention unlike an on-screen totem counter but makes it easier to avoid the annoying "I broke 4 dulls and don't know if the last one is just really hidden or broken!" situation.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    NOED - If a team gen rushed and ignores the totems then it's their own fault.

    Keys - should be removed because survive with friends are all escaping at once and was not intended for all players to win.

    Mori - Nothing wrong with them. Rarely see them in game. When someone uses a mori, it stop survivors gen rushing, it stop them unhooking in front of the killer, It stops t-bagging a lot, it forces players to play more cautiously instead of running to gens as soon as they're in the match.

  • De4dlyFeet
    De4dlyFeet Member Posts: 11

    I’m fine with noed for the most part however you can miss a single totem and it’s activated, and in solo queue there’s always that one teammate that starts end game collapse so you have very little time to find the hex totem to save team mates, Which sucks.

    keys are broken atm for sure, they should only allow one survivor through or only stay open for 5 seconds after it’s been opened.

    And to say mori is okay it’s stupid, sorry but tunnelling off the hook to mori off first hook is it healthy and ok for the game what so ever, anyone who thinks it is, is the problem atm, also I’ve had nothing but mori games for the past three weeks.