Leatherfaces chainsaww and plauges vomit should apply deep wound

Honestly though whycan the paluge down you witht the red vomit it should apply deep wounds and if leatherfaces chainsaw hits another survivor in the same tantrum that should also apply deep wounds
...what? No. They're already weak killers what the hell lol.
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Legion’s Deep Wound should apply additional Deep Wound.
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What is it with all these new account holy hell.
Anyway, Bubba is very weak and Plauge only gets 1 pool, she can be stunned out of it as well. Both these killers do not need nerfs.
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So you want plague to have no secondary power and leatherface to have permanent meme addon. Why?
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Hi, I agree that the chainsaw applies the deep wound effect before falling to the ground. I've always found the range of action exaggerated with the Leather Face chainsaw that can hit up to 4 survivors simultaneously when locked in an area, thus ending the game in an instant. (It happened to me in the pig map, made up of multiple rooms, even closed ones).
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Why not just ask the killer to run speed limiter for you? It basically give you a chance to escape a 1 hit down.
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I agree, they're too strong. Paluga can hit you from across the map! Let's not forget huntress and deathsilnger also need nerfs. Huntress is just too op. Her hatchets go through walls and her abilities let her know whenever you go into the basement which is so unfair! Deathslniger is just too strong. Why does he give the deep wound status effect when you break out? You should not bei njured at all when you break out of his chain. You should not be injured when hit, either, it's just there to get the survivor close enough to you!
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Because they are too OP. Why should a killer have a secondary power? OP perks are already their secondary power.
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Bubba can down a whole squad, though! His ability should only destroy gens and pallets, and at MAX give deep wound. Plus, the plague is too strong. Red vomit shoulodn't harm you...
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No they're not, you just need to git gud.
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Sounds like you're the one that needs to "git gud" if you think LF and Plague are op
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No, they are tho. Everybody complains about them!
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Seriously hope you're just trolling. If you're serious there's no hope for you
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Exact6ly!!!!! @Dccrasher hes judtt ost strong
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Why would you think I am? They are too strong! Why can they injure you with their abilities! GF, while still being so OP needs to hit you first in a chase, they don't!
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Thank you @survivalofdbd
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OO And, I forgot to say, we need to nerf Legion's running so it isn't the speed of a sprint-bursting survivor. He should be slower while in that OP state since he's running with a hunch. Nobody can run with a hunch like that!
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Holy hell it’s so obvious that @Dccrasher is literally an alt you just made. This is by far the funniest thing i’ve seen on the forums in awhile 🤣
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??? No, I'm an actual person. Check out my youtube channel Dccrasher Games! and you'll know that I'm real and I put too much effort into my videos to be called an alt!
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I think you're an alt!!
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Okay, I'm gonna spell it out for you. Plague is designed as a 'set them up, knock them down' character. Vile Purge sets them up, Corrupt Purge knocks them down. When survivors found out they could simply not cleanse and remove the whole 'knock them down' aspect, she became so weak they gave her a free fountain. And yeah, nowadays a good plague will wipe the ######### floor with you assuming no server mishaps, because she's a snowball killer. It is, however, extremely difficult to BE a good plague, and on top of that she cannot snowball if people just aren't there to get the ball of snow rolling. And, on top of ALL THAT, she's still not as strong as nurse, spirit, billy, huntress, all them ones. She's strong, but still outplayable even in Omega Huntress mode. And, given that outside of her Corrupt Purge she's a basic, super-visible, no-advantage, easily heard, easily looped m1 ######### she absolutely needs a fountain or two.
Leatherface is just straight up weak. If you are getting caught in the same chainsaw as someone else, either the killers an arsehole facecamper or you royally screwed up. And honestly, if you are going for a save against a facecamping Leatherface you screwed up anyway. On top of that, Leatherface isn't that strong in a chase, the only thing he has going for him is Nemesis/PWYF. That combo makes him borderline too strong for the sheer lack of skill you need to play it, but that's entirely different to nerfing his already ######### power.
And there is no killer perk at all that acts like a secondary power. None. In fact, there's only 1 problematic perk in the killer end of the spectrum, and even that's just because it's completely unearned. It still doesn't act like a secondary power, either.
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Nono, making it so survivors are 1 shot downed anyways with plague is too Op in it's own right, so they should just keep that the same, then give her red a deep wound status. All killers are too strong and they can easily go around each and every gen before 1 even hits half! I know because I'm rank 1 survivor.
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oh snap we’re in the twilight zone now 😳
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Ok I'll say it for you all ..
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Nope I needs more of this in my life...
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but their speed was already nerfed.. all legion needs is a heavy buff. i really miss the old add ons and i generally just miss old legion :(
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nice 👍️
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Why lie sir/madam I saw legion running with a hunch so there's 1 xD
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lol this is how my friend be when i get downed through a pallet and complain about hitboxes for 1 minute straight
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Lol if they really do that, they'll drop below legion tier as legion is better in any way.
So.. no. This is not a good idea.
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welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay
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Lmao this is me when that ######### happens
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Why do you think they are OP? They have clear counters.
Bubba: hug walls and corners. Vault windows if you can. He'll never be able to use his chainsaw.
Plague: Stealth and being aware of when she has her Corrupt vomit and using large geometry. She is also weak to pallets and must respect them when with Corrupt.
One has a braindead counter, the other requires you to actually be mindful of how you chase. You can loop Plague normally when she doesnt have Corrupt active... It's not that hard.
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T3 Myers should tickle the survivor's pickle.
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You should at least start with Freddy or Billy before you can move on to those 2...😂
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Awful bait 0/10
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What do you mean? Only real OG's take a chainsaw to the nutsack, shrug it off, and continue holding M1.
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I agree... but specifically and only for the speed limiter addon because why not 😄
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Underrated comment
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This is pretty sad
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I was about to say that xD
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That's only really if the squad lets him. I can't imagine any good reason a full four survivor squad would be in one place long enough for Leatherface to get them all in one chainsaw, as that first sentence suggests to me.
Two happens often enough, and I'm fine with that as a way to set him apart from hillbilly, but just because he can take down a whole squad doesn't mean he's likely to.
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Ah yes, the new Legion exclusive status effect:
Deeper Wound.
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But why?
There's no "why" here, only a "should".
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This thread... 🤣
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Dang that sounds weak i personally think legions deeper wound should apply even more deep wound